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<br />83-HlJ3239
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<br />If Borro<\'er :pays Funds to Lender. the Funds shall he held in an institution the dep05its or aC\.""Oums of which are.
<br />msured or guaran:teed by a Federal or state agency {induding Lender if Lender is such an mstirutiQnJ. Lender shall apply
<br />the Funds !<) pay said taxes. assessme'iti, insm..nce premiums and ground rents. Lender may nm charge for so holding
<br />and applying the Funds, analyzing S<dO account or ,'erifying atld compiling said assessments and bms. unless Lender
<br />pays Borrower intrerest 00 the Funds and applicable law permits Lender TO make such a charge, Borrower and Lender
<br />may 3gre1!. in writing at the time of execution of this Deed of Trust that interest on the Funds shall he paid to Borrower.
<br />and unless sueh '~greement. is made or applicable law requires such interest to be paid. Lender sball not be required
<br />to pay Bt1l1'TOwerany interest or earnings on the Funds, Lender shall give to Borrower. without charge. an annual
<br />accoonnn,g oftbe Funds shOWing credits and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each debit to the Fundswas
<br />made. Th;~Funds are pledged as additional security fOr the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />if the amOOl1it <>ftne Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to
<br />tneduedatesoft,lll:es. assessments. insurance premiums and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said
<br />taltes. as!le$l>menu, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due. such excess shall be, at BotTower's option,
<br />either pf()mpdy repaid to Borrower or credited toBOtTOwer on monthiy installments of Funds. If the amount of the
<br />funds betd lbyLelmn shall not be suffident to pay taxes. assessments, insurance premiums and ground rems as they fall
<br />due, ~>wer shan pay to. Lender any amOl1nt necessary tl) make up the det1ciency in one or more payments as Lender
<br />may require.
<br />Up<:tI1paymeC\'lt in full of aU sums .secured by this .l)eed .of Trust. Lender shan promptly refund to Borrower any
<br />FUll.rts held bey Lender. If under pllTagraph ! 7 hereof tr,ePtoperry is sold or the Property is Qlhel'"Nise acquired by
<br />Lender. LA~nder shall no later than to the sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender. any
<br />Funds held by Lender lttthe l'imeofa.pplkation Ii'> a the SUffiSlieCureO by this Deed of Trust.
<br />), A11p~m tt( ,~. Unless applicable law pro\'ides otherwis", all payments received by Lender under
<br />the Not>: a,oo p,il'llgraph:s ! and..2 hereof shall be applied by Lender first m payment of amountspayabfe to under by
<br />B0rr01\l>'er liUIdel' pM'.apb,2 neTeOf. then to interest payable On tbe Nilte. iinG then to the princIpal of the Note.
<br />4. rdWM~ &Jtd. DeedJ (t[ "fruit; C~; .L~. Borrower shall perform ail of Borrower's obligations
<br />under a:ny m(lft'g~lF,deed of troSt {)t l'lfhel' ~,1ntjlllgTl.'enlent with II lien wi:nch has priority O'''er tbis Deed of Trust,
<br />including Borrower's C01l'en&Us. to make. pa,'lnwt~ when due. 8otttwl'er shaH payor cause to be paid all taxes,
<br />~me:nl;$ and (lI'h!er fines and im~rti.oo$ attnbtltable to Inr: which may attalD a priQrity over this
<br />Deed of Tl'U!!I, md leawlmki payments or gl'(ltmli rwt:!. if IUlY,
<br />S, H__ ~CI!. &:~r shall the impr,wemellts now ('r hereafter erecred on the Property
<br />insured a~:.i,l).n !OjJiS byf\re. bazaro. IIlcfuded withm the term ",:nended coverage", imd such other hazards as Lender
<br />may in such .1I:r1lQl1nl'Slmd {"t mchpe:n<l<is a5 Le'llder mllY reqllm:.
<br />The in$urancl:: Cl\.1"l:1er tile lI'lsur:mee jih all be ",h~!l DC>' fk'rrGwtl' ;;trb,jeet !lJ '~pprov al by Lender: pn:wided.
<br />lhill ~uch shilll nl:lt DellnrellSff}!l3;bl" wHl'lhdd, Allll1SUrance POb':ltl1 llr!(; renewals thlm:~of shaH be in a fOt'm
<br />aC:i.."elltabll: HI LeJ:1luer 1l;l'lU shall lIldude a stllfu:lard m(~rlli!a!1:e daml:: m hwor (If and m a form acceptable t{J under.
<br />Lendtt shiW h,",e the to l:l.)!d thCpl:j!Il1",e'!' ;l.nd rell<eWlib then:nl. ,Ub!Cct 10 (he terms ..,j any mQrtgage, d'.'cd of trust
<br />';Jt Iltller !Ji0t:Uflty agmmlent W7th a hen 'w!:lkh has pnonty aVe'r l.lm Dl"ed {}f TnJSL
<br />III the ;e'tent (,f lelM;, BOlTf.:>Wf.:'f ~h.ui ~llle prompt nonce ;he IOSllra'1ee carner ;Hld L..:nc!er. L,'nder mav make': pr{)Qf
<br /><1f!<l1>:S if m){ made t,y Bomtwer.
<br />lfthe IS ah~ bv l'k.rf'O_r, (If If !:IQn'o",'l.:r fill!S 10 n:spml..:l tQ L"'ldltr ".thm "lay> flom the date
<br />nO!l..~ is rYllUied b~' Leoot:!: w B,(YfT(~r that die ln1l11f<l!n":l'::!;ilf'l'li:"r {.>tIers ~"'ltle It <:Iii-1m lf'f !!lMlrance benetits. Lender is
<br />Jl.uthonze4 r,) ctll:!C(~tl1ni.tl ilpph du, Hl1UriiHl.\:'!t !>m',,~!:'\!d"\; utl,i!:f> i'P!:'(.)ll "nner H:stOf"!Il>!l or repaIr of the
<br />(If f(t the ~l:lm~ ~t;:~red by lhl~ l~l frllS,.
<br />(I, ~__ aMll'\bm~_ (l,i ~rty, t~_.. CI.~.mimu.-; Pl.Mlned Lnlt n"v;el~,ments. Bor'
<br />rower sna.U k~p the .l!l g~. r~p.i:I!f l1!ld no! (umITlH "'a~lt: pltnm! impanl'llt'rl( ')f actenofaHOIl of lhe
<br />and 5'haH !::t>m~,ly With tne PW"'fil!;)!l~ of ilny lease :1'11'> (}<;:txl i.l!IniSI ,$ il kll,.,,,,hokL !hls D..-ed of Trust is
<br /><:m 10 unn 1:1'1;1. coni~omuu.um Q1! It planned urm d,,"el,;>pIIH!fU. B'11!1'{'",.er :\clliilHperform illl n! B.arrn"'er"~ ubhilll.io:lls under
<br />the d:~i~,t~'~-:ian {,)j~ t'~llV~~'t)..1;t$ cre-l!jt~f:tg ~"t)f\r,erfUn@t the {'iC~~M(i,tJmHl~utn ;",11 pbUH1~,i LH:;'tt (tt~ve+opl.n~nt~ rhe by-Laws and
<br />~~f dtft: ct~ndU$'n:tnuj}'m or pi-1$rined uni{ de'f;re-h:'jp::fr:ht:nt~ ;';U"l:d ct){lstitu-etH 'dOCUf;ttt'fH'&.
<br />1,~. Qf LeliP.l:'lI, ~~. If B<}:rn}we:r i;nh j.:>erfo'tl1\ the CtW<tll<IDh and illlreem,ml. contained in Ihi..
<br />~ ofrru~!, ,.1' lIctlt'J:l or ,,"'mmem.'L'd which maten"ily afl':tl~ i"',llder', interesl, In the
<br />t~'~...end.iWt>l'It :umd~f'$ l'4I:;l~Cl: 8orr,)wer, m':lY rl1Ci'lJi:e 'wcb appeaN.fl<:;es,di~bune"udl sum~,
<br />~,a~1 :'1:..<:1'> "-I:,'I,;lll Illl. i~ n~'$."a,y pr,Hect !.A't,,:!!:r', imere.,!. If Lender
<br />I'belo1ill1 ~'u;re,q by tlliw. .Dwjof lrU$!. !;ll~rrower ~h<'lJI pa~ lhe to
<br />il:!$fle.::t ,uuH $;!ii;;:hUme a~ the io. $J:1Ch i'I$Ur;t!h:e Hrrmlfll'tHt'i. Tn ll(:col'dancewith
<br />1l;l'ld.ue:ndtt'J \1fli1ppikilble 1<1""
<br />AIl::]'itm<Xl:fl!!, dill.bJil~d hy LJ::nt:kl" l"llnu.IU'l1 Ini$ inll!rt"Sl ihere,m, at rh",Nme nH\!, shall
<br />~. ~ndit'~'1Jt:!:h~(I;yr ~l:?lIi'!:t .!If);:lifreO by lh~~ D~M uf Tn;"L t'l'lles$ fin!"l'ow{'r "md Lender agreoe to
<br />tll'nlh;l:>f:~'l'I~!, Ji);l:I:l:~)Unt$;shllit be o\Ij:i)(;.n.:tn::rnt:'<: fl'on1 L.euder BiJrr9Wel' f'lt'questlllg p vmenl
<br />'7 than r.c'qtH.f't' Le-ndef t('i"~;nt:tl.t /Hry eX'fteJ!L'j;;t'.(~t take any aC11iJt1 hereunder..,
<br />tllnii:1l;e f.l'l' (!lilllW to be m;'lde ~ea!>i}fl;lible ellenel' upo.n. ar.d mJitp-,<;C.lloo. ~lfrhe
<br />,Ul~ ,uch m'~j:."""'lk'!1 leal>on.ab!e .:aU$e then:fot
<br />
<br />
<br />'ilK -p<<1(;~$ {:!r-..an, iiJ;w~:rd {)f'.,;:la.im for diftffit 1;1:( ,;qniie-qUf~Jiti,aL in ~OTIn.~":Cti(lfl w-it,~
<br />f~' :Q,:1;~At:' qf'lhe pa,!'r there"(l!L nr fn:r '\;tH';fliiityance in hJe't.~ of ~.:;nt"H.1t:,mna.t.iQn~ ,.are
<br />a~ild ~h-aH ~,p3:Jd tu ~~b,jec'1 7(J d1:e U::rttl~ nf an; tnt):rt.g.~,ge, -de't:d tnlS.r r~ther !i(:1.:UirH~li' ~lgre:e~
<br />ftll.~l ~lh i!. llt:".fl hi1r:; !}'f~'}f1l}' (}Vff thl& D~ of I nt,!.
<br />U~. alllll~' R~. F<<-..~ B, !~'il' ~m .. W...hit." b"k'm."m nt ,nk' t:t:1e f,," >,;,,':mmt 'Jf
<br />~'um$: -~-c'ut't1il' ~y th[~j t~:~.& ,j)j: 'Trust g~&-n~e:d .b_,~' t{~n~le1' h?< any J'.H');;,~;:e'$$A)r ~n in.~er-e:'S,1 of
<br />i:~:a~ ~:(~,,-rek~~~ in"a;ny n\$;:u,ner" tbc; ';-i;i~Jldi.!y H'}f(~ ,)rig~"6~,{ I:Si:Jt'('t)');,''C',r ;;and J)(trrty'&"er'') ~fJ~(;e:r.:!irl)fi in
<br />m~ M req~itc4 lQ,'c-~;~rn~nMttu:~ vr1JC~ed!$l~ $g-ii,rn:){ ,3UCt: \lJC:\:t~:M~r t)-(' fet-u~' (:):tt'Oi.3 l'irne f,)r' pay~
<br />~tUi:ed, by rhi$. r~e4 (~t he... -r-;;'~M~n -1.'lr an~ de-~'1,~lnd ftHtd.e ~h.e.
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