<br />
<br />
<br />83- "fu;305o-L
<br />
<br />83-Q02708
<br />
<br />UN1FUl'M COVEl'lM"'TS" Borrower and Lend,~r covenant and ;:;gree as follows:
<br />
<br />1. PaYJDl'lllt of P'rincipal ami IlItPnst. BorTower ,h:;jl pn,>mplly p'a~' when due the principal of and imeres! ,'rl the
<br />",debtedness evidenced by the Note, prepayment and la,e charges as provIded m the Nore" and the prine.pal of and imerest
<br />::.m an",:" Future Jr1~i,vanc-~~ secured b\.' this Deed of Trust.
<br />1. FUIIlIS f<K T_ an4 I~e. Subject to applicable law Qr to a written waiver by Lender. Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lender <H! tbe day monthly installments of princ!pai and ,meres! are payable under the Note" untillhe NNe is paid in fulL
<br />a stlm {hereio "~F-unds:~"j equal to one~!weUth of the yearly !axes and assessments which may 3ttain priority over thiS
<br />Deed of Trust. and ground rents C'o the Property. if any, plus ('fie-twelfth pf vear!... premium installments for hazard insurance.
<br />p!usooe-twelft!h of yeady premium installments for mortgage insu.""ce, if any" an as rea~,nably estimated init,aHy and from
<br />time to time b~' Lender on the basis of :\.'<.sessments and b,lls and rearonable estimates lhereot
<br />rne Funds l,hall be held jn all institution the denosits or acc<,unl, of w!-",::h arc msured or guaranteed iw a Federal or
<br />state agency (j~fCluding Lend<.'r If Lender is such an instinnmn) Lender shall apply lhe Funds to pay said taxes, assessments,
<br />lllsuraoceprem"l!mS,U1idgcound rents" Lender m:,y ,,{}t chaq;e for so holding and ;Ipp!ying the Fuods, analyzing said account
<br />or verifying and compi~ing said assessments and hills. unless Lender pays Borrnwer interest on the Funds and applicable law
<br />~1its ~nder 10 make sllch a c':.arge" Borrower and lender may agn>ein wrlling at the time ef ex.eeulion of Ihis
<br />Deed ot nut! tn:lt llll,cn.os! on the hmds shall be io Borrower" and unless su<:" agreeml'nt '" made or applicable law
<br />require'" such il!l€trest l<1 be. paid, Lender shan not reqmred t,l !S(,rrower ;iny mterest or earnings on the Funds. Lender
<br />shaH give to Bormwcc without Fllnd, showing credits and debits 10 the Funds and the
<br />plltpose fOT which each debit 10 are pledged as additional !>eCurity for the sums secured
<br />t>y Ihis .Q.eed <l f Tms!.
<br />If the ,nn(lUnt of the Funds held bv Lender. together with the ful\lre monthlv ;nstannlents of Funds payable pnor 10
<br />t.he due.dalcsof la)(il'i, a,ss,""smen!<, lI'lsuranee "nd ground rents, ,hall exceed the am<:1ul1t reqUIred 10 pay said tax"".
<br />fi~me:nts., HlmJ:f1U\Ce pre:ruf-tUn1"4 and reJ"$ts a~ !,..,~":\: f:di due, such ;zxce:;s shaH be, at Borrower"s oP't;oo, eit.her
<br />m Borr"wer or 1l\'fri,)Wer ':m 111stallmen1s nf Funds If the amount of the Funds
<br />~ha!l t'<:1t be ~llt1'iCtent '" pav "s<.('",ments" premium.;; and ground rents as they 1',,11 due,
<br />pay {l) Lelld<:r illW l'tmtmnt make up the' d.:tklel1cV wIthin 10 day" from the dale nOllcc j, m:l1led
<br />
<br />
<br />to Bcrrrower an\? Funds
<br />bv I endec" 13:nde,r
<br />unv Fuod, he!,l by
<br />
<br />hcld
<br />\f\all apply, m~ I,ll", ,'I the
<br />Lender 1;1 the llme n{ awllCaliol1 :" a ~redi! "gain"t the ""'''
<br />J. A.ppjklllti&lI uf Pl>~_L". I in!c~s j"w cnwuk"-'
<br />N<lIe ;;inti l i:Uli:,i :2 shil~H Lt,:fH.1{'r 11r~1 HI:
<br />under heret);f. then h'? the Note. th~~f) r;J
<br />on all'v F!!.!Hrt' '\<iV'lL"!':""
<br />. i""ieR~~ Bnrrl'1W'~"r straH
<br />,he Properly m;]lV [,nail>. ~
<br />mlUlUCf p~ovid!~ undet
<br />to the t~zref'rf. Eh:u:n::rtv{:.f
<br />evcnt sh.;tll mal,."
<br />Smmwer ~hail
<br />~t) ;:l:ny iiBi:;-:h
<br />hen ~-n i) nlS'l;'Oner ';;~'c,c,~pt~}:b1e
<br />leglll procoedlfllr> wh,ch
<br />$. H-.i lilWml~.
<br />k,s~ by firl;.,
<br />ll'l '\lett amozmll'. lor
<br />'\lc.n COVefll:l:IO ,~,,;<<d Ihllt ,1>1 CtJV<J:f:<g<t
<br />h;t$AlnU)~~ c;~rrt'et" ~~r()vidtng, {h~ ~n'$;Uf_:ifH;:~ :/ihaU to bv Lender:. ~'lny'v{dt,tL
<br />$b;UJl no~ be t'Hlfft'5:O:f:tabf'~' \!fF~tbt,~i>\L If\Jt p'~t'nlnrn~ {SIn ~n,HHiH~ce ~~;-,~h(;:iflt~ be in the 1n:anner
<br />parafV.ijl'h ;: here,'! ,f p;:ucl m ~\,,-h 'mW'tc:L f~)f"''''eJ' 'l,,,,lung p"yn1el1l, when dir~ctl'f to the
<br />
<br />()ther d";;:u'~es, ,lines ~-..!nd
<br />fel<wh,'h.l p.\Ymems
<br />B,)now~r
<br />:l(()'H(::t':~ iltllXl'tl'H(S due
<br />r qrrHs.h t{1 ',C'nder
<br />lkt-d "'I Tl "~L
<br />
<br />
<br />;uld f"Cli1ewah fht'T1;;"N),f &hJtH
<br />!O'ffil 1_,'!:fH.k::r
<br />jl'r,'mft!l'f L,'nd..r
<br />!ItlalJ !!I'v\: p'!'clmpt 'WHee
<br />
<br />HI h'\un- ;:i,t>~'ep,t;ab1f;:' 10 t'~;'ndt:,t and ~h~i3:H indude s,ti:fndard
<br />L.t,"'lH;b."'f ~~hi':tH pnjkit:$ ,;{oci feOt:;waJ~
<br />!n lhe
<br />l1(lrt
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />of fo~~,
<br />
<br />rr"mpHy
<br />
<br />LeAOli(;l!oldl\;; C,)l~~$; l"1uoed Unit J)e"",topmo:l'lts. Bon "'wc,
<br />jhaM~~ {,H pi::~j'TU.j..1 'of the
<br />ffU\1 Of! II tnl's I)eed Clot (H1 .a a
<br />t~'d"onn JH aOfr()\%:it('~ U-lw'C',r r.he d,e.chH;Hi:on
<br />n~-urn p'kif:,n~rl unl,t J.f;;v(::xoprnet:~t, dJe ~Hld n::guJa~io{1s i.ht':
<br />and -(Ort$!d,w::ru df);:.;tlKfte:nf:"L H it {,:!;:~nd{'lffuniufn W1H
<br />".,tl\ tlH~ Dwd ('( 1 fl.l$!, lhe (>f
<br />'io,uppktmctl:t the '2{)'\i'e-f~;;'H:t~S :Jind agreernents Tnr)t Ii"';' If ~he
<br />
<br />
<br />\':(tlH~Hned n't (!.:tl:S
<br />in~,erE"A in ~he
<br />o~ proce.c:c1tngho
<br />$u~h \L~hu[i'ie
<br />
<br />
<br />~nsur:Jn.'e, ;1'>
<br />h} I'n~il.in{aln _"i1_h:h
<br />4,<';(',:(frtl;;ln,Cc l.Vt~h B()-rr,Hwer'!') and
<br />HbUnU'1-t:'e P:f~H'lIUm~ in ~hi~
<br />
<br />~
<br />~il
<br />ji
<br />I~
<br />11
<br />
<br />:ft) &)rra-w-cr
<br />.t itne f~n
<br />Whh;h ~ve"t
<br />':UnlilIrlC"j m rh;~ pl<uglaph r;:'lWfl:
<br />
<br />!>.ha,\i ~lC...:,}Tn.e ~~d4if.~\')~,;~_1
<br />tt':1 rn$ Qf pea :'>'f~"i~'H~" >~:i::=h
<br />tM:';;i)" t.fH.'t.n.:~1~; ; f{,H:tt Hlt;
<br />~'Jt H.HCf,;~~
<br />l>I-@.h.{~,t J id,c-
<br />H'h';;Uf ~ny c'\~)c.f~1-~ 1,1:~ t.~J;,~
<br />
<br />mil\!' mUJt Ii)! ~~u~_ h~ ~ rHtuJ~ H:aM~n,!h-j~ c,n,if,!!.'"
<br />.' ~4)l,~~.t:: ~n'i~)f -if~;;Y :t;~Kh ;n~t~,\,.bof'l \fPCl'dYUi,{i}
<br />
<br />