<br />
<br />
<br />83~ooa338
<br />
<br />
<br />THIS MORTGAGE is made this, ,..... .24th.". day of ',., .Jwoe,
<br />19..$3. , betWieen thEI Mortgagor, . RICHARD . COll/I.N .AfllEt LINDA M.., .COl \1m,. .HUSBAND . AND
<br />WIft. (herein "Borrower"), and the Mortgagee. Home Federal
<br />Sai\vinga and :Loan Assodation, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of The United States of
<br />A~a, vltboseadd:ress is 221 South Locust Street, Grand Island, Nehraska {herein "Lender"}.
<br />
<br />WHElitP.AS, Bormwer i.~ indebted 10 Lender in
<br />
<br />. ~ ,,oot:.1QO.,, ...P"P.l""".....~"'l"t"f,...".,...~-."""..-.""i""'f ""'.T ~,...,~~-,""\""i:.....""t1"' ""
<br />daled. . , .JuRe, 24... 19133. ., ..> .. (herein
<br />With the balance of the indebtednes1i, if 1m! S(l(mer
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />~um of. :nmnv. THOUSANQ, DOLLARS .AND, , . .
<br />whkh indehtedness is eviden<:ed by Borrower's note
<br />for ll10mhtv installments of erindpal and interest,
<br />dlk} and payable 01; ,0,\,I1y. l.. .2QQJ. . . . .. .........
<br />
<br />To SIlClllU 10 Lender (a) the rep,lymt:fIl (11th.' mdebt(~dne!\> ,'videm:.:d the Nott" with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of' aU olher sums,. ",'!!h HltereSI thereon, advllnc,:d in accordance h,:rcwilh to protect the security of this
<br />MOft,l!age. and the performam::;~ of the COWl111l1ls lint! ilgrccmenh ,)1 BOfrown herein cOl1lained, aod (hi the repayment
<br />of llllY future lldval1c'~$. ""ith inlerest lht'r('rm. mad,' In Borrnwl::r bv Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hert~()f (herein
<br />"Future Ad\ialite~"), R.}rmwe:r m)('> m"rlgil~.. gram ant! ,'(IIWt'.v to Lend;:r the following described property
<br />1<."IClllted ill the County of. . Ha] 1 , , .. . . State of Nebra1lka:
<br />
<br />
<br />.Nabr.i,s k.. . , .
<br />
<br />fC-1~1i
<br />
<br />and dr;lc(,d
<br />
<br />~-.i
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<br />.r~f~
<br />
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