<br />83---rtf~{.Jn~Q"12'~l!S due dale the annual mortgage insurance premium m order Ie, Drcwide sllch hO\(Jt'f
<br />with funds'to pay such p-remiutn to the Secreta';;' "~Jf H-ousing ~n-d- Urban 'Dcvek'pm~-nt pursuant to the
<br />NatlQn~i!Ho'lSmg Act. as amended, and applicable Regulations thereunder: Dr
<br />
<br />on
<br />
<br />!f and so lnng as said note of even dEte and 1his instrument are held by the SecretarY of Housing and
<br />Urban Development. a momhly charge fin liC1i afa mortgage illSUnlTlCC premium} which shall be in an
<br />equal to one-lwemh O!J2~ "f one-half (1/2) per centum of the average outstanding balance
<br />the note computed withmn laking int,,) IH:.:nunt delinquencies or prepaymems:
<br />to tbe rents, jf any. next due. plus the pr"miums that will next becNne due and payable on
<br />.and IfUllrance covering th", mortga~ed proper!y. plus taxe~ and assessments next due
<br />tali as (YS,timared bv the /'.furf.f?agee/ leo:, ail sums already paid therefm Divided by the
<br />~:iu:rtlbet "of nlo.t~dlS 10 b'~tore one 1l1o-nth pr~,or to t:he. date \vhen such ground rents, 'pren1iun1;S:~ taxes and
<br />:~f!riet;:ts~ "wi!l,b{~"t()t~ such Sl.H11S to h(~ ~H~ld hy h4oHgtlgecf1' in nust to pay said ground rents. lJ:f(:..
<br />mi'lll'!'l'$. lJ~X(!1l spediltla$.~$Smenu; and
<br />n~,n tiolled in tht' two
<br />lye
<br />pay m\:n !
<br />
<br />
<br /><,.ach llwnth m ;,
<br />
<br />~1ih&eClh)f!; Ihh paragmph and all to he m<loe under
<br />lO~ie{her; and tJH:~ ~~ggr~;~g;H':(~ arnount there{~f sln.lH lJi)jd -oy the
<br />to, be 3pphe'~I! b';i {hoe ~inftgag(;~e, "fj the ir.e.ttlS In the nrdcf set
<br />
<br />1m
<br />Oil)
<br />ilV)
<br />Any
<br />
<br />iJremhu;u char:g~, {~nd~J \2:ornr.1!;t;:~{ f:d !H~Uf;~rh;(: \'V'Hh tht"- $.tZCffrhuy of H.JI,l$j.ng 2tnd ttrban Devdc'fnHcn.t,
<br />(l-r _m{tn~,1.u)t j'j,~~t'A ;'j-r nUJr:tJ!t'Jlte insut?1n~: (' rn?rniUnl !, 'he c;ai<<~ lH;})i he ,:
<br />r~1K)'lUltl re:n.t$,. 'UiiX:C''$f"" ;4S'SC'.S!in1"e-nnL fire '.aTtd, other ha-z,Jjp.:J ~nsunl.n{:~ l1:re.rniurns:
<br />~:rtte-r(;st 'th:e nntt ;:;e:;;.ured ~'lf,~,re~'n"-' ~1nd
<br />
<br />
<br />D_l' !bc :Mort~
<br />rnorlga.ge. TIt;;
<br />-e'f~ch pay rl1e'D t 'n) Ot{~
<br />
<br />paymeJ1ls.
<br />
<br />~,Hlte!i-S rn:-H,l,e
<br />CV'fr'n;, ,H ,-,k L:tu.h under
<br />'.;,<.::11 ,lolbr I}
<br />
<br />~,{~~ ),,"~1
<br />
<br />nlld r tll", lOW.! HI til(. p:l\'mt>lIl:-, Imld,> i.ll<' il'H'i!l:l,l.(Hl' i1udN
<br />dw iUlIIIOUlH (If jll\~'"H>nI",
<br />I'llium,><, 4.~ lilt' <"J.,,~. m""y (:'1X'(,"5, :i lhi::' knll1 I.. ,'UIT.:nl,
<br />tll(~ on p'ay',m~nt,f-., tn h(::- rrut-dt) HH7~
<br />l"lol'lthl\ pll.~'mlmlJ' made ,he ul1,k~
<br />r(,ln:'t~ t~tX,t:~-.~ ~tnd :a~',,~-~~6~n'l:t:,,-rU~ or -in~lH<;jUH'('
<br />abl", llH'l'1 il1(' .~ilall p." Illl:'
<br />HI" !lall: '."lW!I lllt\lIl"l1t
<br />
<br />
<br />full
<br />
<br />fwl'f'o!'
<br /><In..!
<br />-hlAH
<br />
<br />gn\,t:ffunefHai nr rn~Hlh:'tp{.ti
<br />thei'<~tjf the M~,'tng~i.gt"t: may
<br />
<br />t'd~
<br />
<br />
<br />