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<br /> <br />crellted by this CQTlveyance shaH remain in fuU force and effect during any postponement or <br />of the p,\\)"mel:1r of by said promissory note Of notes. or any <br /> <br /> <br />83- OiJ2850 <br /> <br />cL For belteT se~'uri!y of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee, its successors <br />Qr assigns.. mo-rtgago-r shall exec't..:u.'e a..qd- de!i:'\-"eT a supplemental mortgage or mortgages .covering any additi.o.n~ <br />imprQvements. or betterments made to the property hereinabove described and all property acquired by it after <br />the dare hereof (all. in form .satisfactory to mongagee). Furhennore, should mortgagor fail to cure any default <br />in the payment of a prior or inferior encumbrance on the property described by this instrumem, mortgagor here. <br />by agrees to permit mortgagee to cure such default. but mor+.gagee is not obligated to do so; and such advances <br />.haRbecome pan of the indebtedness siXuted by this instrument, subja'! to the same term.s and conditions; <br /> <br />L To maintain hazard instwillJice. of such <br />may from rime U':> tilIle on 10(' now or. <br />when due .<UlY ron:ttlhuns therefor, All insurance. snaU <br />llnd ren~als thereof ,hl:lU be held by <br />of lH\O 1n fi)rm aoceptt!.bte 10 tilt mortpg~e, In <'l1tem of 100.'\, mQrt.~gQr will <br />10 mc()fljl:iilgJ.'(', .'UfO IT>t)ftgag-ee may ffild::e proof {If Io.,;;s if not made by, <br />rC1IDp,afl)' ':O!lj;~ hereby .mllHJrilel!d and dirt'CleO 10 rl1llke paymem for ~l!dl loss <br />inslf'l!ld of It} mort@:<l!!<<}l' ami<<i"intlv. and lne insurance pmce~s, Of l.iUY part thereof, may tJel'lpplied <br />l'~i mOft~gee at it" option funer lile l'edW;:IKM'1 ,)f li'le indebledne~!; hereby "erur~~d .otto lhe restoration or <br /> of lhe pmperl)! damaged {,r ~kMrO)\1d. In eV'::'1lt foredosllre of Ihi$ lnortitaie. ",r orher transfer of tide <br />to ,aid prO~1'(!rtY '!lIl":Clvt "I lht: mdelnel.lm.'!"'~ H'nm"d hereby, cdl tide, lmd hnerest of the <br />mort~/1Igm H'l ;X.fld m"~m;ro~cc pOtWi1~!I lhen r'Jr,'l: ;,i,]a.ll r'i:l,,~; It! the pUrc.nJU.ef' or mortgagee ()f, lit the <br />op:lit:m of lhe m,)nli\~~e, rmnr l'e ~uln:md,eH:d f(ll a rduml <br /> <br />j!:, 10 beep ;,,11 ;;.I,d ()!n4~r Imj:Wovem.-!m, NI ';,aid prO~ty in go<:){j repair and conditioo; tQ <br />penu.l!, \'(.>tItttfll, 'x ,,1.Het no "'!I'll:, ;rtl:p:\nnnem, deterioration ',.\lId j:W_'/'peny Of <luy part Ihell~()f; in the event <br />of fill!!"r!: tflC n'lon lliili:,;>f tt! ,tIt' tJ1Jlldm~. no ,aId premio;<:,lo iHld 1 hose efl.'Cled on ~ald premises, or <br />IfHj;lfOVetnem" ihll."n;'im, m ;i't,\'>(j rCpiiH1, the fI';nrtli1ll.lilee m.av m~tkt 'Udl fepair' a,!\ ill its di&crcliOI1 it may deem <br />ac;,;t~";ny lor ihe ,IWpt't ~"n::;;;erYl'lw.m allo the ttlll ,ltfl();,l!lt L.1Ch :w<.i every HICh payment shall be <br />tmn1lcdilll'Ci;f due lu,d l'>iHahk; i1nU ~hall ~.lC,:m~ b~, the !em this mOflgage. <br /> <br />l<at.:.'1' '''' ill <br />\tnJ;;":t l'i)tt <br /> <br /> <br />"Ub\C,l to ihlJ; m.OtlgJitgt' any Hen <br />morq,:i.lllet. ,'flU huher, that mort. <br />'-up!1!\'m>t I,d:,.,)! "f rmw::riab for con, <br />!.'.Tt'\::-xcd iun :~;;.tJd pr-efni~les, <br /> <br /> <br />)<ud rnt)ft~~tt~v;~d, pn'>rJCn v <br />th~ nH)ft@'a,~~_(;~e. <br /> <br />d{;fn,d1.1~Kb~ <br /> <br />r fnlOVt' '" Of <br /> <br />/\l.l ~,\<; lm:h <br />PH)l~'fi' ~Ui~llXi <br />r'l!~~m',n: (i:ll;' <br />m{)fl~ll#\;r , <br /> <br /> <br />'i'ftj~;.ry ~o any o{ Uu: <br />the 'ame w <br />flame of lnc <br /> <br />f l' ;;)!;ll ,titlV <br /> <br />Th~' m()HI'~J;:'l: <br /> <br /> <br />It<- <br /> <br />H:$;'\l~a::'~ the n~(j!l~a:gt(:d pt't";'tt'US~(s 4U <br /> <br />!!^..a::'iJnal:lie mne, <br /> <br />ISm: <br />,.nod>!!! <br /> <br />,;,:>m'ply v,Hh M~).nll'<lk!.t ~~ on il If.:ll.1>ehal.d. If tlns Mongali!,.t un a <br />';(YEli,imumhl.n:; F:Il,IHt1""<":l pc1(1)WI of Bonm..;r'\ ohliJ.:!,8.IiOll" <br />t~~cf, ~i:i~r1tl:~t)tl or ('(lV''C't:tXU:U:,$ <.;'.rmu"tt~ ,~4J,,*,<ernin~ thit \i;::'Ond(J:nU:HltU:~ {jf pWtned t.rf~it cle'\:"et.QpflleJ:lt"lhe <br />~fl.i f'~Il~~tIZ~1};:i of the f:()~~~flmrt; (~r plali'lped \.!mll$~vd"lml(:m, <In.;;;! (;Ofl,*~j\l..M::flI docu.rneut5>. <br /> <br />:/., iUl!' ',l! tttl: ,o.,enJltnt, i!l;.t,UIl'It"llt i,,);;~ IOi"JI agemnel1l ~<.:'1.'\lf~ hereby <br />.1t$.U h~"!'flnl'ta!C: llie !lmtt~gm'5 !;1'it', ll.fid l;OllJ'.}Yl:l'ret!t Ihlll pr(~rty., ;... [be opnon (If 1 he' <br />m;)fl~~ ,)1' a"ng,"l'\1\ a~f'nlJ ,h,Jl,t l.he,haU hll\'(' s.llZh ri$ht llntii default). Up,.m any o>l1'c11 <br />the fl.1\.1'rtjl:~e :<~U bl':'l.'Orrie the i.:'wm;;r \:,f 4Ill:! ~';curm!!l aller default it. ~eC\!fity itJr <br />!hl;: iOOil:t<tiCd~'!\ ~{''1;nfid he:reuy, "'11ft Hle ot;ht to ,:ntcr \.lpOrl ".:,t.iu pHll1euy Ihe purf't{1Se (If 1.:()!l(:1l:ung sm;h <br />r.<:nt" ~f~ImIDl:ilI siu".u l~:!':(ilt' l>!;' an ..",W;i1?m;1ctlf <Ill", fecntab ')0 "aJ.d p'r~ty to tf\.ilt C':>:;!em, <br /> <br />"~, 1Il.nd U) mll1.!! ..n)' payment,; Wht;'ll (Iut' (}f conform to ;In\!. comply with 11111' or <br />(If dlnlt!!ncn!.~ "O\lfID~d m lhh m,,<rt!j411't' tbe 110;;e;, ",hi:;.h il ~ec.uJe!t, Ihen the o:ntlre l"irl<.;ip!.i <br />Iff l>rPZ;:; ~m~!:; dycell.rn! ,Ull.1 nrlliw ! 4, _ per '2t'nt ;fitere~!. <br />It\'t mnn~:g~; iI.lld lhj~ 'Y;O<l~e ma'r lherl:Upml be !oredo&1i:..:! Immedlllitdy <br />lhl:' of exte~m[nl!\ ~he 1ltb"UaCI or [hI;; ht~m [flit <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />f,'t( l.WalilJ.t ti pro~'id~ I:ll':~ntilli, !be m~ml!;~~ shall at Vllli."e. bt'; entid't-.;.1 1-., !he IX')>' <br />lhte r'lZ~i esf..ltlf.' ;lfon:,',atu /lad !Il;//; (l(:;f~L h%tlct:". !,.) ;ull,t pwill$ then'(IL <br />M.<rt (j{ T<)n::d;,,,urc rnX:l."C'l,hn:lt'" ai.a '>t~ch po~"",,>,il'm, el1:.. <br />I~Y theā‚¬; ml:.Wli!~,t'(: ,11P(~i r<t'Q~, Uf)<)fI flH!l:l1~ :;UJ;!1i d:eiiv!CfY (,f 'lien p<)~~,e1>~i"'l1 f!\,1\} be <br />l!I fil'~!:J"eI' 1'(:'1 In!: pl\~pl:n", <br /> <br />~l'bt .Pt~~d:'1i lUJ~ ',;ak (.II ~Iiil p!'~'leny HI M;;:'i.m:lillfi;i:;C w!'<tl ,Iw. ~fc,<<h".lt ,Mi; ,ipp!!""l <br />~:tl: l~ 't:)G~~tt!i, ~~,"d a-i~~nM,*, ,CfJ ~fl::t.d "~'~ thit ('~l>"1en~;&,.;~ i~:'urr,m t:h-1t 1~1iJrrt~~c, f.flf -!:hc p-i.Jt'p~}t,;e r~'f'oH~\,'lHtl <br />~:~1ti:M*,~fJ:~~J, *,~~,d pr;f"YI~t'tf1 ~(j' ~t~< #j~ H:)-tktn,rone~~ ~l~:(l:ired ,he-f'C'b~l!"~, ,J;'{f;}.'J thrrdh ~);lY J!rn ~urp'hl\ <br />r!1!1!' f'~("""' ,-e'".,"'~' \~liIc.II'f <;r;ltf,.ft:;:j Iht'f~10 <br /> <br />