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<br />83-'003148 <br /> <br />,.;: <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />4, .t\.s additional security, Tru$1(Ot hereby gives to and 'Ctmfer5 upon L"t€neuciar)i the ~'tnwf"'r a:nd authority,,- during the contInuance <br />6:f the:;e. T~t:s- tc~ c:oUeet the -rent$, i5~"Ues fil'ld profit;.~ of ~B:id property. re-:-<erv1ng unto th~ nght. prior to any default' by Trustor <br />in pa,'ment .of .any l.!\a.ebterlness secured r~rehy 01:' in poe-!1urmar!-;::'1';" of any t!greement nere-ttnder_ to coHfft and 'retain such rents~ issues <br />arid p',rufit.~ a.;:; t~~y becorne due and ~1abh:-'. t:'pnn .an~T 3uch default~ Be:ne-rkiarJ- may aT any ti'me without 1'1oti('(;k. either in person. by <br />;~gent, -nf by a receiver .to be llppo:nt~ 'try,- .a a)urt. trod 9titl1';YJt regard to the adequacy of St:-..ctuity for the indebtedness hereby -secured. <br />-ente-r upon and t~tke poBS,esgit'fn nf said- pro'f)€'rty :}r any thereof, in his own name S-Ue or Dthenvis€" en-Beet such - ren:ts~ isrues and <br />profits, including. th~ P8lSt due and unpaicL a.nrt sarne u!k)n any i:ndebtedn~~ ~e'cured h~reby, and in such order as Beneficiary <br />~:ary determin~ -- ""rhe' ent-ertn$! upo.n and tak.jn~ n.f Baic the !'oUectkm ,uf such rents.. l&"3:Uf$ and profits and the appHeatit.1n <br />-t,he-r~f a-s. afol"'e...~iiJ.d:, ,ghaH .om, c'urt?- or \vaiv€, any- h.€'.!i.::,undf-f: frr' }'!lvilllri.u.te any ~:t("t done pU.rSUli-nt to such notic€'_ <br /> <br />S, Gpon defauJt hy TrU$,O:f in the -fn(lt~bte<:ines.~ s'eeure.t:l Iwrepy or in th(~ perf{)-rmant-;e' of {WI}' ~tYTee!nent 'Conta-tnea herein, <br />an S'U111.:S ~uJ"c.;{f h'E'li(.ohV ilhaH and at the nphon of the BB!t€'Hc-iary, In such event and upOn written'request <br />of Beneliciary, Tru.s~ m,'lill ;;ell t11" tm~l in w,~h t.he N",hraska Trust l)..'t'Os Act, at pllblk auction to the highest <br />-ext:'Bpt Tr1-}5:..t~e rna'y at ;~ale'_ Tr-u~ee- s,ha.H the pTt;)c13{'dg Df th6"~ ~are ,as foHo-w~:' (l} .to tht~ expense. <br />a rea~nahlt';' Tr'u~tet~'15 fe~~: :.2), tl} the nh-!ig,;ltio'fi 5{"('~'i;;l:n~i b~' D~d of Tru.e;t:. '\;'$"i the surplus, if any, shalrbe-'dist-rihttted <br /> <br /> <br />ag <br /> <br />s..~~e cnn:!.::-n'E:'{! by l;;h~B' ni;~~:i 6f Trust. If'jot ~H1 ~;.>xe,hh...hj\;. n)n.H,~dy; rh:;u'eHci.firy l11ay C-i.lU~e thi$ Deed ;tif'T"rust {.o be threc.!bs-ed <br /> <br /> <br />Gn p.(~ rth;Y.P: he{'B'{(1:~ but 011 the:ir <br />rnf'!-fg1 t.hli' hntd,1(<l" ttnd o~~vru:~!'"'.of <br /> <br />de,,,~is€"(tfS; <br />nnte St~C'ured <br /> <br />t.':$.' Lk~, P€'r41.:"h~~' <br /> <br /> <br />"rrt;}st~, !5ha.-H d~Hv~:!" to (hoe p',.H'd}ai.#~'r at th~ '~::dt, tt::: d{~~~rl" I.'.'ithont, which ShllH to the ,putt.baBeT the ..intJ::'rest +n <br />w,hich T't"U'$t,<~t" h.."Hi t}f' ' th~~ ",v ~lt th,to:" r.j,jUt.1 (d' h.,I}; 'ex("eut~(lr. of ! his DOtl'd Trust." and slleh as, 'he .n-tay.'li..av'e. <br />~'tIiJe\fi. ,<naB t}HH t:h~ s-tt!t;> wa~ c'On.dncted in, conrp!i<tOJ7'e V,tith.,all the. :~.quit"N:~e!1-t~ <br />"~,,'hi~~h r6cIu~i ~)-rHJLn f8.~'i(- ev:i~J~~n<'e s-ueh (;-(j-lnJdia-n,cl~ :'-!l1d (,Ooch-t:4Hre f\videnee nH:~:h;;{l:f ':in. favot' <br /> <br />the~ o/"~vet'1:& di.~,~~jht.y iff rq,~$l~':J1Ht]On .of !'f:n,w.t.e'.e, <br />fh,~ the ml}rt~t-il~:,e r{~cot"dB t.h~! <br />he \-"~;tith, aJi }.'<{,'l-we:~ 1:'if tw..e ~'lrl'g~,ttr.d tn..h';[~?f: Th-i?: t'rllftlf::{~ <br />any J}@J;~d ~>t ;tUriy p~'r;~~erl,j ng ~ n ~thH:'h T.~'lh;:tL~!' <br />i~~i~ng i}ft~'''1g'bt tb.:e' Tl"'Ugt<t~e <br /> <br />~) Th~ l)rn~?.'..J at' TJ'tls,t, Li.pph~ H"Ut.~~ th.s- b..t"'uefh f,indm.,f? n{'tt <br />'legm!'t~~. ~d'J:tl~ci:i.ttT,tltt;-i';g'> ~!,Jti:!i!{;'tttX,>>")~L ~H..'lit't'i?-'$.&0rr';<1 ;f'~$S$l};n~'~~. Thij'~' ~..j.:f'rn f3'\'7!'H,:fi'('HtrV <br />he!~.'{,by, whfllth~r (H~ 't~ot na,~"~'t'd HBU,Bfit:iary h0{,~}'~1 <br /> <br />N01'JCE TO CONSUM.ER: .I. 00 tlot si~n <br />of this paper. 3. You m.ay prepay the <br />to re1Deh-e a refund '01' uneN'nt~d <br /> <br />this paper b(:fort:' you read it. 2. You are tmtitled to 11 copy <br />btdanee ai time without p(1)llalty and may bt1 entitled <br />ac(:ordan{3e <br /> <br /> <br />this <br /> <br />tU.y "f <br /> <br /> <br />.I\.D 1:) <br /> <br />STAT!>; OF :iEBRASK1\ <br />!;Ol'NTY <br /> <br />On thiB <br />(x,au:nj~i(ltl~'t! liIl1d q\1",hfied <br /> <br />il1>1i\tnJ.!t~,t "" Tln.I't",. <br />act 1t11<:! d"oo <br />Wltnf.~ n~y-- ~'lt~ld ~td)J;i ~N:Q:J;i~l"lal ~'6a.l <br />My <br />of <br /> <br /> <br />ST,<\n:: OF <br /> <br />I~ <br />,~ <br />~S <br /> <br />Ent<'nw. in <br />d<lS "f <br /> <br />lnd>7x and med l<:H' r~t,rd <br /> <br />t~he ,oHice o.f i.he H~g,\,StB-l^ of lli~~ of s~i!jd. (,:(HJnty, thJi;1 <br /> <br />'\1.. <br /> <br />:il... . <br />d:u,:ly reJ:'utcl,fJd <br /> <br />f;/do~~k h'tfHl <br /> <br />BfJok <br /> <br />(}f <br /> <br />~gQ; <br /> <br /> <br />L <br /> <br />