<br />83-
<br />
<br />uu29B9
<br />
<br />,. Com:iel!llRlltion. The prooeed& of any award Of claim for damages, direct or consequentiaL in connccticn with any
<br /><:ondel'lli'laooo or otDeltald1'lg of the Property. or pan thereof. or for conveyance in lieu of condemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall be Pllid te Lender.
<br />In the event of a total taking of the
<br />with excess, if paid to Borrower.
<br />in there shall be
<br />which the
<br />market value of
<br />
<br />H"rlnwer
<br />:h,t:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />the proceeds shall be applied to the sum.~ secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />event of parriai laking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender
<br />!be sums Sf::curea bv this need of Trust such proportion of the. proceeds
<br />the sums secured by this Deed of Trust immediately prior to the dale of
<br />Propeny inlmediale.ly prior 10 the dare of I"l.king, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />
<br />Lemler 10 Borrower Ihat the condemnor ofi'el1l to make
<br />to Lender wnhin 30 after the dale such notice is
<br />:ll Lender's o!J,lt:;!!, e1the,r restorath)11 or repair of the
<br />
<br />to principal shaH not ex.tend
<br />" hereof or change the amount of
<br />
<br />he ~t w ~livt'r t')f
<br />t'JX(.,;S ,~thet hCill:l'.
<br />,.t>c.uft~d !h1$ [)(~cd -of'
<br />H~ i)~ed rrlt$~ Hfe dn~tHH::.t ~lnd cum'tJlatjv,c to ;;H1Y (tInCr rj~h!
<br />cquny. ,,; t'fd tn4~,,' he e,'j1dtn::j~'iled ~:,onCUf'rent]y. ind-cpendendY'-Of
<br />
<br />or m,,'\Mk:llliQn (}f amol'tlzation
<br />oi I'IortnWCI' shall not to
<br />Lender not tM~
<br />oiherw1se rnodifv
<br />lmd HorT\)wer's
<br />lInv nghl t)j'
<br />nl ,lO, ~\.lch
<br />Lender shaH (H.lt be a
<br />
<br />of the sum:; secured
<br />in :any fllanne't'~
<br />1<) J;!)mmence
<br />of the sums
<br />in
<br />
<br />
<br />(:{1ven,U:llS "no here,in
<br />~HHj ~j'~?HgTl'" t}f ~nd Borr-ower,
<br />~,orrowcl "hall he jOin! am! ,ever!! I
<br />fln!\ icarC rHl~ h(. US-l:..d H',
<br />
<br />Ikm"''''", . t:,~"
<br />,i'1r'\,~l'tdj)jtti'!n h'::1'!('::oj
<br />l~ "_d~.. of II~ ProP\tn~: ",_...pdt>n,
<br />lif,.l-ff4""",",4~'it Ui; ~h(tu} t A:~-fldCf'~ ~"lf'H '!' lA'tU'ttttt
<br />
<br />i~l J1H.Jtner nHtnn.er. ~1<~hce Ie-
<br />~,:'~ru6,oo IH;:td i,~ddressf~d f<,) ;H
<br />fn ~"t'rlder ~},:~ provided heretn, and
<br />1 ;('nder',,;, lH:idrt':$,'{ Mated h~retn <)r to
<br />f<l"rClll An"> (lOne\: l,rrwl<kcl tal '" thl~
<br />rth,; inarU)C~ fJC'~lMnatt"d hcrcu1,
<br />1.",t'tm:Hnt~'1i. \In\lnrn~ \'(':lH"'n:~nL' lor
<br />.~.j::('"Hr~t\" ~nqrUinent
<br />jt)Cah:d
<br />;y",\ (.;'\Htlht;;,t _~Jwlj
<br />.~I'dfh(_;t.H ~ht" ~. "nn;;;;1:n~~ prl."18!sir1n,
<br />',,,,evt:rahle
<br />,~nd it'll\ pe,'ll '_'~ TrUSl ].~ H1C tirne
<br />
<br />
<br />H'Hi~re-,,~ !hCTC;n ,'.; "'-l,ld jr~~n:l\tl:!n:d
<br /><;,nnrnhntf'a:c ~;uh(\rdtnate h'~
<br />.1 tr~}n'J'!ef dev~.,e__
<br />
<br />;l,,~'D::'d';:HH.-'-.: W!!tl
<br />l':; [naded ~Vdhtrt
<br />(:'"". p~ L~tid!'l
<br />r-,kr;!.l~faph i
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />'{'l-",-.l ~"'U"'\ll~M ~ '.'}V',k,""i'f'l '.'"t'\;C'~'~1r'":r h)Hn\l{$
<br />
<br />11'1 \. ,'~"~"If.....; K"i'lk'dir., i'" ltl'l a, p,.....'.#otd jn l>JO.~rll!>~ I ~ 1'1"'''01, "J"I'1l 1:1<"..."....1..' 1>1"~'d' It' "I!, <'I.'H'nanl Q'
<br />"I Ik.fT"....,. It, I"~ n..fiI ul I ""I. ...,,'11..1"'1 lb. H" . ''''fit" In "11",, ,.IUI" aEl)> ,um" ,t'('u.<<i b, tl1h ll",""
<br />t:~. 1."'1'10." pnOl' ,,, lK,..~faU;)" ~;.ul tti"r11"'tl~~ 'n I!<>H"""N "" II' l-i bt'rt'<)l 'p"dlytllll:: dl It..?'
<br />h'~iIIl"n~ iZJ; th'~ a1~f:.w":t u".qtji#i~ t~;t <i:Un:" '''\'Ufh hrrf,'"~:fb; ;a ~;hth;. tiO:~ h;",'io: :~n d.3Y~ dut,t thi" n'fdi('(': i, ruaikd to
<br />8....",...... I... ..11,;<1, ,,,,I> 1>,......." "'U~ bt. ",,'..rl; ",,~d .4\ Ift"'l lad.,,., '" '''1. 'fun .11,....<:1. m>. <.Ir 1>;:1,,,.. lilt' dill" 'P'f'dflcl"d
<br />'" It... ,,,,on >1"U '''''''~i m .'H'fi'.ral...." 01' .tI.. ...nn '.,", UH'tl 1:" lht- Il<''''d <>/ I n... .:Inti ,$1.. ,,' Ih~ f'T"l't'rh.. ! Ill: nt>lke
<br />'l;.b~; h:"tlt!Mt't f~tf'ii:.,.y$ B~fri;)1I4'er ~JJ tb:e- ~t1Jt ~'fJ t''('u.~tat't': Jfhif't #J( t'f"f.t'''!'~ltt,ou ;;t.nd the ttf b!"tlt2: n {:o4.u1 at'tion tH $Ser1
<br />I1M' <l..a..'\L~ltcl1'"'' "I " ,l.'l.ii<d! 'M" ,"'b~r ,i.>,f<t~"t, t1"f""'~t '" l!<'~d"!!ilkit>R ,.aie, If ill", hn-adt .~, 1101 <'lu..d
<br />"" m ""'h:".... tilt u>O{<r l" ft.", '\'tOl..'.., !.('"ti~, ", I "n~...', dledar.e \ill <>, lIu: ""n" ",,'urea Illh n""fl
<br />,.f rr1!l"'~ I" b" doe '....a I''')~'' ..,ih"'J( jllrlb",,, ",,,d Hit' ,,,t .;rile and "",\ ",",~<li""
<br />l't'm.1iH,,<;I .b;'> t""Hkr -,hall "'" "Ilhtkd h> ,j>n,,~, ..!I ",../\ t't1"''''''"'' "KIlt!'".l in I-'",,>u;J:ll: It><:
<br />""__"'It"", 1&. Iml ''I'''' l!llu.,~d tn, rN""".oo,b~ iitlnl'tle,'\ f~,
<br />If .rrn"'t~(' ,'"';''''''1 "',ik~' 4ft; (j..lal.lh ;$\ eltd! 'ill ",hid'! rille t'rH~l'n HI ~..m<i'
<br />"..d, ''''''1''':'' ill HIoe 11'tli'''n't!' I'T'"",",ril:M-1'i b.. Is"" It; ~}n"""~T and h' d",
<br />,~!,!"t' ll~ UJk"" ",'~h \i,In" liS ""'~ lW! h" !c>l", Tr"'l;''' '>.mll
<br />~M f'h-'2" 'f.U:,lltfW-e'f b,. la~,.. " ~'i1I,ht1<u:.t ~h5.nl~n<<1 ;,):'tf
<br />'""tl ~Ew l'r.~rll PII~ 4103dk,g If' Irw ~$ HIli? an.! l'illJ."" and "'!"Ide,' Ill" !elfll'> rl~:'~il!n"~lC<l
<br />to tll>1i? ~.. <.14 ~ if< ._ I>f m....'tt ,~~ if! \"H'~ I, 0""''''" 11$.'" dlt:l"'f'mb.e. I rul't,zl1' ~<, "I ;rfl
<br />l:>f m ,t,~ lIlnmWlI'!!<:lIe_"l ,,/ tn.' wh~.", iltl1ld ~tl"'01' ,in, I""f:Yin',,",l;> .I ,'non "r
<br />af ~.~,' "Il.l~,
<br />lrw.!.>t..,
<br />t... ~li!~
<br />ol~".t~:, c21(,~ ;.'t},t
<br />,.,f' Il'll:' ,jth"'" "',,"'\!t
<br />~d Ie .ll.!:ill!' 1':'.,,,,,,%,,
<br />
<br />
<br />f>f'<flJ't'{'I'
<br />! I'll,.I.",
<br />"<i,
<br />