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<br />LOAN NO _ 5751
<br />
<br />THifSI)f.Eo OF TRliST is,xuade this. . ,llt:~. . . ., .. ... .day of . .. .. . .!~~.. .. . .. .. . ... n.
<br />t9. ~?'l .am~:mg the Trust:or,."f~n:J,!il;n.ijI:?H~t. ~nA .Aoo. f).-. RQf:fef.. h.lJ$.band ,and. wife,...,..,..,.-:-,..,..,...__""";
<br />7:-'~~~~7;";7"~;'"::'"..~'7':''7'77:-:-:-'-:""7'':''7'7'77"7'7'":'"'"-'(herel'n UBortO\Ver;;'~)'~-,. " . . ~ '. '. '. ,. ~.. ~. .., . , ., . . ,'> . ~ . " ,'. ". ,'., .
<br />~~~!=l1P.l:~.~. ~J5, .~c!. ~~~. MS;c!c;:i;~~~.9? . , .. . ,.. ....... (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficiary.
<br />. ,~~~~,~~ . ~~ . . . $~ :~~ . ~~~. f\.~~~dl;lt~O!1.. .. ..... .............,.. a corporation organized and
<br /><lXJ~ und~::r the UIWS of... . " .. ~ebrli}$~~. . , . .. whO$c addres.!i is. . . , ., . .. . .. .
<br />;~~?..5. .~~l~~':1~,. ~J~'t~,. ti:E... J{~qQL.. (herein "Lender").
<br />
<br />BoIl.Il:01~IUl, Il'lIcoftsider.!tiOl1 of the mdcbrcd.nl'Si> herem rc\:ilcd ;md Ihe trust ht~reill creltll~d. irrc-"('lC;ibly grants
<br /><lIlG COl1\'C-y1,1'O Tn!lfr' In trust. WIth power nl sa~c. Ihe followlll!! descnbed property located 10 Ihe ('OIm!,.. of
<br />, " . . , , . . tillt . . $ta!.e 01 Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot E1~t'lt on. Blm:k Three
<br />Subdl:vhI1m"l In the: Citv or
<br />Hall . :>lebr<lski.i.
<br />
<br />3), lh:entwood
<br />';ll"and Island.
<br />
<br />.ftC kl.n tbc .Ndlr~;t, ,,!t..
<br />
<br />311:;' 6 t' i.arwood lioule va rd
<br />
<br />Grand.I!;ilapd
<br />
<br />;"'i~t..~~
<br />
<br /><';,.'t>>I
<br />
<br />~~bral!llua
<br />
<br />68801
<br />
<br />~.kil'l "Prl1'pcrlv i\,ldnt..~",
<br />
<br />,'!>liMo. _ .1... ~I
<br />n)(u: UtF." \Nuh ill!! the \l1'Irt':~"'''tll<:nh mM' lJ,'T,',llh:r ..::e,:h'U ,"'I 111". propcn,. .Hld "II "'~I>J:m;:nl~.
<br />a!ppune::I!l&l~cc$c. ret1llshowe\'cr It} the ,llld ;h.tlhOl'lll.C~ glH'fl herrm 1..1 L<::nder t" ~',)Ik\:l ilnd appl~ "I.j(jl
<br />;'ll;l:lb). rroyMIi'llei, 1l:11DCf8l. 011lt1l<1 p.!> nahb and witl<tf. '" al!'~r flg.lll.!>, .,llJd water "I. (tel, ,l:ld <:Ill !i1l;Iur,'" m,w Pf
<br />~ereaf.tft ",ta~~ to Ult! ~fty. ail of wbleh. am.! addilJ()ftS InercttJ. ~hall he decm<:tl h) tJ.:
<br />;jlj~ re$lllll II piUt ,w the properlY COi!lCfOO by Uw> Ik<:u t,! TrUll!'. .md ;li! .ot lh<:> 1<.Jgt'lh<tr wilh >.<ml propcrl\
<br />(:Qf l~ ~lilMd~ t~C' Ii 1m" ~ (ll 1 fUll{ I> ii lcll;,cnl,l)d I :m~ rlet('m referreu h1 a, {he
<br />
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