<br />
<br />Loan No.
<br />
<br />533Q5-1-18
<br />
<br />
<br />83- 00.2889
<br />
<br />rI/11.>
<br />
<br />. THISDmID OF TRUST is .made this. . . . . . , , . . ~th . . . . . . .. . . . , . dllY of " . . . .;r:x!'l~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
<br />t'>t.~~.,lU!~!th<~"F~~'Wil,lia~.C.. CA.Utu.and. JMi,,(Elt\.M... j:.:A.Hiea. hllAhll.\1.~ .attP. w;i.f;e,. .jQ1.:nJ;):y
<br />r:igl,t.. . .. . ..... (herein "llol.'fower"), ......,................. .......
<br />. . . . .. .... . (herein "Trustee"). and the Beneficiary.
<br />. ~ .4$SOClAT.1.mt . Q.'!. tl.NCQUi. ., . . . ., :l cOfp<ltatkm organized and
<br />erl.ca "wn.osc address is. .1.2.:\5 '.'rg~.'.....
<br />. . .. .". . (herein "Lender")..
<br />
<br />eming l1n,aer the laws (I
<br />.~t;t~et.. l.JJ:tec~ln.. N.:n:ask.a. 68SM . . , , ..
<br />
<br />BOIt~l)~~l)R~ In conStdcr';':lion of t.he j~ldcbtt~dne~:; hcrC1n r,z,;Hcd .~nd the tnlht herein crcated't gPJ:nb.
<br />It:llU Ct)T\vevs 10 Trustee. III trllS!. witb j:l(1W'\:!lT of sale. the follo\l>!flg <.k~CI'lbed property IOClttro III lhc County of
<br />lJ4111 . . Stllte of N(~hr;lsb:
<br />
<br />~' ,,11
<br />
<br />lot 1:'Ow:' (4), in Block Four I'H. 1n Kay-Dee Su1:rlivision, located on
<br />part ,:)f the SOUt.!"lwest.Ciuartc,t' of the Sou~st ,:u.uter (~'SWII) of
<br />SectJl.on ~~nt~t-{m In), in 1'at.nship Eleven (11) Nclrth, Range Nine
<br />(9) '1~t 111' the t>th P.M. "n Ha.ll Count:y, Ne.bra$IQ1.
<br />
<br />'" ht<:h !l.lI. 1~1l: ..ddrc'l>'
<br />
<br />"I: ,#(lq , ~ $1,4f".I
<br />
<br />
<br />r\,:; ~1ottl t:
<br />
<br />Ne t; n Ii Q,
<br />
<br />!,8801
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<br />f;.cU!llt . I'n1iJ1"rw ",d<3t~"
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<br />;~,3IlJiJ .".wj: ,~':~ t~~il
<br />
<br />n'~K~t'l ,( ~:~ ; rn;.~n:~"'\~n"\;:n{\
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<br />dPPl.lft<:rultll<.:n. .elll" I !><.lbJC'C1 IK~'evef 1,\ lh\~
<br />r;:m.~ 1, ft1'1i...lblh_ mm<ent. t,,1 ilnd g'..", fll(ht!. .imrl
<br />!1tcreafll:f Ine l'rop.erty, all \\>11,,}),
<br />~.oo rel:l~1 a put <'I the ?t(>pefl~' I.'l:n<:('Od !'n, ttll' [).;:,-<I
<br />Ol" tl\;e ltlClate ,j' 111!~ Deed of fm:,.! :,
<br />
<br />
<br /><1
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<br />
<br />~UU'i,(>r,,~tH:~ !ttvcn H,rC1U td Lt::nde: tt,."1 ~'t",Hc:t:t ~H)ph ~~n.:h
<br />\"'"at'i;f, w:th:'t nghlS. ~l'ftd water stcJCk" and ~1H h,~turt:'~ ;'IOW or
<br />rq"f"","'!1I1:nt; and ;adJlIIJ,>n-i (h,:felP, ~llaU i't: dl"ctll<:.J be
<br />l fH~lL ;'in tht; ~'or(~g{}in;+!, t()g~thcr wlth :~a~d prop(:n'\
<br />j arc h.:\Tt~ln ft,,!'eHt~l(j !('~ ~t~. the
<br />
<br />1"0 Sll(::l'lilli, !>ll Le~'ll:ler the fl"P\iymlln! Ill<; "'cleb-llldn{o"" ~o",knc"d BOfH'w!:'r''i Hilt\:: d<itcdJune. B." .1983
<br />fll'm:'f.f! "!'l~e",t. m l~ pflrt.l:1pl>1 HHn .,!f~fty I";:;.UI: 11J.;l'li!l>Jind. ,~n4 \)Ol13:l0
<br />DoU:.r" 1<:'1 mOfilhl.v IIblallmt'lH:;
<br />Jl1ltuel';t, Wtlh ltw: OOlal'lCC vt the mo<rbtlxlm::","" ';(Wlflllf lix'!lI.t ilm' "lld payablt' OJ),
<br />~-he p'~)'t'nent of-t~e:r ;i~J:lll$., wi~h,Jrrtcre:S-t thC;fC',Ot1.
<br />,I\;e l..k'ecl tiP<: pl'r!(ll'ma!1\;'Il n.f anu
<br />:;td.~i;a>tl.f:;e;:\" j fH~~l''t'',~t. th~t'c~)'1~" to:~ti.h;.~
<br />
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<br />