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<br /> <br />IDimIIlO. <br /> <br />83-002903 <br /> <br />certain <br />which the <br />located J:)n <br /> <br />The Ul"ldersignedh,ilS been aa\l~sed that Credn <br />!prr- ,~~ Verng Ib~ern <br />Leese with ~....__._:~_:"_ ~:Y._:::':_._.':...,:-.__..:_,~...._.__,..._..._..__.....,_~.,_,_._..___,,_.. ("Le$see") pursuant to <br />deSCirlbed On thlH1Uoohed ex.hlbit fine wlli be delh,ered to and installed andfor <br /> <br /> <br />has or is about to enter Into a. <br /> <br />CREDIT CORPORATION <br /> <br />IBOX 1159 . . - - - - - - - - - - -COLUMBUS, NEBRASKA 68601 - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <br /> <br />EQUIPMENT DISCLAIMER <br /> <br />l1lE! Undersigned Is the reeoro owner or mortgagee of the fOllowing described real estate (the "Premises"): <br />(insert ComplateAddress of Premises - Legal Description) <br /> <br />''''i <br />,,), <br /> <br />U.N. Ra.age Ill':, Hall. Ct.mllt:y. NE <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />lor valluabl,ll:! conslderaHon, !h-e and sulficlency of whiCh IS hereby acknowledged, the <br />disclaim any Interest in the which may be prior to the Interest of lindsay, <br />\lil'lQer U:tiUle or otherwise, waive \.mderloca! law to levy or distrain upon the <br />EQUlpmEtnt, agum that in the tl'fenl LIndsay at any Hme exerCise its light or power, uoder said <br />E~li,uPlT'lE!m Laue or ottilerWi5e, 10 take posseSsion of and/or remove the Equipment. the Undersigned will not <br />hlno&f tM sl1Ime e,( inter/ere or thereto, a(l.d the IJnderslgnoo nereby consent to Undsay's entry upon the <br />Premu.e~ tor i!!uCh Ipurp~)ses. Disclaimer shall be binding upon the respective heirs. personal <br />represe:ntat"I"',~;, SUI~CEl$~lor$ and aSll\lgns 01 m~) Underslgnoo, and shall be mure 10 the benetH 01 lmosay and its <br />~'l.IfCCeS$I."rs.)'q . d alslllgns.. <br /> <br />elated thiS !.!l ; (jay 01 I; !,' <br /> <br /> <br />\ C(,)fp()rat~or'!} <br /> <br />,,,nEST <br /> <br /> <br />Partnel5i'1lPI <br /> <br />,Asst..l <br /> <br />IC.or'l>Oralte SeaJ l <br /> <br />8y <br /> <br /> <br />Partrler <br /> <br />>: IndIvIdual I <br /> <br />