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<br /> <br />... 1. C~ualoon. In tb~ event the Property, w:any part thereof, shall ~ tliken by emment domain, the Mortgagee <br />is~mpowll':~ to~~ lmd~~~ ~ oom~iioo wh!dl may .~ paid Cm- any property take:n orfoJr damages to.ptope1'ty <br />. ,. ..' -' --: -,. :",' . ',- . -..', ," '- - . - -' "- - <br />its option, eitOOr to lI: reduction olUte lndebtlldn_lIIlcuted. . <br /> <br /> <br />by. !1J;dit;il.llpro~P1 and <br />M(i~~i << ll~r ~p<maU!d by II: 11'<m:rt., maw at its optloil and with <br />_ori.ty, -ti(lr tm ~iM of the Propertyeda:ll1ecl the ~ntl, i$!IUlU:. <br />'ll.:ut to dlie eQ!It. ot.lld~OI1 and operatiooaf tlw. ~rty Md then upootbe lndebte" . <br />Aid ~lautl$ lIl8Ei J1Il'Ofitl. ~ lI$liillill~ t~ the Murt\tlltlle 11$ timber Il~rity for the ptliYIM%IH)f the I <br />~~by. . <br /> <br />HlI. 1'oMt<< !lit Ptopmy. if wl or llny pan of tbe Property is ~()td or tnl1sfemd without tJlIl' express written f:On~ <br />lIlmt of U1.. Mon~~. M()ft~ may It Its, $01.<<, O'ptl<JI'I, d~1'l.l all ijll.l.DS I1l!'CI1l'l.ld b'J,' this Mortg:a~ to 00 immediately dut' <br />lItId payable. <br /> <br />n. F'ttWft J'G~L Upon ""quest flf Mortp~r. MortPJfi' may ~ addltionat and future a<MmCQ; to <br />M<l>rtCqor. SIlclI 'l,",atIC1'l>. .,rlllllnl_t thM'OOn. ;;ll.all 00 "ifl('uft'd by this Mortpge whim mdencod by promillllory notes <br />lItlWlI:fI lha'tGlid n<ll", .lift iwu~d ll"",by. ;\t no UITI<!' $hall the pnm:lpal lIl'l'lOllnt t,r the !lTCE>bWoo.eIIS> lIeC.U~ by. thla <br />w.~, 1'l0( illclv4tlli~itUm~ lIdvlmCl'd to p!ntN:t tnI' !l>~eufl~' of thlll MottPF.l'll.Cfl'ii the origin&! NoUt. <br /> <br />l~L ~llulCl4>U PrM't!iliOM. <br /> <br />{a, lUly f(_bl~ In t'x:crnslllR /tn'\'. riKl\t or nmll!<ly _haB !lot Ot'lI waIver the~f. <br /> <br />Ihl All ~_~i... pron~ bl'reil\ It"' dll!;l:md linG eumWllUVO: to AllY otbe'f nKl\t Ifforded by law or equity. <br />!Wid l!lJ.llY hI! I'X~ Mricurwntly" lIHlf'pl!t1dt>nlly (.f ~U(~$$I~1!ly. <br /> <br />Ill.1 'f'bl' OOV!!f1.antli 1,11lU 1lI"",nll!lltl> "('lltlUn..~ !11'~1l1 "hllll bmd. And the rig.htl> !!lUTI' to, the MplK'tlve <br /> iUllI~ of the Mortp:I!'r>r 1II1'ld Ih*' t.1ort~. <br /> <br />ldl>\N ~:~rltij; lUI13 lItT"mrrllt~ <if till' M.ortpp lifE! i<,i/U llrlli!ll!'vl'raL <br /> <br />ll'l!lll1 hI'JIIlt.l~. ,:.! lh:t!< pamcraphll. (,f 1.1'11~ MortPJZf' an; (OT l'<mYI'ml'inl'l' only llnd~hllll not ~ tilled to luu.or. <br />1)"'1 <>rl1ltj~lW Ihll' PTQ'lCtill()I'Il> lu:rt'i,l <br /> <br />llt ~_. rpon P.pMIH <>[ lIiJ ,unu ""I:'III'l'd b~ UH~ Mon!it., Mortpp!l ,,-lulU dlicha,p thlll MortPlt and <br />,liblllil' "'iI!;~Il.I.e an<I dtol,~~r,. wl!l;llf:k'tur'!' tl'1_ iU.l't'l"fnr <br /> <br />tN WI'I'NFJ>S ~lili!:IU::OY, 114('"....."" h. Ur<'utro IIlL\ M:OftPlil"" {II'! llw <br /> <br /><>.1 <br /> <br /> <br />.. 1~ <br /> <br /> <br />lll~. <br /> <br /> <br />&J'tro..,;t <br /> <br />~ <br />o <br /><( <br />IX <br />.- <br />(1) <br />aI <br /><C <br /> <br />..,~.....,<,-"..:...~,--".,~.".....-."<, " <br /> <br />$.. .ol N-""'" <br /> <br />{, '>1>. <br /> <br />On tOO> _.,~ l~,.t.~ <br /> <br />rlllI, 'If <br /> <br />l~ , oolon' ml'. the un~mgn",d. It Notal1' PubUe <br /> <br />dlldy com.~d lLn,a q\lllii~fJ;lld tOf _d ~ty. Pl'iI1I( ,,_ <br /> <br /> <br />.. <br />- <br /> <br />to Inl'f known to be the <br />lcl_~ . pltniOfttlO, lwtlOli'l! rllO~!l\1 <I1'l! ~b\'d tQ tll!\' IOf~ll l!:ilittul:l'lltftt md llCknl,)wl1!!d~ thll' eXfttl.ltloll themof <br /> <br />j <br /> <br />!l(I be <br /> <br /> <br />'1~\mUl:ry .Kt "H d~. <br /> <br /> <br />ttilll'O"~" n. ~~ ~_~ f.... ~AllIIOI ~~l <br /> <br /> <br />in wd county. t.ll\! <br /> <br />~ mll ~I_d ~ll.ull'loLilrilll ~ <br />6t:U111t{(MlllMio .. <br /> <br />-, <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />, ! <br />~ <br /> <br />L_~. <br />