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<br />(I} month prior to its due date the annual mortgage insllrance premium in order to provide such holder <br />with funds to pay SUdl premium to the Secretary of Housing and Urhan tJeve!opment pursuant to the <br />National Housing Act, as amended. and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br /> <br />rf~ <br />~....' ... <br /> <br />(ll) If and ".I long as said note of even date and this instrumenl are held by the Secretary of Housing and <br />Urban Development, a. monthly charge {in lieu of a mortgage insurance premium} which shall be in an <br />lUllount equal to one"twelfth (In 2) of one-half ( per centum of the average outstanding balance <br />due on the note computed without laking Il1W a<:<:oont derillquencie~ or prepayments; <br />(b) A sum equal to tile grol1.l1d rents, if llny, next due, the premiums that will next become due and payable Oil <br />of fiTCe ,lod other h1izard insurance covering plus I!lXes and assessments next due <br />property {all as estimated the M,)'r~r:llg<!ej sums already paid therefor divided by the <br />to before (,He prl\)f w the date when SUdl ground rents, taxes and <br />a~ments will be~A)me sucb 'mms HI he held by in trust to pay ground rcnts, pre, <br />miums, ULxeil and llssessments: rmd <br />All fl3ymellts m,entlOfl(\U in the two p.ecedin!\ subS<)ctloTIS "I' !1'lls and all j'lllYl1wnts to be made under <br />the note secured' h.orehy shall he added l<lgetheL imd !he ilg,gregat<' ;l!lKHml Iher"of shall be by the Mortgagor <br />~a{;h nH,jnth in a ~Hlg}e pa:rme:u trJ he ~~P'pHt''(l hy,' :h~~ ~fnrtgagee hJ tlu~ foIh)"wing H,elns hl the (Jrdi;.:~r set forth: <br /> <br />t::> <br />,::1:) <br />(;\1 <br />.:::J <br />,-~ <br />"'- <br /> <br /> <br />, <br />j <br />~) <br />qJ~ <br /> <br />(I) premhWI <;h:irges under th" ~l\mTilCI of Il1SUlan~e with 11'1" SC"fj)lllry of li()u~ing amf Urban Developmenl, <br />xJt' rttorHhly cha.f:ge tin li~?:U of tt.tor!J!:a~~c inSUnUf('f.~ pr:f?:l'!'fitun}, ;)$ tilt':: (:ase' ni~lY t-.~H?: <br />nn r>;'tltS, taxes. ;J;$ses..~mcm" tire and mileI' h:ll,anJ msurance premiums; <br />(HI) Ihe 0\)1<' sec"med hcn:lhy: "lhl <br />(IV) ilmortll:J.t!"f1 \>.i the pnnclpal said lIUh~, <br />.'\n)' de!1k:iency mIne ,l.lnmlnt of ;l11\' :lg;g,le!l:!h~ IT!Ofllhly r~ymi'fH ~hlllL unkss made jl,oI)d hy the Morl' <br />pnor to tlh": due (late the ne~a SUl.:h p.;j.v'nl~~rH. i..i)l-ISUHUC an tve-nr ~l{ default under lhis rnon gage , "!be <br />may u,lkc! ::l "!;lte ch.lrg;c' hJ ';Xc,:"'l (,ent,I.llo'l "'ddl dollar ($1) .o3,:h p3ytJ1Clll mmc <br />i J ,I;;\, $ ilrreilIS In .over Ihe I'Xlfil '~Xl'I(<m(' Iflvolvcd m handlmg (kJ.mqul:nt pllYHlents, <br /> <br /> <br />L nUll tf l}U~~ ~Ht$tl of dH~ pa.ynu'flff. nlad~') b\ thp \h'lfl)!:a_uof undt." f ,;,} oj' paragraph :! f)n_l'(~( ~haU (~:x{~e(,~d <br />tbv l$<lunl of J.HI,}'mtm'--. "\~tualh !lHtd.> !I, till' \\.l1fll:ll1!!'" lut' u[ound r<'lll,.;, taX,'," and U,"'''''>.'''';Il1l'IH,,; !II' immrilfil'(> 11ft'. <br />mium'4. ,.'" 1!'H' ,'11M' nil", t:,,:'.~u(:h t:XU~'iS, If dl( tc"lil ,'> ,urrclIL al lhe "puon <If the Mortgagor. shall lx' nctlllcd b) <br />till' \l1:!rt~aj!t'" 011 :.ub""'IU"fll p:IVllwm- !,A' 1", miul!. b, Ih.. \!<lrt~agnr, <If t'1.ftllldN! 10 till' \lnrtgagor II, huw.,vl'f. t1w <br />"lfmthh pllvmt'nL.. !!l'lde h\ the' ~iI)fllv'~or unde'r' .,f Shilll nnl (lie slIHiClClll !o pav !{l'OlJrld <br />n'IU. !lUI'>' lUll! lV.""-\"r~I'flL,, "t' llI"llnUII'I' prPlIlwm-,, .1" !lll' ['a:-" 1113, Ill>, '"hPlI 1111.' "llnlt' ~h"iI ht'I'Ollle dul' and pay. <br />ablp tlwn 1Iw \\<>rtJ;!lIj1:OIt "hull p:n III till' \!llttl!a!Z~'"' ,m~ ,lmmHlI flt'n'''\ In !11akl' up !III' dl.fkil'l1c)' Ull or bdore <br />Ilw dal" "'iWI'1 Pll\IIlI'IH dt'udll!mul1d "'!\I:' l"Xl'~, ""~''''''lIWl1l.- 'If !ll~lImnt'" pn'Il\1l1ll1~ ,.hall hi'dIW, Hat lln, <br />lilll" Ib". "llrtilZilji~U .hall :"lHl{'f 10 II,.. \1l,n!!agt.".:I!'lonlann' \\1!1I II... 11W' ,.ion" ,,( IIII' llltl,' ~N.ut!'d !ll'n'by. <br />filii .,iJ;\nWIII Hf lilli- "!'lIH.' !mh'bh...j!H'-~ H'IH1'~"nh,d Iln'fl-h\ _ lh,' \hlflg,Ij!"" ~hall (,,"mpUIII1t! II", amoUlIt of !'udl <br />I!ldc:il!t..:ln~", Cl'.'~jll fO t!ll' .l.n,lJlllll ..: : IX: \tnnllilgm P,I\ fllt'fH" madl' under lhl' pro' '''I011S of I) >Ii p.lTagraph " <br />tu_ol' ..hwb lh." "~'th::II1I'l' IHt,. !'Il>! """11111" ..hl!!!:tll'll t" !I,'\ III lh""<,(T"liln ..I 1l"u,.lIlg and I rhan Ikvdnpm(.tH <br />;",Ii ,un lmlllJl('t' f<l'm;llllllll!! 0' ,11" Itll'1d.-:H"llll."bl,'d und.,!, Ill<' pnl\,"wll"..f,' ..f l>:mu:nll'h :: IWH'''f. If 111.'(',. <br />,"lth,.di bolt'>, tl d."i:a:ult und.~'r :Ul~.- l~f' thf:' r~rtH~'''I(H1,''- f,f :.h~~'" m~.n4~djc~t. H""'\.l({~Hi! "putttlt :ij(, td tilt,. pn~mj""'~~?- ('(}';d'n'd <br />h...'",by, .If Ii' th.. \:Io~<II:~('" aUflJin', iiI<' l'n'l""'\ 0.1""""., ,dt.,!' d",j,wIL ,:w \l"n<t;q!.", "hall ;lppl~, at tilt. llml'..f <br />thr-' COntfi,lt~fH"?11Hi..tlt ut "'iud, p,.,n~'~_~."dH\!!"', ;;t .d lhi' i;fflt' ttH" p-HJpf'rt\ t f;lht~f"\\l"':.' ,If , !h~l haLU'u"p lht.n n,imain~ <br />HIll! III HI<' lund- .""'lIrntli:lwd utilII'! '" p,""ul;'l'll " pn',,,,hl1!!, ..' ,j .INhl ,1~!.ill1'''1 .iw Mflount "I pnnnpaJ Ih.'1I <br />r''1l'IliIll!I!ll/l m\lluHI 1II1Id", -,>10 '!'.ll", "',! ',Iud pmlH',l\ .,,1111',1 all., P:,I\lTlt'nl.. >>hall -h;dl h.I\,'. i""." mad.. ,I fUll'!' <br />"I 1';tnU!fa~ln :: <br />l'h:ll lht;.... \h)"ft~",t!f,-l~r <br />,,'~Utr~It'1~ fH'Ic,", If1l1'pi'Y'11h')n... ''^ h,\ <br />;P;1\: th<1' '.l1'Ht", artlS H"f~:Jt th{~ ~hln~:~,t~\;1 VI. <br />fhtt :\t~JnJ1~*~t~)r \-'t <br />tHcnt'. ~Hld wh~,h t1'hH f"t>(' \tp,.n HH:-. :-;~{J~n~,.~~~t' <br />t~d h\' ].~~'* "Hh,! dnh !~t ~hc ('xterll th.flT <br />.1<\ Murt~;lI':C1:, ".IU " Ilk HIe p,r."",! <br />t~'f tf ~h(~ !"I, r-1ioh~b}t,,~d <br />~o\i hIlJI;C", ~'''r ~j,ih)n rt~ntie'n",,~:, f~f ;..>~ ~un <br />,4 d'C~r(.~ pr,;)'\/,l~:h:h th~H d_n'\.' ,~nh~lHH '>;i.J paid h~ the \h.Ht~~l~~'lt <br />the ngl'll In hlS.'C Mlnel\ d:l\' "lnl"n lh'tI~e !'.' nil:' ""ll<:r illl:' <br />debt If 'IKh Ji'l(lU;;C: Ihc lOe ',.l!d dd'f ,hall benm,,: due. p"yahie <br />h Thll' ~lJiollld he hl pi\\' ~\IlY ,um <'I ke<:l' ,111\ '.:0 \ efl ,.n1 <br />h(lil. m"r 11'.1:'1 'JI I,he ~IC., _~nJ /.ill e"...:n411ulc, "J madc be ,j,jJed Ii> the I'WKlp;li ,urn ('...mll <br />'haH N: ,,,,'ured ,'ilU ,h,,1I !>ear !!'I!ert',j :illhe "'It' I,'nll inlht' ,:;nd no\<:, until paId <br />rbat 1)(~ h-c:n~:by ,45tM~n), r.r?tfl~fers ~~h iH, e-t \,1~)rtg;'t:, nt .ipph-ed (cnA-;HU !he <br />'-umos ~e~.uf"~d he,n~hy lO i,.'::o..ts..(' tif -i.h...fa;u.h it1 the ~).t'rh'~Hnani,.:t::- 'l,lf 'rhe ,cHfb ~:in~l l,..l.)noHH-,Hi' <br />note, ,;.jl the rellb. n~"elll.~' 'Inti lIl"OfllC be denved iwm If',,,, llHlrlg;;ged premise, ,juring "h'h writ: <br />f1e:~~ ~l.all rt:tl'i,un iHlplild;.md lne ~haH hill"" ;0 ,1 ('pm I'll any il$tllt m H <br />said ~t~~J ~Jf ltnUfll ,~U'fH.. anJ th~' ~~~n{:L n.":;:('nu-t~'1 ;lnd H rna) ,lul ;'dID tn~ <br />~.atd iUW 1J,;omru)ssJ-on" ,i:Uld e;\pense" infu-Bed. Hi rt~nhn:g afHi ma.ruiging <br />the haJiu,~':c any. he apphc'd hYViiJld ib,e (h~'h~uge ur ",,;'.1;td ml)n~~1:,gc <br /> <br />,;It'~ .Hhl l'lflt'f fP\,t'n)nh:OY;~; {'f murnupai <br />;ludc h\..ft~lnbt'io1r,~, ~Iihj (n Lk:LHlj: th('ft"{'t 'lht" \1dtH~~1,1!C'l~ nLH <br />e'lpl'-< lh'Ctef.:'f t,p the' !\'t;,\rt~~lg{,t:, <br />\11"rt)l;tg,-,<}'" In "',,~H.j t'''~i.'t1t: ;Hh} tnu"r'OV,,;:. <br />pHh tn the (~\ten! thai '''-I.H.:h P'> liP! <br /> <br /> <br />tll1.".lfnt: i;p; ,'''';C,lte l)f <br /> <br />Mnng:;l}i;\'t~ r'~_~n \~,Aaunn 1;'1' tttb under, <br />!ht '""huh; IH ;tn\ ponton 'of ~he' ~d(,Ht'- <br />~Jr C'f it ....lH.:n b\\ <br />,hall 1'1:,\<:, <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />"",,,me:> <br /> <br />the <br />h:;iZ';Hd'1!. <br /> <br />p~'{lpen y ~ !1tMlled ~l:'" rn:i y- be <br />and ~onbn.gcrH';.-k:'j \H<;n <br />, \&;ih:efl due. an) prenrttHT1;', ~H1 <br />~~ \:afr1t~d H1 <br /> <br /> <br />( <br />I <br />J, <br />