<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />MOOl.rGAGE
<br />~)
<br />
<br />83;...0.002772
<br />
<br />
<br />ThfjciD~ DUde. _"eD~iIItotll. 26th d.,of May
<br />IlJfr5 ,l>rllbdhetWMD RussellJ. and Lydia J. Martinez, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />(hereinlltterrefemid'to.. JlIOftppr)llIid CoJIUlierc~"l National Bank & Trust Co.
<br />
<br />(hereiaaffer refened'to..
<br />mortsape), who Illaint..m. an OIIke...d pJ..eeofbuaineoe at 424 West Third St., Grand ISland,
<br />Nebraska
<br />
<br />WI1'\'faSETH. that for the OOIIIideration hereinafter ltaled, reeeipt of which is herebyaebowJedged. the
<br />mortgaloJ. doahereby mortga~ eell, grant, aMip, ..... convey unto the mortpgee, hia _ uad ueigDa, all
<br />of the foJlo~deeciibed propertyaituated ..... beingia the County of Ha 11
<br />State of Nebraska
<br />
<br />Lot Eight (8) in Block Three (3) in Spaulding And Gregg's Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />1;'!~t!I!li',wil."",~il\d.~itlgan bu.ildings.all fixtu",s inclnding but not limited to all plumbing. heating. lighting.
<br />v".\l!iI",ti!l~.rel\'ige..ting.,Incineraling, air conditioning apparatus, and devntors (the mortgagor bereby dcdnrlng that
<br />It Is Inte'..l'e&t....t tbe Hems Itreein enumerated "....11 be deemed to have been pennanently installed as part of ti,e realtyl,
<br />awl 1111 l"'prOv<:tJ1en~'nowor. bereafterexistiog thereon; the hereditaments and !lppurtenances and all other rights there-
<br />u!,~b~l~,gi~~~ ().r,lnalLywiseappertainlng,and the reversion and reversions, remainder and remaindcrs, all rights of
<br />I'l'd~II.~fll!'~tJicre~Is.Issues; and profits of the nOOve described property ( providcd. however, that th. mortgagor
<br />shall lie entitledlo the possession of said property and to collect and retain the rents, issues. and profits until default
<br />hereunderl. .1'o,....ve'!nillot.old' tbe same unto the mortgagee and the snt'cessor" in int.rest of the mortgagee forev.r
<br />in fee "!I!lIl\""o/\lil,'l-;l>.,l\II!,<;r.,.",t"te. iLany, as is stated herein.
<br />
<br />The mof:t~eoven,';"lalh~t heu la;';rilllyoeized andpoueosedof and has the right to ""U and convey said
<br />!>rol'l<"): . .is,rJllllfr!lJ.ll,a!I.~!1e!l!'!,~ranc"" except aa hereinabove recited; and that he hereby bind.
<br />" 'tnin;';~'(io warr.~tand d.efend the title aforesaid thereto and ..very part thereof against
<br />.,~~~ver.
<br />
<br />".At;i~,..giv~ctl!,~w;",~ nay_n,lof apromi"""r)' note ,Iaterl
<br />,,,(:~'fR,,AAql ~< ' , llign,ed by Russell
<br />!l(;j;)Car Wash
<br />
<br />May 26, J983
<br />J. & Lydia J. Martinex
<br />
<br />
<br />!i.1ii,.ai F"O~ 9~a l;('...?;} f~""t"tfvl,".\\.Jt~ f;OlTH';N$ A~t:: Ofl",(H...f'i,tf.
<br />