<br />83- 003104
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<br />
<br />UN1~'();f~j( r:O\1'ti!:>N-AN1"K B;:;)IT01\\<'er and _Lender ;:{)Vet'lan1 and ~\gree
<br />L Pll}"H1~nt of :Principlli ,md lnteresl_
<br />ll~!m,dl'le$S ,~videnc<::d by th.~ NOH':.
<br />on any F\tt\ll:'~: Adv;;ul,ce~ secured by
<br />2. Fandi~ &)1" TlilX~ lmd IUlIfMtelt. S'lhjec:
<br />1<1 IAl:nrter d.l}' m~'nrhrJl iml"llftl<,l\l< t'/
<br />It $um "Funds", e<lil,,1
<br />.\ct<ll111Jaile, llnd rems' t'rl ! he
<br />pius
<br />
<br />diH:~ the
<br />
<br />B,nd
<br />
<br />of ~~nd inten~st o-n the
<br />principal of and if"~teres.t
<br />
<br />ti..n't!e- to: t.hlle
<br />TIle
<br />state ,a~ney ( Lender tf L>1;~fJ(kt
<br />IttStU'a11Cl~ pren1~UrtJ$ 3JJd ~~ln-un{l ! ,~tNler n1~1V
<br />or :;UMJ t:{)rnp~h~}~v. s,\:td ~~'SS(:~sn1:etHS and
<br />h! rrl,~t,ke ~u~h d'M:,n~'I.~.
<br />tbaf lint,crest the Fdn{h ~~,hl.tH.
<br />sUoCb a~lt;erCM h..\ !~ 1 1:.rl(!(:r
<br />gi\'I;.": al(j~T()Wef" "~\
<br />k.! ...hl,:b CliC,h del";:
<br />'Ill"l'tgllg.:'
<br />11 Ine .l.ml[l~lnf
<br />t the tJl.je d~te~ of Li.',C.!\. <
<br />;f,;j,~'$S-men-t'!'.
<br />
<br />
<br />II.' 11 WflHel1 "'~Ivcr by Lmdel'. l5orrower shall
<br />under tlH: N"l<~, unll! the NClfe I' p",id in
<br />~lS$C:~$nle'rH~ vihk-:h nlay' atrrun priority over this
<br />("llc-lwdflh \'t:l.\rlv pl"'lYllUm Illslallments IN ha~ard if,"~\lrancc,
<br />H,;snr:nncc', ~.f ~ury, aU <:is, -t';it~;.(ltHlhly cst~mat'ed ~nit.iaHy and fronl
<br />;Jnd ~-l,;',,,,\s;onabk-' t.,:,~~nnlutt':':-; theref>t,
<br />\l,,'I1.ich arc fnstlted 'i'~r 1:HJ:funntef:1..1 bY',11 Fe,den\! ()f'
<br />(,'l}(k,' ,/luil tit,: F\.IIld;; I" '"fi<.llllxes, ,lssessmcnt$,
<br />h',:ddm~ EiPf'iving Ihl:' imal\'lltlg saki rv::COllllt
<br />I c!1dt~f p",,,, !lm:owc, InlC;C~'" "n lhe Funds and law
<br />.j~,n:t:: \%T:tH1U the ~jme 1)( 0.1' 1hi-:s
<br />, "l.ld1 (lg;e<':l'l1c,m m~dc or law
<br />':nit:'rc'St Pf k:arnin\f'S ~)H ,he' Lf,~nder
<br />\,:rt:dlts (h;~b'iu. t('1 the Funds and the
<br />~h,kiIl10naj ,,,,.~;c'tJfit)' for l:'.-i;';~' sUnl~ S,t;~,,~u.red
<br />
<br />1J~~tdlrnct'H$ (''if Fund\! p~1yable
<br />;;~;\f.;4't~.j 'lfh: Jn1i~tHH H~-q'l.Hn..~d f-() pn~
<br />\h.lI~ b\~. Bnrro-\~.:cr'~.;
<br />th,e ;:rntn,nt
<br />.l:~d ..~,r~.'l:und n':nr~~ the\; f;'~1l due.
<br />the dale n;Hli,;C 'j.\ nlaHed
<br />
<br />
<br />',elel
<br />
<br />Funds
<br />bl I <,,,dCL L::nder
<br />,un hmds held by
<br />
<br />i f:'ndt'f f':-.r,{)v!ctcd.
<br />1f1(.:- rnanfie:r
<br />Jirt::'\,.'tl\- h~ the
<br />
<br />!j,lln;"Hjli;;t~t
<br />