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<br />83- UU2914 <br /> <br />mortgage insurance premiums in lhe <br /> <br />Len:der'swrittelllagrtelnentor app!iclIlbre!aw. Borrower shaH pay the amonnt or an <br />manner' pl"ov'ided uMer pllcragrapb 2 hereof. <br />Any alT!(ll;ll'tlll disbursed by !O this paragraph 7, with interest thereon, shall become additional <br />indebledlnllSsof.Bcrrower ,recured 1M", lJnle$.~ B')rrc>wer and hmder agree te other te.t'1'Tl$. of . payment, .sucn <br />Iu:nQllntssnaH ~p.ayableufK'lflnotlce frol'l:l BOl"rower requesting payment I hereof, and shall OO-dr interest from the <br />dale of dlst/trrsemental the' .rllte j)llyabl-e from time to time on outlrtalldlng prhK~ipal under the Note. unless. payment of <br />intereJltat suchra.t~'"WOtlld be. contrary to ;~pr'lkable hlW, in whi~h {wen! ~uch amounts shat! hear interest at the' highest rate <br />~illSible under l'lpp4icl'lblfe law,Nmhintl OOntlllncdiotbis paragraph 7 shllll require Lender to incur 8.ny eXpe'nse or take <br />",,!'I}' ll.~nhetCllildler" <br />S. J~IIkm. hmder may make,,!' cause to be made rCllsomlblc cntrie-; opon and inspections of the Property, provided <br />thatl-ill'ltkr shllllgh-e Borrower l\{)ti<<: prior to :lIlV ~"ch mspeCl;(,'O spcdfying reasonable cause rherefarrel111ed to Lender's <br />interesl ill the 'l>roperl)'. <br />9. C~ft!!!:""m. 'Tht; prnc!"C'ds ef ~:~~y ~n"'''~Hd er d~1,fOl f~)-r d!lnln~'e~, di!"~{:! t)f c'{~ns-equen1i'ijJ. in ~=onnecdon with,-.any <br />"onQemn,llIN:l or ('lth(~r t,tlling of the Pmpe"y. l'i pllr! then'of, M fr.'i ,:(m\'cyaoce in Hell of condemnation, arl! hereby assigned <br />and shall he paid 10 Lender. <br />In the eV!ll'l1 (If ,) 101:,1,1 <br />with the ,~Xt'e~S. if p,,,d In In <br />\,!herwi~e ;\~rl!(, "1 lh,~l'(' sh~ll be applied <br />;n t~ tt, ~htt( \'.,'hk~h !'he ~Hn(-"lunt or ~h(' SUn1\ ~e~~urt'.~d h\ ~his <br />t.tllang h) t~ nl,H'kt~t \-'~tlw:' of the Pr\'t0("r1\ nnrnediah:~iy prl('1r tn the tbh;" nf <br />,.aid I" lklrmw('r. <br />If the if drcr I1Ol',',' bv !,mler to 1l,'rmwN thaI the ,xllldeml1orofferl to make <br />,j,ti ~'~";,:ard ~'1r f.,'l!" d~Hl'tii,~("S H\\t'f\lWt"i j r~-'''.fl'''''if)d I ~;nder \l,,;'~hif) :!av'S :if't.c~r the dale s.uch nolice 15\ <br />rrl3J~ed, Le:rH.1er .~ 4l~.u~horf1~rd 1<'" ;4'-\)He-,~t and .tpPl1,' l'ht~ ;'-r(\~,'("'I,,"(h .d t ender', \1i"n~~n, \~Jther tc' restoration nr re~"afr of the <br />~n(' '1djljU\. '\~:~~Url!'tl <br />r (~tuier 'Bf)l! rj,t'~'f'~' <br /> <br /> <br />,h,' pro.ceeds ,h.,ll <br />a p~a:rtial <br />tht~ ..;tln)t.: sect/'red <br /> <br />1() the ,ums secllred by this Mortgage, <br />the Pn'l'Cnv Iloless Borrower and Lcnder <br />Mort~a!;le 'llch proportion of the proceeds <br />immedialcfy prior 1('1 the date of <br />with the h:llancc nr the proceeds <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />df <br /> <br />!"'!rrnc'~eds r" prilldpal dwll nnt extend <br />md '", h-erenf ;''ir (:han~e ~he ~H'flOunt f~f <br /> <br />.:"n(\PU;URHl rhe Sllm~ <.ecured <br />j:)~"!'i.:~r;lh~ f<.') r('h:"a-~c, in 111'1V n'lannCf, <br />hr' r",'qtllrcd 11'\ comn1cn.ce <br />::':.-..d.jf\ ,~.rnt..:tJl.'thtn >"t the ~qm~ <br />-l,!I",\..:tS;'\.~'Pi lntere....t <br />rcrf'!ftdv h,~r'eundef ,'1,f <br />',,,d, "ldH ~"med\' <br /><~ \" Pt' f ~~fldt'r\ <br /> <br />,th"r f'gh! N <br />',!H:(1~"$!vt"lY <br />h,,~f(::lP <br />",pd fL;.rrn~C'f <br />.n"LlI <br />t;",~~d 'i~ <br /> <br />i',r <br /> <br />""ON,.U~H!')"'" (.,)\If'i^,,n <br />l $. A;:.c*nelou.: R*",~ E,.~,~~ a>. <br />a~_t~ .~ BM"41""'ti '!II I'M;. M~"., <br /> <br />il<.>rr""'I'r', br"'lIt~h ..., llU~ "(>V'1nllO" .... <br />""'''''1'<<1 h, tM~ )'i.>J:'~~, <br />III l,i'l.. one"d.: <br />'if)' .D:(.f'f(}~'t~.,", <br />in Ill", D'<')W;l: <br /> <br />