<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Huffman and Felton & Wotf. Watton. Ne. 68461
<br />
<br />each :in his and
<br />
<br />
<br />, herein /lalled the grantor whether one or more,
<br />
<br />Fifty Thousand and no/lOO------------------($50,OOO.OO)Dollars
<br />
<br />received from gl"ant.ees, does grant, bargain, seU convey and eoufirm unt.o
<br />Jarne.9 W. Koehn and Virgina L. Koelm, Husband and'to7ife
<br />
<br />Easterly Onl~ Half (~) of Lot Five (5). and the Easterly One Half (E3;;) of the
<br />Southerlv Sl~venteen (17) feet of Lot Three (3), Block Twenty One (21), Scarff's
<br />Additi,ot\ to West Lawn to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />8S joint tenants with right. of survi\'orship, and !lot as tenants in emnmO.ll, the following deS(lribed real property in
<br />Hall Count.y,
<br />
<br />To hllVf' ,uHI 1.0 bold lh., above d(~s"rlb,'d !".:mis"s io!!,.tlli'r with all t\-!lt'Illt'IlIS. !ler..'djt'UlH'llts !Iud Ilppllr..
<br />14:'lllU:lces Ul<~rNO h,'longinll U/lto the l-:'r!lU"~I'S and (tl liwir as.'ill.fns. 0/' t.. liH~ In-irs Illld lIJ>Sig-llS of the survivor of
<br />t hem f(1rl'\"l~r.
<br />Al.ld ~"rIUlt('jr .It",s hl'rehy f',lV!'lllllll Wl\h Ih" ,,",WI",',. aud ....illi lhi'ir lls~iU'ng awl wilh Illl' heirs 1!.ll(lassigns
<br />".I' lh,,' sltr\"l'\'or nf lh('lJl. IhHI l!raHllH' is blldlliiv "'I','d ',\HI prl'llll~"S. Ihlll lb')' are frl''' from l'lH~t.Unbrllnee
<br />
<br />ExC~Dt ea1~ts and restrictions of record.
<br />
<br />!bat !I!I'IUnOf' hIlS Iwml l'Ijl:hl IInd :lIwfu! lUll h"rll,' II' ~ II!' srullt"; /llld I hat ~r'llll(1r "'arranlS and will defend
<br />Hu" lith' In ll&l.d I'I"~llUS"s 1Il!IIU1Sllht' laWflll"!klll1lS d illl pH"OI1S WhlH1Isoevl'r,
<br />It it-t the lnh~lllHnu ~~H parlit"~ ht,~rt'~ilq th,ti,! ~n ~h" P\'f'ot nf th'll -dr'lith fd t'f'th:/~r of th!J gran\e(~!'i~ the eutire
<br />fe'(~ ~.in~pl~ tit.le to thtl': rTdi t'stat~~ ~han vest ((U" ~ur,'iVlt1:.! }:r~Hlh'e.
<br />
<br />Jii~ ~
<br />/' 1_- .
<br />t..,~~~....,
<br />\'-;, :. ~.' ..~~
<br />
<br />1'1 83
<br />
<br />~-.J ,~
<br />()n lhis. ~"_,,,~',
<br />
<br />
<br />bcfor;J
<br />
<br />m,,__ thE lwd.'rsigrilid <1
<br />
<br />co'n:JHiJsioncd and
<br />
<br />i7< siJiJ, county. 1','rsoMlly Wl1lfF'9Y,J,..G. P:L$,t;zyk.and.Marlene..A,
<br />
<br />F'~~~.. .liushand.and.J'afe.,each.in.bis . and. her.OWtLright
<br />
<br />aod.as...spous.e.ofeac.~o:tber.. .
<br />
<br />to n;\.(? knourn, ja be th"e ia:1cntit,:al pel"SOn 0'( piJ'r,!,~f}flS u4tosc rU1.?tJ,C is or na~n{;.f ari'
<br />
<br />I.I.ffized ta the
<br />
<br />tl'li:e e~t{':(~d,ti-01t
<br />
<br />h.r:f" o~. t)'t~i,y
<br />
<br />Hr~iJ:nc$,s 1nJl
<br />
<br />.,f De,lii!,
<br />