<br />83-l)(J2944
<br />
<br />10. ThaI Ibe Mt'rtgag\~r will keep the huik!ings Ilpl)ll ~aid premises in g.x>d fer-air. and neither commit !'II); permit "-aste
<br />upon said iand. 11':11' suffer tl~ said f.remises to be llsed for liflY unlawful purpo-;:e,
<br />!. That if lhe p]'emjsl~s. or an\' pan thereof. he CQodemned under the power of eminent domain. or acquired for a public
<br />use. tbe damages !l"Wlirded, the proceeds fl.)f the taking of. 1.)[ 1m: considenuioll foc such acquisition. to the extent <If the full
<br />3mOlJnt \)f indehredn;;;s upon this ffiOngage and the !Wte which it is given fO secure remaining unpaid. are hereby assigned by the
<br />MortgagJ:>; t(> the M\)lrt~;e. and shall he paw forth",'it.l:t to said Mortgagee 1<' be applied by the latter on account of the next
<br />maturing instaUmelUS of SUdi i,..dehtetJlless.
<br />12, The Mort.l~gor further agrees that should dns mortgage and the: note secured he:rel:>y not be eligible fol' in-
<br />;;urarn::e under the National! Homing Act within Sixty days from the date hereof (written statement of <lnyofficer
<br />of rbe l);epartmeni! of H.CItl:smg and l1rt>an or autlwrized agent <,' the Secrefary of Housing and Urt>an
<br />Devdupment dated stl~qilrent to the time from tbe date of tnis mQl1gage. declining to il'lSllre said
<br />rJOte ami tbis lOOIrtj!"age. being deemed i;Qrn;lusive prOi)f of sw::n ineligibility I, the Mortg-dgee or !wIder of the note
<br />may. al its option. declare all sums securred hereby immediardy aut: and pavable,
<br />13 Inar if the faih f(. make anll payment. of mime\i when the same become due. or fails to conform to and
<br />agreement; conlained in !his mOrtgage. or the note which it secures, then tire entire princi.
<br />:;'hall ~t ,{}';"'K~, ~{.';,~C' e~~~ ,at~. ~:v~hIe'.. ~.t' the eleCl~rfl of -the - MOi'"'t~ee:; -.gr~ this- -mo~~ -may.
<br />for the wh(~le (;1 said mc,fiey. imerest. m<llltbly payments. cO~ts. ground rents. taxes.and
<br />ride lmm the: d"te of tms trlan ,,) the hm<!" {)j commenOll!l !\Cueh foreclosure sUlt. and a rea.
<br />all of which ;;naU be included in ":1<: deuee of ff,1tedosure; and the contractemnooi.ed in this mortgage
<br />oote ;;ecufj~u hueby, shaH in all te"pects he ge\ierned, construc4 "ml atljudgeil by the laws of Nelmiska, where the
<br />
<br />
<br />herein ,cmU;une.i slull! bim!. alld t.'!e benefit:\' llnd '<hall insure W. Ihe respective heirs, execu.tors.
<br />~OOCeSll{,r;; and a,'>Stlltf1S of lhe !lerew, \:Vheflev;:~r ihe mlmber !/haU indude the "Iural, the
<br />alld ihc ~l'Ile - to ;lif lterulerS,
<br />c"nditi.~ns, all . !(t their natural and legal
<br />premises Ihe M,tn~3!!,'9:~r: he and re:mall'l
<br />
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