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<br />8"'" ," r:'3' 200 <br />i .j-- Un . o.J <br /> <br />Lender's written agreement or applicable law, Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided undet' paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursnant tt~ this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebted~ of ,Borrower secured by this MOl'lgage, Unie.~s Mrrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment. such <br />lunountssball be 'payable upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shan bear interest from the <br />, to time on outstanding principal under the Note unles'~ payment of <br />applicable law. ill whi<:h event stich amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate <br />g c(>nt'l'lined in this paragmph 7 shall require Lender to incur any expense or take <br /> <br /> <br />8,1~"'. l.ender may make or ca\Jse to he made reasonable cntTle5 upon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />that, tender sha.!.:I give-Borrower notrce prior 10 any stich inspection specifying reasonabltl cause therefor related to Lender's <br />il'l1erest in'the Property, <br />9. C_dell:mi\tiiOn. <br />coodemnatkm or mher taldnjl; <br />J,l'ld shaft 00 paid to Lender, <br />In the <br />e){~ss, if <br />llgree in <br />10 thOlt <br />to the <br />pilid to Borro\\'er, <br />If the is abandoned h\ <br />nn j\ward Of a daion f<'r <br />mnded. I,cnder authe,rh:ed to and appiy 'he <br />L'lf 10 d'le sums s:ecnn~d b~l thi'\ ,Mf'rtgag.(:," <br />LefKltit> ~nrl 'Borrn\li,ier other\v,i:~~ <br /> <br />award Of claim for <lamal!!).. direct or consequential. in connection with any <br />or parr there..~f. of (Of con;eynn,:,e in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned <br /> <br /> <br />ll'u~ f'r(lCCcds sl1311 he <br />In evenl flf a pnl'liJlI raking <br />lh~re ","oJl l-e <lpolied In the ~llms secured 11'1 tni, <br />whk,:h fh~ ~Hn~nnt' ('If the $um~\l '~~un?:d l:tJ~ r'his <br />market vaiue t~f the Pn:>peny imn:"",lillrel~ pnor to'lhe dale of <br /> <br />the sums secltred by lhi~ Mortgage. <br />Imles:<;., Borrower. and Lender <br />~ll",h proportion of the proceeds' <br />immediately prior to the date .of <br />the balance of the prt)Ccc:ds <br /> <br /> <br />Lende!' to !lorrower that the condemnor olfers to make <br />In Lender will'lin 30 dJlY~ after the dare such notice is <br />,J( Lendet'5 option. either' to tli."Storation or repair of the <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />to principal ~hllil not extend <br />" hereof or change the amount of <br /> <br />H~ 'l,t.'rltin~., ,jH1V' ;<;u,{~h [tpp1k:.atinn.-of <br />referred to frt t'~~ragn~ph.s: <br /> <br />"f po~tpone the due dale "r tr",: monrhlv <br />~ut:h installment,s, <br />UI. &n'Gwe-r Not ReJ~. E"l1Cn",;on <br />lhls 'gnmt(,d Lender <br />liab!!i!\' ^ mli!l!1al <br />pfocct'dingl\ "gain ~t .'11<: h <br /> <br />for pavmcnt or modH1t::ation ('{ af\10!'liZillli{m of the sums secured <br />iflt::n"l ,,[ Borrower ,hall 1lC>!. to release. ill tinY manner. <br />inh~_n~_~t Jj~nder not he rt~quired to i"7:0mmence <br />I"xtend j!(n~ p:l'\fffient ,H' olhcrwise modi!\' "mortizall..,n of the, sums <br />h:(J~;L~OI1 illW del!limd rnaJe hI' ,h" origmal Hmn,w,:r and Borrower's succeS$or.; in interest. <br />l'iimtIft Nom 1lI 'Wither. ""'" ,'i'rhcarill1,.': bv I,<,nder m an\' or remedy hereunder. or <br />lliVli. ,.hah ''''I "Wi'llVer i.'r flr':t'!ude'he of any stK:h right or remedy. <br />"!"he t_pra!:lCC,~lr tire pllvmcnl :;1 {)r PttH'l hem chu~,e'; l>" l,:nder :'ihllll not be a 'N'liver of Lender's <br />rl!i!,ht !~~ ."e:t-elerate Ihe l'Ilamri!,!, 01 the !nde'~!1:d(l"'" ,1;" M"'rtl~agc <br />lit Reml:d"~ CUlnuiative. 1\1I remc<il\~s lW'''. l.hl' MOr1ga)J:': ;lTt. ,listinct :\nd uJnmlatlvc to any Nl1er right or <br />remedy under lhis Mmt:g:q!le 0' lltfnn;kd !w \,('n(llrft~n!lv. 'ndependentlY or slll..:4:e~sively, <br />1.3. Slkt~18OnI lIlnG ,".'IIm; .8ound: .foll'll nltuf S~H'rlJl Utlliilil)i: Captions" Ih.: c:iwenarHs ,i<ld herein <br /><fOntllel.l'ell sh;111 hmd. MH.l the ri1"hls hereunder u:'spcc'll"": ''Jee<.''','!'', and a,signs of and Borrower, <br />~t.tbiec! tf~ the t~rtj!"."-i'S~OI1S hert(lf (.:)Vt~n:~lfHt~ B':Jrrrwt:er "ihaH be :fHHl and several. <br />"fl1c cap.tjOrHi ;;nd heth.hng~ "l{H'!g~l}1;t~ u!nVCnl1\..fKt~ on Iv and ;'\re nor to he Hscd to <br />'nlerpret t~r <!efinc ,he Pf(Wl"<l!\', <br />14. NIJIlk:l~, EXJ:cpt f,n <br />B':lrmwcr I"w"Hkd It,!, :hi;, <br />the Addre>s ill ',".:h <br />(0) "m Ii h\ Lend(~r hl;, g "'en h, <br />'w:h other :,dun,:"" a~, tllnder m;,l' ,k~!l/m\!e <br />~haH be deern"iJ <br />Vnll....r,m ,\fl>J"R~": <br />use (#)1;) {)i)tI'"iJ1)~)J l>rm <br />nUll '.1'1:,1., <br />event .pn.)'!lrSH:n1 <br />inhef ~:d t.hh~ l\f(l'rt~:m.gc: ,,:,f <br />eftd pwn~/';:'Ill' ill" .Morlgltil" <br />'6. &n>&'''''~'l' C'~" <br />;;';'4 eX~(:\dioo ,\$ her rC1ct,)fd.~tli\lO hereof <br />11. Tl"Itltll!fell' of f~~ A.",.,lll11lpllon. <br />UOfTow", ""]thoU! <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />nNiCl: <br /> <br />~'-.Jote ;'Hid of thi~ ~1()rtg,age dt the t.ime <br /> <br />iJ1 an irtfCre%t therein is 1;(}fd 'Or trao~ferred <br />a j leu etlcurnbra.ncc ~utx}rdjnatc to <br />~~ppti,;:'Hlce;s. {C) ,;.i tran,Sfet by devise, <br />~'{~;:-i~j)ljJ~i)id tnJerest o,e .t.hree );enr~. or l~s:s <br />s<:c:u!cd UllS to !)e <br /> <br /> <br />1':<:[ su~h I';ef_i~~ <br />h.:reot <br /> <br />rj,f()~:~<itt~dtt~t!;:t:; :b~,gU{j <br /> <br /> <br />i.y <br /> <br />'J\ti ~,~-rt ~,j,g\.",~ <br />~H ;J;ny <br /> <br />