<br />r-
<br />
<br />
<br />7. "'ondemlWion. In the event the Property, or any part thereof, shall be taken by eminent domain. the Mortga,,-
<br />isempoweredltoeofi@iCtandreceive aU compensa,tion which may be paid for any property taken or for damages to property
<br />n(~ taken, and Mortpgee shaH apply :such compensation, at its option, either to a reduction of the indebt.edness secured
<br />he'reby.~to repm and restore the property so d~
<br />
<br />8. Performance by Mortpgee. l\.1ortgagee may, but shan have no obligation. to do any act which the Mortgl1j!or
<br />>>.as ~ but fails to do,:and Mortgagee mllY also dollny act it deems necessary to protect the lien hereof. Mortgagor
<br />. .50 ~ded by the Mortgagee for the above purposes, and llny sums so expended
<br />indebtedfl<!ss secured hereby and become subject to the lien hereof. Mortgagee
<br />t meurany personal liability ~ea_ 'Of anything it may do or omit to do hel"eunder.
<br />
<br />o.{ theeSSE!niOO hlilreof, and upon Mortgagor's default in any covenant
<br />pay wluln du,e the sUl11$ reeured by this Mortgage, the Mortgagee shall
<br />y d~e and
<br />pl'OiCeedings; and, provided further, that upon such
<br />option and without n>gard to the adequacy. of the
<br />. rents, i~ and profits therefrOlll and apply them
<br />I>'mperty and then upon, the indebtedness secured by this Mortgagee;
<br />Mortpget'! all further for the pll)'1llent of the. il'1debt!ldness
<br />
<br />'10, Tr3Mfel' ,[)fPrO~f,
<br />rel1t or: the Mj)rtga~, Mortpgl.\e
<br />and ~iibte.
<br />
<br />U. FlIl:uR "'idY~. N~uest of M(jrt~~ mllY make additioaaland futureadV:llDetl'$ to
<br />Mortpgo~. &Icl'i ad~nDll$, w'ittl in~llI!lt tl:lllftlOO, snail be by' this Mortgagl'l when ll'l'fdenred by promlll$Ol'Y notes
<br />m..t:lng tlult said tlOOl'.s ~ ~urer.l hlm1hy. At ru) time t:tffl principal amount of the Indebtedness $OOured by"thll>
<br />Mottpp, not iMtudrl'lg SUl11$ ad\'liIllet!~ to vroteet tb.: re,~urity of this Mol't~, e"~ t.1l11 original NO<<l.
<br />
<br />thl' Property Is >I01;;! or tl'alldenedwitllout the expTess written' eOn" . .
<br />(lptiQll, OOelarn ailllCtU'IL'l ,!recured by thilJ Mortgagl' 1'0 be Immedill<<lly dUe.
<br />
<br />
<br />12. M~M$frovilJloM.
<br />
<br />11IJ An" tQrebl1l1ltlln~ in l!x\~re~nit lluyright ~)f l"\!medy l;hllUnot 00 Ii wai"er thenrof.
<br />
<br />(hI AU remedil!5 Vl'Ovidll'd. hf!l'l!Ul Ill:\\' distinct am:! 'CumwlI.tivl! to .any otber rigbt lll'forded by law or equity,
<br />md may be l'\'~l'ti~ 'G~currentl)!. independtmtlyor BuecewYely.
<br />
<br />(el l'li~' CQlIenIU'\t.!l alld lllrl!"l!lM!'lt~ <:ollt:ainil!d hen,'111 ~hall bind. and j,ll!! dghtsinure to. tbe tllSpllctlve
<br />!l\l<:'1r.lIlllion IImi wigns of the Mul'tgqor Ilnd the Mol'tl/ll~,.,
<br />
<br />to) Allc(l~mm\;S!lmlll~.l'lIl!nt~ l)f the MQrt~r an' joint .lInd oovl!!ral.
<br />
<br />fel ':rtl~'.hell!din~ of till! p:illa~.pb~ of tl:lL1 Mllrl.:fi.lIlIl! ilIre !ot(,'Onumlenl.ll! oniy llnd shall .not be used to inwr.
<br />prol! Qr ~!lnll theprovtlii{lll/ll'\liI.!'1tt>C
<br />
<br />IS. RielnR. Vt100 paymel'lt (.( 1I11 SUJJIJl ,'ill,'ulf~"l h~' HUli
<br />$/UlIlexecuw linG dl>!i'~l!r l'l $lltllilil<:,tory l'I,I(>~ tlll~rerof,
<br />
<br />MmtPIl.lt' stulll .Uscbargl! this Mortga~ and
<br />
<br />IN 1/IIJ11'Ni:.'SS WUEltEOf, M.~)n_lIm hOOI!X\M:Ul.Oi'll thL~t
<br />
<br />84'.>ft<llwcr
<br />
<br />~ of N_rub,
<br />
<br />$S'
<br />
<br />
<br />a Notal'y Public
<br />
<br />ami!
<br />
<br />to t1l\'! fm~IAui
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