<br />
<br />83.....4) 03238
<br />
<br />,as provide-a therein, the pll~'tnent. or all other sums, With inrere:;t,
<br />pt'rform8f1Cl! of the covenants and agnltltnent:& o{
<br />p and COnlll!Y to Mortllagl!othe followingdescrlbed
<br />
<br />~I!brl\...k:a;
<br />
<br />) of LlJt Four (4) and the
<br />Fe(-!'t (825' ') of IDt Five (5),
<br />SecJ:,mci 3utxHvis:ion, of Grand
<br />, Nt?b t'!.kska .
<br />
<br />T..tl1l~r wltb .lIt budullllr,l, IlIIpn.m'mllnl,., fhtul't"$, 'M\'~t~.lInl'Y', p./I~l\i;Iil"WllYS, !'i!1INiWnls, Illlnts, pnvlll'~'S and
<br />liIIPPUI"'II1Mnt'~~ kltJlltltd l:lll,'t'l'Oll r)f III llnYWIY,' p"TUlII'IHlIIIIlf'rf'H>, elld I h.. n'n h ,",ti.,. ,I!ldpront.~. ~vt'r::Iiions and l'l'mainder::li
<br />tbc-t1!il:>f; induGul.l.. but nO';, h~!ll!ltd 10, !WiIIIHliilllm:1 ("}{Jfmg l'qlUpnWl\;' lludi'UI'tt pt'r~()nal propl'rty thaI IS atlJilcnl!d to the
<br />Impni.n"mftlt:lli ~) 11M> t.)(~'nl>lHUU' II t'lxtUCI': 1111 of WhICh, mCh,II:l11l11 r<'lllllet'm~l'IL, amll1ddttlon~ lllt'll'w. IS hen-by dr'Cia.flMi
<br />10 l>r!' II patt or Itll!1' tf'1Il ..,tlltk' !'i<'('u~d by tlll" lwl'i (If (hi' MrHllll<l.'" and ~Il of Lh!~ fml'llmllg b~'lnl! reit-md to nerem u U1e
<br />"h1lt""fl:\, ..
<br />
<br />Mortp!tl.1cr filrthff t't}1f!~1i'l1aflb lInd Jig""'"" '1N,1ll Mnngall.*"', ~, loll......,
<br />
<br />1. l"IIYlm~u, To pay ii'll' ,rHit>bl,Nill''''~ amI Ill", ill'll''''') 111"11'<'" "", pfm,dl'(l III thr. Mllrl.llltl:t> and the Note,
<br />
<br />::t TIU.~, !r.tO'tI.Plttn l> tilt> .....11t'1 uf l.llt.' PrOp"flY, ha, a" rlll'llI ami liul,hora, \0 !nong. till;' P'ropt!rty, and
<br />w.m.nl<ll lnlllili 1l1.' lil>n ":re'IlWd hi'''''b,' a fir,. anllllnm hrl\ nil I.he I'f<lJ:Wfn. "XX'f'pl II> may otnl'fW'S<' Il!' ~..t (!)rtll herein.
<br />
<br />'; '11l~' ~~f1cY h ,ubl''''l lift.. MUflltltr,:t., ...h'-f'-W
<br />
<br />II> tb,t' M.Ol"lpfIMI, lwOfdit-d *1 Book , ('at" 11". Mon,~llll" Ht.,.,lf(h of
<br />N~~b,. .hd~,~lkl'~~tte ~ 3 h(l1} ~ln(!r l,(l U'w t'tt"n t,,~..~t,f,".fj 'h~'!',,'h,
<br />
<br />, " _Xllunty,
<br />
<br />
<br />(kh;'f pnor IIt'fl.. Qf t'llol;UI'IIl:lI'll./'''''''',
<br />
<br />3, 1'U111li" ^'-~.. 'f,' 11iI)' ,\I,1l1ir1l d:~l" ..II tax"". r.;flffiilll<~M'~S!l'If!nj.$ alld all (lth"f ..harglC'li agwtlS't thE' Propl'rty
<br />\lI'nttlrn c:ktlnlllno;! by Mot~t', l;G add l.(> th., j:Ilijo m~lIt" l1i''lu.lwd mIrier tlw Not,~ lII'cu.lt.,Q IH?reby, ~ueh amount lIS
<br />l;<lt enalbt~ Mon~ to t>>-y M~,h tax~. I.J,"'<!~I1M:'lilt$ Of o!.h~r t:llarl!l'!'~ ll~ th~ m-eome du€!,
<br />
<br />l'll)W 'tf iler~lIftef JOl,'at~d Oft till' tell!
<br />III amount." and
<br />r ~lIdl
<br />lis "'H!' opt'<)l1,
<br />
<br /><K'Seri bt<d ht',n<in inSI.Ht'd
<br />to tnI;'
<br />.Ji to
<br />
<br />