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<br />f'lllt ,~f "tract .. LUH: ,~ompr:~Hng il pilt"t I' the ~';iH.th;,est (iwlrter
<br />'if the Southwest QVllTtl?T i',l\),,;I\",!,,! i:,f:cfDI1 '!t'H'll i,Ill and p:~rt '.'1' the-
<br />tau, Half f fh~ Southl"a:,t .'l/ilTter '.j ~ SN't lnll l,'n hJl. .1l1 Ul
<br />;QWI1~,.hi.p le\ll"l1 11) ,\.Qrt.h. ;;all&" ',;nt' .'<"'it If rile hth 1',-,1. ,n liall
<br />County, !'1iebraska. rr'.()re ;,'&"rt\(,t~ ~lrjy \:'-r;ht"'-! fo In~,
<br />
<br />t1elUlnlng t;l
<br />
<br />tnt
<br />
<br />~ e a> t : lr~'c I,'t ;.1 ~,~''\..'t 1
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<br />
<br />~.l(~ i"'~~,.n!' >,,'JM:4,:l~ Fi ''''b~~t/ "'f,."''' ~.:.,",~.:;,;J: SQ. '7~~)~ r \.;. ,.,...;th
<br />of the nOfthelUt ,:Qrn~~r or 5'lld ~;"iJth('aH (Iulu'fer q!..) of "l'cflm"l T('n
<br />! , ~'h(i'rH;(" sou,theri~~ fl,i..H'l.g thr (,'3;.."t 1;1~ c-f 'lIt,lld tXi'In tt~r; 1\ 1n .
<br />a Ji"tan,t:e r:~f ';"0 Hundred venty Sine ~,.nd TW'~I-'.;e !!nndredth~, 2'~t~, L~
<br />f~iI!'t:: thencl!' ~l\:>f.erly IHlllld f" t.ht' north IHW ,;.;ud ~,orthwest
<br />QuaJrter of rJ'le- ::~uth\lli(~st 'JH'-ilt ":'f i\wh~,jswtil f "',.llJ (tt on l(~ld)~i Ii)
<br />a ,!1,stllll(<<f of Or~el~o\if,,"i1nd ;'hr<:>C!' dunJr.. ";",ent !me illld r"'CI:ty : ght
<br />lIundndths d,3.'1.28) teet. ~.) ltw t',.!'it lIne Jl<J \{)rth"~'st (J\lartt'r
<br />i.')f t:he ~luthwest :'~:u-arter {\hi.,>~,.-\.) I ~,henct'~ '),{..)utt}{'trly 1 g lLt~ ca~..t 1 ~ne
<br />f ~I 1.1 d No rthwl"s t ere' t' ~ ~.t'" >',~,)ut: hwe~ t \.;uar t~r' i \l\~;..S~1.i . a d 1. 't \:t1\ ce
<br />,;>f :twenty .;\010 lUlU hght llf;ht iiandn:c1t:\$ (~~.,~S) f""..t, to tht, northt'Tl:-,
<br />lHl~' of the Url1,)l\ Pan Ie Fluln>ac1. th(~I\C(", sOiJthwesh'rly along s;Ld
<br />nOfl,hedy line of the Urlli.l"l PaetHe F.;nll"..laJ, il ,SUl1lce of Oner:~ou,'umd
<br />Foulr lIundnd $1 Xl)' Sel.,c!!1'l .m<i F~ fty:.."O llunJredths I ,!h,;. 5;: fN~t, to
<br />a p<'lnt 81\ the west hlle of S ald SeCt10n l,leven ::.11 ; thence deflectHlg
<br />ngtlt 92 5 1'16'" and rlmni.ng r;otthweste%'ly, !I d.15tance of Seven Ih.lndn~d
<br />Elght)' Four and Sixty Five l!und~dths (784.05) feet, to the southerly
<br />linel of Fourth StreBt .10 the (i ty of Grand Is land, Nebraska; thence
<br />c:it!fJlecting right 72' 42'44" and running northeasterly along sala sout\n~'rly
<br />linll of Fourth Stftlct, Ii JiHance of Three llundred tel ghtv Nine and Twenty
<br />eight H.undl'edths (3S9.28) feet, to' the plac.e of begirmlng and cont.umng
<br />14. l06 acres IIOre or les s.
<br />
<br />I henl'hy. certify that the .wove pLat 1$ from an a..;ctlratt" survey
<br />of the described pl'OpE:1"t)' to the best of my knowledge and belief.
<br />
<br />