<br />
<br />on the
<br />
<br />Lot Nine (9), JAMSON SUBDIViSION, to the
<br />Halt , Nebraska
<br />
<br />of Grand
<br />
<br />which mort!ii;Ulge was DarreU G. Weber and Barbara J. Weber il11'a\lo1"o1'
<br />Superior MIOf.tg.a1~e, Inc., on 21,198'1. to Banco MOl"tgage.Ctimpany
<br />on June I, HJSl and subsequently to Pittsbut'g National BanK on June
<br />30, 1982. Said Mortgage was recorded in the office of the Reglst:er of Deeds of
<br />~iall Count)l, Nebraska on Ma'll 28, 1981..$ nSlrument No 81-002707, the a:ss.jgn~
<br />ment to Banco lIIlortgage: was I'ecorded in said offfee on June 15, 1981,
<br /><liS instrum.tnt Nl), 81-()03090, and the <lSSI{]nment to Plaintiff wu recorded in said
<br />off/I;e on J~ll'f 6,1982 <IS nstrument N~) 82-002159, <,II of UH\' Mortgage Records.
<br />'rhe Plamti1Ff is 1'10W praymg for li'e sale of th{~ above described propertv for the
<br />purpos~ of $ati ds (05.1$ of suit jmd lhe iHnowH found clue purSLIi'!nt to its
<br />
<br />mortgage
<br />
<br />TT58URG I,jAT lONA BANK, Plaintiff,
<br />
<br />Bv
<br />
<br />
<br />5,CrilEICH, P,C
<br />ins orHment..i Bwlding
<br />c;mana, l'Jebraska 68102
<br />402 342-4323
<br />i S l;, TTORNEYS
<br />
<br />~,_Jlj,;.....' ~,', I~~ ~~,:er, i,:}4\
<br />
<br />..'II_m1,,f.....:a~ &. ~dl:LridT, ',il,
<br />
<br />
<br />,,*1"11 '$c~:<r',M>1l1;O!;("Y'A.^, ....-1.v:;_~",\1:I<;.j;
<br />
<br />OM......Ii"I;.lJO_, ~tt.e~.r/Ii;,,!5;KA tU'ti<H.1& ,-\iI'_."
<br />
<br />u
<br />
<br />
<br />