<br />83_003170
<br />
<br />
<br />MORn;AGE LOAN NO, .._k24 ,091
<br />
<br />fO<<)w AU
<br />
<br />~t lone A~ i~ens, d single person,
<br />
<br />
<br />Mort~.whether~tlil Qrmore. inC!>llSideration of the sum of
<br />
<br />The ~~l:able Bmwingllnd l~ i\~",;ia1iQll of (;rand hlllllili" Nebrallb, Mo~, Itpotl 450 mares of stock of
<br />, uo ill,ret>y j!.l:al1t, ';;OIl'llZY 114l.d m.)l1gage unto tbe old ASSOCIA nON the following
<br />
<br />Lot 1'we.tVb~ {12} t Block Or\€: (1),
<br />
<br />Colonial Estates Subdi vis,ton.. in
<br />
<br />the of Grand Is land, Hall
<br />
<br />Ntmraska.
<br />
<br />t".,lthm "nib ~Il I!!'t 1~~"'lIll"m:~ ~ffi1mll)!l<:ml .lId ap!>ti;"'nil'''~1 tlCt'''lll1hl '""i,l>fl!(Il1t'1" tm;IIll<1l11j\ ..aaclled nom Cl()'lIerIflg!l, aU window lICreenl,
<br />wlfld.lW wlir$, biu.d$,.wnll ""!>;:k''''",, ~"'flI'rtf:l'. ~u phunt>>l>r: Jln4 "'''111>' ""IUlplnent and ac~ lheretu,pumps,stOVCl.,
<br />l"ii'lfl!;flll.lon" at..:! Oll:lOl. fi\lW'tt. "m!"'~1"9metll "".. h.l '" 'J~d tl1 ('"","!:"k'U ""1'11 "".d leal estllle,
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<br />!\<Ild "MR. thi; Iwd _>lI~:l1 !ta ~ alld d,>t~ b",~hy .tH~~ lhlll lh~ ,lid! ami wd. pill)' .ll lll~ linG _nts lic:'I'ied or
<br />:e.~ UpI.ltl lWd llMl fh,t m""l~ aHd IJIIt rn""j ~'<:ut....l tI,(,ld,~ !he ^llIIme !ltmlll"'COllle dehflquenr; to I'ufmsh llppnmld
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<br />hI CMe ul d<:lmdl II><: PI<'.I'''f1'llilli"''''' n! ill')' '" i.he 'aJ~IS ",Id ,;<>lWlh'"'' ",] Ih,~ m<H'p"ce .." 11'1" hum! .cured hereby. the 111<1rt~ shall,
<br />,"~ u.._ml, I.... ,,"!tIled w I.mmOOlJilc 'I"~'!.."" ,,' lh" 1><'l:'<1Il"'" ~tI\l tl", "'''lipS.'.'' '"""by ij,~$. lr::illlsfcn .nd~tl OYer 10 tbe
<br />IlJ....,I~ qjj n... ,cuh, "'_U"~ ;In.! "'("m., i:J<' d~<I"'It'\t I",,,, "l<:"'~ pl"fl"""'~ dum'l" ~u{h Ill'I<:;IS die mortPI!' lndebted_ llhlln remain
<br />1lI11lmd; ,.11<1 lh" g,.,illllrll<' lfi<<' 1""""" iftpi,<tn, ;"i~' "Ile." ilt:I<"h " 1''''1' <1,",,,,,,<, }'", lite pUlP'- 01 ICptUtlllg aid prIl_ lIIld renting
<br />I""" Wllllt .oil,) ,)\l!kdlr~ '~11iI'i., '''1I'I:n~ ~n.1 tM"~n<', 01111,1: m,n p,,~ ,"<I ""lll m~l)t1'''' ~!l "Jlpt'IlJe< ut rC.plIInnl IIIlW p,emi_ lIDd llCQC1IIIIIIry
<br />,"mll\tl_:>l~' ..<..:I "".:llnlN 111 "">1I'Il~""..:! 11"''''''111111:1\ Ihe ""ll'" ~l'lIil ccll""'lI.r"" '",Ilh,b lheftlrom, the o!illlltlQe n:mlIl11infli, .If allY. 10 be
<br />ilJlphed """Hd till' (>1 ,.,.,j '<Idd'JI.oo,ll''''', !'!W:',,", ,,(>:1:11. "i "'," I!!"l':e,' Ill.!'\' "" c,,~c<>ed ~I ""Y 1:..11<' dW'Ulg the clI.llI,lence of IUdt
<br />,l1l,flluk, 1U1l1"""'tI~'":! "")' l"I'nI'U,#r;' "';i""'1 tIll' ",,~n"
<br />
<br />T~ r,"..:t..h<."" 11,*, .t r;... :.,ud ,hail mW 1<:'41.l on 'J,bet,,,,, lhe lllltllltlly of gill dlJa,ra by
<br />1>41)'_111, $"'Y I" ,"",d ..11 I toe ,,"m II< If... ""tll,ed $~ ",l,,,~! ami PUtl(;,pilJ on lIlIldkllltl, on Of before
<br />It~ lWlot,1 ",,1$. do~ \~: .....:h al..:! "''''I~ IN lfli h , ,"'lll ,...", ~ qn l' pll~l, ;'~'I' aij lue" ,",""~I U!l<:>SIJ:lil:1'l1 S 1('_<1 ~sl mllJ preflll_ and un llllS Mmtpge
<br />
<br />4l1d Ill<! "'~"d,.,c"",',111~:I"b'l, lO(j,\fC m~Ula,II"'" ill.! lhue.,,, '" ttlc !Rim o{ i 4~, 000.00 !IiIYlllllr:
<br />tt" l""id "'~~Or'(^TI(IN': "'l~"Y !\Iud ..Umo(J(''f !l p""d I,,,, lues. a_let,t. am!oomflll'lC!: ""'Ih interest 41
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<br />'''''Il~ all ,;tl IN: 8<,...1 1m :$. ; U 00 .
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