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<br />83......tJ U 3043 <br /> <br /> <br />in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br /> <br />power of eminent domain, or acquired for a public <br />f<lr sllch acquisition, 1.0 the extent of the full <br />to Se,:ure remaining w1paid, are hereby assigned by the <br />10 be applied by the latter on a.CCOUll! of the next <br /> <br />note <br />may, <br />B. <br />CORI~~' witl;!; a~ry of <br /> <br />ilnd tlte Mte secured' hereby not he eligible for tll. <br />moot b s fwm t!le date here{\f (written statemenf ()f any off:k'er <br /><!f 'lUthmized of tile Sc<;,n:tllry of Housing and Urban <br />of t1li~ mortgage, declining 10 insure said <br />the Mortgag,ee or I'H}lder of the note <br /> <br /> <br />'2 <br />.::k<i!'mcd of sw:::h <br />~e;;,\lned hcrchy due and <br />fail" to make a,nj' pilynlemi> money the same become due, Of falll; 10 CQnftlrm II) and <br />ilf agret'mern~ <,;mHl!Iil1e<l ill tht;; 11.ole which it secures, then the entire prind. <br />ilneresl shallal NIce l;l.e<:ome due llnd l"~jyahle, <It (}f the Mortgagee; and thi$< mortgage mllY <br />he rnr the Wh(ll\: <If '\.aid mOlley. illteresl. monthly pal/mel1ls. 'CIJMs, ground rents, taxes and <br />the uf "lYsln..;;t !Ide from lhe dM/;" of lhi~ !elM tll the lime of cOllllllendng such foreclosure SUil, and a rea. <br />~onlilbte an,)rn,~y'" "II ()f whid'! <;hall f',(' mduded ill lh/: decree ,If ,fNec!osu:re: and the contract embodied in this mortgage <br />and the flQle si~.'Ilf"d ht:relw. ~hllll in all n:~l'e(:h r,l<!t ~('wmt~<j, ,'nf\~lrlled ,ll'ld :lIljuojl:ed lly the law, of Nebrllska. where the <br />!;lime is made, <br />The C(Wenanls ~I'em ,:Mllamed ~",;1I1 hllllj, .1'.1 0,,, i'en"'!!!.' ,11'111 <br />adminislmtors" \ucce,.\Jl" ;;nd ,,"'llll'l'> "i the !,.arHe, lI~rl:'~n Whenever <br />piul'"ll~ Mfl/VlJ1la:. amt the liS!? ~l .un ,hllH !'w: afphc'ai'lc h' ,Ill gender'. <br />The fi~f1:~mlllt l.'vl1l.Jlll<lnS, ~H ',!flj.!lll"r. ht'ln:.: PC!'!"!'!1lcd hI lheir n;ct!llu! and legal impmt, this c<mveyance <br />,hliU be "'>ld :dld ,.lId f'.reml"t" lek>l\(:tl:<I the ~"l'<W'C .,f Ill<: \'h'f!i'lllIlOr.; to he and remain in full force and effect. <br /> <br />,hall in~me to.lhe respective heir", exeCUlors.. <br />l.he singular number ~haU include the plural, the <br /> <br />IS WITS IRSS WIURI:f11 th<' \tMlll;lil,H'" <br />,,00' ( "n lien <br /> <br />ha,'tinl,' ,"t <br /> <br />\'\,'1" <br /> <br />handl ~ llhe dllY and year tirst <br /> <br />IOI'tt\tlH;,: <br /> <br />~~~ <br />'" ". ~ ~\:'~~, > h... )r ~ <br />~,~ ~r~5tinc ~olal1 Clare <br /> <br />:SEALI <br /> <br />J' I SEAL 1 <br /> <br />ISreALj <br />I SFAI <br /> <br />[SFAL <br /> <br />- <br />" ,~ ,-4 I .! ,~~ <br /> <br />"'I ~, P!" "1. HI( ,''it-; <br /> <br />I 01" \ ': II <br /> <br />< ffi IPll' <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />!lOIl>ry <br /> <br />i..~~rnc_ <br /> <br />t l't I <br /> <br /> <br />'~ i <br /> <br />tu ~ the t(l(:nh~:~{l fa.f;>,.iI;' <br />~li<J1,~, 'n:\i!-tru_nu:..~t.(;: \,to,rtSAi1~-t):1 , <br />l~,\~\:ti!h\l.n t~r(~*_~i' tv j''':4;': <br /> <br />[t) me kru.Jwp. <br />,i,II'uu;d to the "nd 1'01'(" <br />the "ud H15In.lll1eflt ;lIIy the <br />'.;;htH~H: ,'~~;l dnd accr.j, (j)t purp'o,\;t:~ therein (;'-'qne~'f.,e{t <br /> <br />"1. H <br /> <br />III <br />!~ <br /> <br />Wh(ii(';'t<.L 1 r~:",{: <br /> <br />! Sf lau.:;;" :'~ebra;5ka <br /> <br /> <br />~tf",J date ,l~t,~l <br /> <br />iA'riHtr; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />_\lit......... <br />l'l:I<:HAIil.) \oiAJ\i lYI. <br />>>v .::.,.""" ~"'I>, .I,"', ~ 1. 1* <br /> <br />S'l ATE. iF ~E HR/\SKA <br /> <br />A.D. i'l " <br />\.1 emereJ !!l 0{Ilmem;:.'11lndex. ,,'xl <br />M<Jrl~e~, <)11 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />