<br />8.3_ 003155
<br />
<br />Q. For ~~Her 'l,ecurn:\" or ihe indebtedne....s hiL"Teh~" 'e-cured~ IJpon Ehe reqUt"'S! \-~f the mortgagee~ iIs successors
<br />or a,$S!g'nlSo~ lmof"tgagor shaU exet,'''lHe and deh,,'er a :-;.upplemernal mortgage or m,\)rt~ages ,,:o\-t':"ing an=". additions...
<br />Hli1pm'.emerns, or bertennems made to the property heremabove d~,ibe-d and all propertv acquired by it after
<br />the date hereof fall m form satisfactory I() mOl1i!ageeL Futhermore, "hould mortgagoi' fail hl cure any default
<br />in the paymem of ;a prio, or inferi()f encumbrance on the property describe-d by this Instrument. mortgagor here-
<br />by agree!; Ie, permi't mortgagee to cure sucn defau!!, bUI mortgagee is not obligated to do so; and such advances
<br />shaU become part of rhe mdebte-dJ:!ess secun'i:l by this instrument, subject to the same terms. and conditions,
<br />
<br /><~, The rights {created by this conVeyance shall r,,-roam in fu!! force and effect during any postponement or
<br />e;(tensIOU of the time of the payment of the indebtedness eVidenced by satd promissory not~ or notes. or any
<br />part theroof '\\ectlred hereby,
<br />
<br />L To cOl'ltim.lously mamtain haza,rdimurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />may !ro,n time w time require on the improvements nm. or hereafter on said property, and will pay promptly
<br />when due anv premiums therefoL /\.11 msurance ,hall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the
<br />r:..(,H,i~, .and r,erlewa;,b; ~hen'<of 'shaH he heW by mt}'ng.ag:ee and have auached thereto loss payable -clauses in f;;lvor
<br />of !ltld in form ,w~'!.'+llable the mongagee, In evcm of loss. mortgagor will give immediate nOllce in writing
<br />lO rn>crtg3.~:? and mottg,ag:ec ffi,ay rnak~ prnof f~f jo~,s If not rnade prornptly by mortgagor~ and each. insurance
<br />C(i;OlptM1~,f {,~c>:nc'enled h hereby aulht1fl.!cd ;ttnd dire\:,'!:ed t('j renake' payment. for s:uch loss directly t{) mortg_agee
<br />i'l'lS;ell;d of to rnon~r!lg{lr and mnn;1a~ee ;ointh, ,<lld the HLSUfl.ll1Ce proceed!', or any part thereof. may be applied
<br />by -m<~M:-ga~:ee ~! \;)pt]o'(~ e'itht~r iO the n~.duc-~h'Hl of the tf1-debtf..~nt.'"'5ls hereby s,t:~ured or to. the restoration or-
<br />f;:;pair (~f lhe pmP'l~r:'\i Je$tfOvc%.t in eve-ni fon:dn,mre of lhis mortgage, or (llher transfer of tide
<br />UJ Si3.td -pf{!~li'~l i,n tx.tin-~u,ish-n}ent {he: aHiebtean:t~s:ii ~:-:e,cured hereby~ aH rig:hL t.itle~ and interest' of the
<br />tm);r!~agf}r ll!'td ;IlW in h:>fee ,hrdl 1"a$$ 10 the pmchascr o!' mongageeor, at the
<br />(''t~itJ:n of the rno~;,:W~t~~,* tn~)' be ~ttrl'-~t~Q:;h;;'r1td f(l'f a -fe-fund,
<br />
<br />If,' l.,{'eP o1.H and :.ml}H}lI<:mems Ofl ',ii:lld propert~' in g<lOd repair and condition; to
<br />:Vt;:~t1nic. ~(}ttUn~l. ;<i.tln:er HQ: w'a,'%,l't" ixnp~-i1'n~erH., lt~!1edt)nu;.,~<Jn ~):f ~4id property or any P$ut thereof: in- the event
<br />t%Y f~~!uf':f:' (!~f ihtt rrH,il"{"t~l~1_ptO.f k~~t:p Oyt'f ~",aid pfe'mi$e~ ;and. th-o:~e crected OXl said or
<br />,~".pu'JVe'm<,m!> \l1t'fI':'Ofl, l'il(X; re",'lH, the mon~'#i,,,e ,nay ma~iO: "Kh n;pain, ;;;); m its disC'fetiml il may deem
<br />tl~(:e';;"'f) f\.fl::~."n',1r%nn 1 (,1: 1 ,::,<)f; ,HId amC>lIlH tit ~acl1 ,~nd 'l'.ery !;\!\;n payment shall be
<br />,;l!l~ '.4\;;>1\ :,t:(ut;td 11'>1" Ilil)rtgal!:"',
<br />
<br />h~fA~'
<br />
<br />
<br />f'rop~nj '".,bjt;<.:! this mortgage any lien
<br />111 11';<:: m,}!t$t"'1\.~: and futbl:'f. thaI mon.
<br />i,~bor or mau:riah for con.
<br />{{,} be ~.t'{"C',!'~i 4.;)1) j,~l.id prefni~es,.
<br />
<br />,~:.r!~!6{~f '~
<br />
<br />
<br />d;:'H'lohS!I, or remove, or
<br />
<br />,1JrO-t'"l1CTl y
<br />th>t frh)H~J:\~t:,
<br />
<br />
<br />()of tnjUx)' 1;1;) anY' of the
<br />m,}f!gag<::~, Hla} apply lhe ',ame H'
<br />h;,'tel1} amlw! ile.::k HI the mml!: {jf the
<br />appeal. flom allY ,tKh aWlllu,
<br />
<br />l< ,'l"h<, In;:~nJ<';i!t~
<br />
<br />h4~\'e ellf:X
<br />
<br />
<br />~ht- 'fu{}rt~d',g,ed- fR~:rni~t$ a~ "lX, ,fea$on.ab~e thn,t:~
<br />
<br />
<br />"~ml!l<i%.$;1: WI <l kil~lh}kL H lht> Mortg;agit is <m a
<br />~J~'i;t.'i~)p';fn:e!t~,t, Ht)<(k'4)--~:er- J.;Nffft)n!~, aU of fk}{ro~tef1 %
<br />i!('\CH"$I;il: ",),n<h.mllnium ptannl:d jjni~
<br />!lint (jt:n:!opll:lt:'IJI. ar\t;i CBl!$UmC1U dc",:umefltli"
<br />
<br />., 1,;~j\a\t.tlt kn ~t,ll~ of ~JWf ;;:o.v'c~u;,u:US, or ~~otid~lilJ,i~), (J'f ;hii infyt:n,"Hn'~f1! Of Df the nt{'1t-tc or ~o-:an ~.geef'nenl seeu.red. hClebJ
<br />~hltn lcrmmlll<: {he "gill U\l;':. ~md enJoyment the property, ;U Ill,:;: option of the
<br />m(HI"iit~I'..'l!: {'f (H "'lltfood l!l.ll.~ ,I'll: Ilwngl;g,H i'lJvt: 5t1"h I:gtn unul derail!!), .)potl any ~\.lch
<br />ct,ef:o.uh.!hit' mon?Ji1l'~ ,.haU f:,t"l::mue !t;-ff; J;\Wllif, all f1?nt~ drH::l llc~'um\l!- ~fter l.iefault as secuflIji for
<br />~t~, ir~dl!ft~,t;llintt~>~: ~rl~ured h:e,reby, with dlC fig,ha ente:1' HpJt:rr'~ ~I);.aid prtlDeny feH' the ptlr.po~~ o{ CfJUecUng ~Hh.::h
<br />f~~~%,i;~. ~~ ,?rQf~,u,:. Th~3 in'Stfufflcnt ~h:aH {~)(',rafe: a,~~ ttn ~~};'~J;plgl'tJn (1f any reru:aJs on 5aid ptt):pcrfy to, that.e.xteru",
<br />
<br />J, if lhe Ir~l}n~~ut dI"!'J:u;ll$. and Itul" W t'l1alke ;HI) p.~~mr:llt;, ,..hen due HI \d i:nn!:mm 10 and c('mply wan
<br />If'll:: .;:ondillom Qf "~rret.'menh (('lnliitmed ill thi<, mmlgage or {ht: noil:'! which n Sl"l:\Jr(:jf, the;; ,he enure
<br />~$m ~lnrl $(j:.cTt~ irrtc,r"e,;,.t t~haH ;,u (;'nl:~ bt.~t}me ~n.d payab~e'r ~!}S'Jd i:H;:nt pe~' >';O(~IH 'i$i4d i-tH~re:u
<br />\~~{':ftmnt;:r ',untii iYai41 a-t the c,l~;;fiu!l tf-'t,.e l;n&l.g:a.~,tt; ~Hkd thts rnoH,sa,i',C r~ta)/ t'ht~feup-or~ tN~ f{.)rt~\;Ju'S:(d lmm-eaiat.ely
<br />f~)f tM ~'t:l~.~ t}~' t-h< ir~debtt:d,~'$ S.t'X~Uf-e:d.t in~]~.,~{hng ~he CO"H if)ll!'il,ihng the ;i~'\S!ract {,f lhte frfnn th~
<br />d",~1C uf tn.l" n1<Qng,;llge ,iJ the :m1le ",( .:"mmen<::mg ',Udl
<br />
<br />
<br />"t, h, the e"~~I: pf :it i!<)t'ecrosuf.e' Vf default lb pl'Q",h:a hen:m. lh(' m",nl!...t;~ -hali ..I Olli:(,' h< <:mnled (,' rhe 1X)l,.
<br />i;1't~~~~ j~'~_.. ,iitnd (~:n;;~;i')'~~Jtu tbe f'f'"'i!1 t'~talc' ~Jl}f~d and to the f';:;.rH~ :t'i-'\.'~hH,~,,*. :J.nd ,i'~tl,:dif_' It),C'Htot,
<br />h'~m tM ~i!.::,rU;tn, ~~J<i~h H",il'l~ aad dt.tfir~j~ .n~c pendew,.:y (Jf f(!l'n.'~'~k~I:,u-a." pf('~e~hng,& po~",';"~"~HJn~,, t-!..;.."
<br />\~lilIli! ;;U 1"< i;\ek.It~al! llt.(! rfWf!g~$I" Url<m UP,)'!I "/,,r, m;l\ f'.;
<br />~~,fQ!l;,t;'~J m<JtllfJ!IJilCe, ..n~ llf)f>l'<"Pl'tli!C' tC'jill.! p'm<,l:l'<ilnjl;:'"
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />