<br />
<br />
<br />83.....w(i3243
<br />
<br />TfnscMorlgage is entererHnto between
<br />H~band <Ullil: Wife
<br />
<br />Thomas J. Dolton and Kristie A. Dolton,
<br />
<br />
<br />--______(herein "Mortgagee"').
<br />is ind~htl>d toM(l~ in the pnnc.lpal sum of $ i.Q, GOO-=... 00 , evidenced by M6rtgagor;s note
<br />- (her/Join "Note', proViding for paymenlis of principal and interest,with the balan~ ofthe.
<br />
<br />County, Nehrawn:
<br />
<br />Three Four Five (5) Six (6)
<br />Park Gard.en's Subdivlsion in the City
<br />
<br />'fop,thlltt ~n.f,h ~J bnJJdm@J!, imp.t(;V"'ml'nl~. fl:dU!:!l'S, ~\'n>~t.~, lIUl;\l5. PllJl,1\lI#I'WllY~. <'IlSeml'nts. rlghl.~. prillllegllS IInd
<br />ll.PJ1llirtl!natl\.~; 10011.1100 ill Imy Wl~ pvl'tllinln~ t!lfi'n,w, IInd tIll' n'llt~ ll:"ll"'~ and pt9fits, nl1eniol'lJlllnd 1'emaindel'll
<br />limited w; IWlltlll~ 1l1l,J. ('{l()lilll( \'quipmtmt and sUI:h f)lrfhQnal propt:ltty that is attached tq tlu!
<br />'fQ eoU$titutl' II ijXtU!"l': ..Ii (,f which. lll,{'ludlllg l'\1't,i&t:"m!;nl.~ Ilnd ad<litlons [,herttn, is hereby declared
<br />1l j!1Ia:rt of tbe real ~Jt4lt" 1!l'<::\lrM by tin< nl!n of thilr M~" lI.tllt all (11' tilt for~lfOJlll! beml!l re!f'l'tl!d to be rein M the
<br />'.~y~'.
<br />
<br />"'lith MOr\g~"'1 III> f"U')\l!S;
<br />
<br />L Pa~,t. To t)I/lY tiw ind<lblf'dll<'~;; lliild lhli' i!lt"re~t thl'f('IHl ii', pW1iidl',j in ifils M'>r\,gap lImi thr. Nole.
<br />
<br />2.~. l~ortlilag:o. tb" oWGl"t (1ff KM f'r('ll'l'tty. ha" Hit, (,gR, ll.nClIll.lt.i!ol1ly l.<I mortgage tilt'
<br />wllnti"lli!! th,il" Ul.. ll!!:fj enll.l..l:'<i nf'looy 11> " fil'blll.ucl pl'l~>I' 11""11 Ofl 1\"1,. Pr')\l'<'rty. l!;1<;Cf't't "" mllY olh..rwlwlw ",.t
<br />
<br />and
<br />herein.
<br />
<br />
<br />.1 ::.Ub'}ll<.'t !<, ili Mtlt'tlll~" \\lb..t~"11 '
<br />
<br />
<br />"f ,lJ,' Mort~<\Sl" R",~m;j". af
<br />~ll'",I..'Il h,'r'~b}
<br />
<br />
<br />\)t r~b~il'll an y ,;;r !.It
<br />~J:l;" wltl'Jm,l!. ~~i", nud f","" IrWl m<td\l\.nic'. <'I:
<br />'r..ot W f/l;lfI,l!..., Jillfl"", (.<I' p<itl'llH jj,t1:~ m.4i1;1/I!M~ I <:H'?I.l>l, nUl H. d/ll:l!ll'
<br />~., (,1f$:\1ili'!Q<1 ,~, ,j\('L .JI;1'""t! W n:;mpl~ w,l.!\ lIij ~'"~\.Ilnm;rl1l.~ u( t~w ,,"'IUl
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