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<br />83-003056 <br /> <br />d. For belter security of the indebtedness hereby sec.:ured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successor" <br />or assigns, mortgagor shail execute and deliv;:r a supplementai mortgage or mortgages covering any additions, <br />improvemenls, or betlennems made to the property hereinabove described and all piGpert)' acquired by it after <br />the date hereof (all in form satisfactory to mortgagee), Fu!hermore, should mortgagor fail m cure any default <br />in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrument, mortgagor here- <br />by agrees to p<::rmit mortgagee lO cure such default, but mortgagee is not obligated to do so: and such advances <br />shaH become part of the indebtedness secured by this instrument, subject to the same terms and conditions, <br /> <br />e. Theri~:hts created by this conveyanee shall remain in full force and effect during any postponement or <br />e:uel1SiOl'l of the tim(: of the payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory note or notes, or any <br />parll:hereof S<e'cured hereby. <br /> <br />f. To conlifH.louS~Y maintain insurance, of such type or types and in such amounts as the mortgagee <br />may fr~")m thnie to time require (m the improvements now or hereafter on said property. and will pay promptly <br />whenduc any therefor. AU insuram::e shall be carried in companies acceptable to mortgagee and the <br />and re'l1<."Wals thereof shall be held by mortgagee and h,we attached thereto loss payable clauses in favor <br />of and in foml acceptable to the mortgagee. in event of loss, mort.gagorwil! immediate notice in writing <br />10 mort~t'e, and morlg~ee may rnake proof of loss if not made prompdy hy mongagor, and each in.surance <br />cumpal'lY concerned hcretl)! ll11t!lorir.ed and ditt'eted 10 make payment for such !()SS directly to mortgagee <br />im,tead of Wlntlrlga~ior and mortgagee iointly, and Ihe insurance prOC!et-ds, or any par! thereof, may be applied <br />5Y mortgagee at it" optIon tither 10 the redu<.:tlon (:if the indebtedness hereby secured or to the restoration or <br />repair of the prnperty damaged OJ' deS1H)\'ed. 1n event or foreclosure of this mortgage. or other transfer of title <br />to ';aid pro1'l'Cl't). in ,,'xllngulshm!'1H the indebtedness secured hereby, all dgln, title, ,mo. interest of the <br />mt:tf1.~agot in and to ,mym,tlmn,-,~ fJ()lk,cs 1 hen in force shaH pass 10 the or mortgagee or, at the <br />oprlon of Ihe mortga.!\cee, m;ay be surrendered for a rehmd. <br /> <br />g. T (., k~:'ep all and "ther 1 mtlHWemems on $3id property in good and condition~ to <br />c(rmm:J1. or surfer no ',<tllle. imr:l<nrmem, dete1'1matioll ,)f ';;ud property or any part thereof; in the event <br />or failure d the mong~or !l) keej'l the ml ,,:~id ;Jnd t!lose erected on said or <br />impw'\:emen\~, t!1ere;.)!1, 111 gOt'K.I replilf. Ihe m,)rtji(agee may make $u('h repairs a.~ in its discretion it may deem <br />neC'C$sary the pmper pn:,~ernm(ln !hereoi: and the lull ;;:rm:nml nf each and every such payment shall be <br />immediluely due amI !md ~haU he ';",;mea by .he ie-'m '11 this mortgage. <br /> <br />p.::mm 10 he ~)la:am"t lilt, properl)' to this mortgage any hen <br />ntot'*~~~~,{; 'wrt.'h{}l:l't \;iwriHen (.4.}n.s<<~nt <;J..f ~.h,-c tnon8.agee~ and fU'iht:l",. that mort" <br />trorn ttw; (') p~~t~Qt:l;\ lahor or tnau:rtals for t~on- <br />He''''' h('ll11,t cre>;;tet.J 10 Vi::' e!>:c!ed on Mtid premises, <br /> <br /> <br />I- "rt) <br /> <br /> <br />rH()nJt~:a~'e,d pn>p>\,:rty <br />the nH";:n~lit!e:e,. <br /> <br />dernt)Hsh~ 'Or reUl(j-VC,c\< (:lr <br /> <br />,Ulhlil(,lll.!lh <br /> <br />10 any of the <br />the s:,un~ w <br />name iJf the <br /> <br />;~H ;."t~V~JJd.'1' i,t~nJ1rl,g:($ Wl.H~ ~:tny '~f)'n.dfnltl:ti,tif)'n fj.):f ~)ul)!h~ t~:&C -oJ tU <br />pn:>p<:;f!)' ',ul:;j';-'::IIO dlh lJK;!tg2lge are he!\:h'f ,uvJ ;.hall he W rnof!~aiec, who mlljl <br />p:a"J"-rne:nt irtJilaH:{n~~H_~ !.,4t~H UUdtZf nt}te\ ~nd ITHln,ga.:gce he-:reby a'1;,.Hrn).tiZt~" in the <br />m()ltg;;~$,1!. \:""<:lI,!e :md Jdi",'( valid J.<:<.jclfimni:<:;j, l. h::g',)( ;JI,a aPi~al IrOiU ~lny ;ud.1 3,y,'<1ro. <br /> <br /> <br />J;., The mvrll!~,g("e <br /> <br />in."pe.;:: :he mungaged I't"HW~e5:. a! <iny reas()nab}e time, <br /> <br />tJli.H <br /> <br /> <br />Tn ~( Wltl1 <br />Ui~~l i.n i,\ \:Ot"hj<:H11ini:u:,$;~ <br />under l.he .:l,:;du,nui"m <br />bli.l~w. anti <br /> <br />pj u' lj1Q!,~ MQftgli\:g'\: i> a leaJ:'.ehokl ! f tin!> Mortgage is on a <br />CH '6 ,ph:Ulffi,'t':"'J unit djj;~~'e1<)-?tu.t':-nI:~ Hotfowe.r 5haU }'lH of rjor,r(JW'f,r~s obiig;~tion$ <br />(:I..'~l\'n,.H\U ';:reatHlj!: or !i.(,\Cf'11111l!. i;oHl.!.omimum ,11" planned unit development,the <br />{)l ,he l:ondO(UmlU~n pl;mn;::4 Ilflll de>:ek"fll.nCll.t, and C()!h<;,ituent do\:uments. <br /> <br />:L <br /> <br />l>efaul: m an~ of insn"mefll Of oi !he nr.'t,e Of loan (ig~:m<:n: secured hereby <br />"b:<dl tennim.<'I: the ,we ctlJ,yyn:>efl1 of lhe pn,perty, ,ll the ~)f,Hjtm of !he <br />mcon$;age;: or (il l:iI."jng tb,at thel1,of:g".Jj<,f !-la,,, su,,;t! right 1,wtH def,u,lh), U~.on any :iuch <br />the rn"fjjj\.age~ ~h,ll! be,:,~'ni€ the {)WJley oj' :he ;~i1U, anti default 4.!' sec.::urilY fOf <br />th\;~ in.d..d:mod>><:$'t .,,;:\;uted with 'Jj)OIl "aid property fN the pm$l'ose of col!<.x:ting ;;u.:h <br />T!~~~ instrument shall Uj:.efl,l.!C a~ an any rentah ()H said property to that e.>Wwt. <br /> <br />~- <br /> <br />if !b.e l1ko::rts,ai$~f ,d:et;fa,~.i1,it.~~ ~.uld fZtils ~.O irzake any t):ayrn-enb ~'):tu!'__n due Of to J;:::onfnrrn 1.0 and cornpLv ~~jLh H_.f(l/ <br />in tub Irli}rtia~t: the o:oief$ 'wluct} it $'eeUf"{,.~1 i:.hef~ tbe entire <br />inter~,t ~h;d! $II <mee ~,n'l.le ow: ,md :ind df"'''' per (Q!1l <br />l!v.: t!e.:tj.{,n (;f the ll:U:'>U,!!,agcc; iHld thi" rn\Jngage maj IhcrcuPf)1l hi: f;)re;;:!o~d <br />fl:&! Hu;: lhe il'ldebtedflC1>.' heH;by ,,~:u!cd, H,,,'luJing the (()~t eMeu(.hng ,he absu;'K' of wk hz'", the <br />dau: of dli:> m~),!gli>i~t' W lh;: time of c,)ftm.l.;J1,,;:inilt su..:h <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ifw;,re~t <br /> <br />,::~ '0, (j <br /> <br />it <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />in even! oi Ii i,)r~O;i.un: <>. 4::f:.tu!1 it;; provided herew, (he mL.xtgag~ "rJall Cltl (Hl<:e Ix ":l!ntled to .he ;:1"". <br />1~~1~l'~ ~nd llt1~1.(ft)'m1,;;i:H err th~. r~ii e~utl~ ~lfof{':'$aid t'tnd ! he :re'ftt ~ i.~"~,"'$o(;s,~ ro'y'~d~,ie-);,; ,;JJ}d- rH()fiLi ther~"~C <br />tf-:ti~a::t' t'~~ .~luin;tJ, (111' !:i'Ui;Jt ngh131 and duti!l-M, dle pc'ndtJlC)' fo-f>Lh~hjfiur(~ pn)s;ee'din:g.) ,and. s;Jch r:l1Y'1'\",-y~j~}r-h{ ('1C, <br />~/~~J ~! (if:fit..~ h~ 1J1.;J r.U{)!tp.J<;t' 1J_~)n r~t"pJjC!;;t., u_p,on fad,u.h~ :'~n(:h dt::iiv("":fY ~,}t :,th.J~ i~~,~'),~,.t~~~i.(Hl fni:(~ <br />~~~'t):r(-:t::--'d n~>n~~_j~ftt\ by ;tPP$ (:rpr ta,t-t Z~h~;~~i!jng.:~~ ~f~\J~:1{hnf.' .]i_ re..:e";-;;;'~ {Of rhe propeny <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />