<br />
<br />
<br />83-- 00::i038
<br />
<br />III Thai: In.:~ MOrllgagor wHl keep the buildings upoo said pre'TIise~ in &""'0 repair. and Ilt'ither commit n()r permit waste
<br />upon ;;aw land., nor suffenhe saw premise~ to t>e used for any unlawful pUfP'ose_
<br />} L That ~r the prt,mises. or afl~' pan thereof. r.e Ct,ndemned under the power of eminent domain, or ?cqulred for a public
<br />use. Lite dama~:es aW3l'6ed. the PfQceed~ f(lr the taking of. "f the cOIl~deraTion for sach acquisition, to the exlent of the full
<br />am;mm of indeblednes upon this mortgage and the note" hich it i, given to secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the
<br />Ml::Jrtg;ilgOr to the: Mongagee. and sl-.all be paid forthwith 10 ,aid \h>flgagee 10 be applied l-y the Jailer on account of the neXT
<br />ma~lJringinsta"ments of such indebtedness,
<br />agrees trnH shol!!4 this mmgage and the note ,;ecuTed hereby nOl be eligible for lO-
<br />t witmn .;::.u:ty Days ff(lm lhe date heret')f (written ~taleme!l! of any officer
<br />:mrl Uman Development or authorized a!!ent ,,{ ,he Secretary of Housing and Urban
<br />the Days Ilmt' ffOm the date (}f rhis mortgage. declining to insure said
<br />mm-t~:e~ bring edeemoo ",,:;of of such ineiigibiiityi. the Mortgagee or holder of rhe note
<br />declare all sums due and payab!e,
<br />fails to make any payments mnney 'Nhen the ,ame become due, or fails to COnfQfffi to :ind
<br />co.'lt.1ined in this ,If the note which it secures, then the entire princi-
<br /><mee become due and paYahle, at electi,)fi of the Mnrtgagee: and rhi'S mortgage may
<br />lhe wllOle (>f Sjife mOMy. illt<::resL tl\(>nlhly payments. eLlSrS. ground rents, taxes and
<br />title fnJm t~ JatlC of thi~ IOiln tl.> cmnmendng such forec}osure sttir~ and a rea.
<br />of WfflCD "hail he included in the deereI'" of and the comfact embodied in this mcrt~e
<br />1I{."Cu:ren here!)'\{, elillalt In aU respecrs be i(}~'erl'1<<l, Ci,nmruoo :md adjudged by the laws Qf Nehraska. where tM
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