<br />83- 002724
<br />
<br />
<br />oayof
<br />
<br />May
<br />
<br />I
<br />1
<br />{
<br />
<br />THIS TFlUSTDEED, made this ;..1
<br />be and between:
<br />(A) Charles F. LanQe and Colleen E.
<br />
<br />,1983
<br />
<br />after called "Trustor" whose mailing address Is
<br />
<br />LanQe, Husband and Wife
<br />
<br />, whether one or more, here.in'
<br />2515 West John, Grand Island, Nebraska 68801
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />(8) .John A Wol f
<br />
<br />addrElss Is
<br />(0) The
<br />
<br />as "Trustee" whose mailing
<br />P.O. Box 42B, Grand Island. Nebraska 68802 and
<br />~irst "l.ational Bank of r.rapd Island, Grand Island, Nebas~a
<br />as "Beneficiary" whose mailing address is
<br />
<br />P.O. Box ]/68, Grand Island, Nebraska 68802
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That Trustor, In consideration of One Dollar ($1.00) and other valuable consideration receipt
<br />whereof Is hereby acknowledged, grants, conveys, sells and warrants to Trustee, in trust; with power of sale, the
<br />following described property, situated In Ha 11 County, Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lot Nine (9), Block Two (2), Parkhill Subdivision, an Addition to the City
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />Lot Ten (10) in Block Three (3) in Woodbine Addition in the City of Grand
<br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />The Intention being to convey hereby In absolute title in fee simple, including all the rights of homestead and
<br />dower, together with ail buildings, fixtures, Improvements and appurtenances thereunto belonging; and all of the
<br />fOregoing, together with said property are herein referred to as the "Property."
<br />
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF SECURING performance of each agreemW).~,n~~oVRya~b~8{f-l!.t~!,!1~!~i!, contained
<br />and the payment of the principal sum of...Qn~ Hundred Thousand ~'t)o"ars ($ 0, 00 ),
<br />as evidenced by a promissory note bearing even date at the rates of interest thereon which may hereafter be paid
<br />or advanced under the terms of this Trust Deed; both principal sum and interest thereon being payable according
<br />to terms set forth In said promissory note, reference to which Is hereby made, at the office of the BenefiCiary or at
<br />such other Place as the holder may designate in writing, the final payment of principal and jnterest~lf not sooner
<br />pald,shallbedueandpayableonthe_.____~_dayof__.___ ;JaNe. ,19 /) .
<br />
<br />Trustor and Beneficiary covenant and agree as follows:
<br />
<br />\ WeQl1tyof Tltk. l~\I-$tQ( 1s.~'fth..H,; S"'l€C~! tN!i P'Q~tl'. ,I 1'1_:';; jI<J.O;j ligt-.; anU
<br />\.awful.utho,tUy lQ"11 fIIrn1 cO'W"1' lh$ p~n); ~h. Pto.pllrty 1$ riM oll\d cInar Of ali
<br />liens and encumbra.nc.s 'lJ::c~t l~$ now {if record. .!\O Tn.!:!i.h'Jf .".'11 ..a.u;lnl and
<br />dtfehd t~ tit.. to lhe Pt~rty unlO In. fHist" .no It" ~l.!cc&$.$Qr" arn,:J &$!lign.
<br />t~. againtt 1M c.~tt\$ of all ~lWA&_ Tn.llltOf. ll:1 It& tl.q.leIlM. oYlll lTtflil"tiail1 ilfliJ
<br />pre~ t~ ,'-of thla TtustD..o: n III...n ioipofl. ti'wt Trt!li-l P~y aubJ8C1 Ofl:i~' tQ
<br />ltl'\CUmbr8nGU ..lI.i$;irtg: as Of 1M date hwctOl. wlil (;al.!~8 Ihls T flUl Deed, and eacn
<br />al'l'*Odm.-nt or 5.l,/PP~111 theteto, to tMt WeQ.na i6COfdtld .. .li. tnOIlgage Of tile
<br />nutt Pfoperty in Jti,ch IT\4nfl,et an<! In suth place, and .-Hl take -SUCh olt'oi), i-ttion u
<br />111 lht opinion of Truat.. m.y ~ tequi.f.a by In) P<<I:"M QI t\JIl.!f. law In 0(0.1 10
<br />PM1-..t.l'l\t;lnt.un and ~tkt lhe: h911 of this. Tn.l$t Deed. a$lhe. urn. miil, De trQtTI
<br />UIl\tiii to 1l1'ft4-.~ ()f ~C~Hef'rUt!\ltKI
<br />
<br />2. PI.""""t of P~IMI .ncs "'...... Ttto"'St~ Sh..f1IXi!'\(;,tu..Uy pay, the principal of.
<br />and intll{Q.I on, Qld PtorNuety note tnc-luOfng any aavancO$ the,eto as p!Q.,ided
<br />
<br />=~u:::y~:::.:"~~=~~~-:I:;":ndm:~:~=~~:,~~~~ :~u~;~
<br />
<br />InltrumcmtgWefl.in QC.nnet:tion wnh this tra(lu'cHofl.
<br />
<br />3. PftHry~.~ MtI.h~ 01, ~'_ r!l~$~Qf will not ~Q."l1mH 110'1 wut~
<br />UA~Hbe Ptopol1y and will, " ~ll lif1\M, miuntaln th& ,ame- H1 QQQd order ilM
<br />condttkm lln_d wtH ~.., horn hmo to- tItTle, all f(t~lfS. l'lUlewalll. !&placernuf,fs,
<br />adliMfkm." _ and ifRPt'Q'temenu w1\lcl'l are. flil'.J$Qf\"b!y IElqUif&d io p"evenf wasta.
<br />IrrnMJl'lMf\t, QI d&~jor.UQn of hitf ptop&rty_ NO bulidfnQ or lmptl,...meJ1! now 0.1'
<br />~flel 9fe(t~ upon the- Pf~W $~aJl be ailfNed" fltmOVe<j 01' d-emQhshtld
<br />withoVt tbl~f written 'C'Cn$\!M'l1 of e.n"fici:ary.
<br />
<br />"'_ ~ tct~. In ~&!)1 .~)' dVf'lillPf IQ, or dU!f-tl(;iwn ot, the Du.l(jlng:5.
<br />i~M,._'Ot ~I propeny \':otlstj~uti['lO p.t:r. -Of the TiU$1 Prop&f!'(, w~ther
<br />~_l~.:,~-~ Cy J~~~ Of'l,)t1<<trwl-lUl, T-fl;fstor. at it$ snltt cost lil1d
<br />
<br />==~r.=J;~~~~i~~~~:~ht:~:~~':~~~I;;::t~i~~
<br />
<br />tueh .-e-tta~ tN1- :lll8t<!lli(lI'H,l -M fr!JIl-Wf m....,- !~-n llDPlOpdlille pl',mo." ~UC'~I
<br />~ ~ .n~,~km._ <<; no_I l"Ni't_llf:!&-t!:(,ln$&rt the: v..lUll _ant1_~tJ1Hl of ~,.;.n
<br />bl.I~__~~ntJ__~ pt:-rs.om.tlty f!'Om thaJ ell!8tlng j~iT~tn1Ia~!'!ly prir;>1 !o
<br />~tL~ QoI dMi~tUPtff,)ft iUH.tw 'hall ~ Ml(l~ l~~ T"'_mb",.tri~"rn!I'l~ 110m th(l-
<br />
<br />~i~~=-~:::(;:~=~~~::rbYT,v~t$e. but Qi1ty Ii)
<br />'$., ~,T~: 1f'l'-fU$fOf f",_. ootpotott~fl. il 1r,df! jj<,) 111-( t!;fil,g~ ,14,ttf!$Ur'..- W
<br />~_It..,~.Jt!.Jtj~,,0$,f-tGh(~~Pft'ii~ll-~tt_~j......._'8:>;}11~~1.$t*_"t
<br />........~Il"'C
<br />
<br />a~, It\,l'flQ(.__~_!}f._tt~~. -lIt~tt ~iY,.!;t!J)' 'I'o!m, ,I\!'.,,'-O';-'; ;tl..Vt:'",~'j b-y
<br />~,~~_'-"'ffl\.-~f'i~ thQ I~$I~ffitttH!S .."d_Pf.!<9'D"'>Iilt ~,~}',
<br />~f~WiQ !t'Ift. ~-_.IJl~~f ffin ~_ f-lil'!. t~~QJ:r~" ~r;:,fi'_",_'f!..'_ ;o'~-;'I-:;;.t~f ~Il!>
<br />
<br />~==t:~Y=~72~J:~~,::~;;:~~
<br />~~tr~-=*~~~~~~=_==;~"":: ~~~~~~~i~\~;
<br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ lfr$ ;M'~~~{Q..+\ tii '~'U1fJV..-"'{"~ ,;;-r 1~ ".'~W!!-1f~ ,)~ f(~
<br />
<br />
<br />'ttaptl;ct,~(I ~nt~s. All In$urilnClf pohClh m.lIlll",inttd pursuanl 10 1t'I1$ Trust OllHJd
<br />!.i~.U !'amlt Tlv$tw and BenefiCIary ~s il)~ureds, a~ their ffl1lp$Cfjvtl mlar.51$ ma't
<br />IIDPtlal, and provide thai there .hall be 110 cancellation or modUiclIlion without
<br />!lit.... day'll prior writte" nohllcallon to Trustae and Benetlciary. In I/'Ie evenlllny
<br />polley t'ler$un~r ill not ren(+\o1te(t or; Of befort'l flftHn days ptiO! to its vxpiration
<br />dalo, 'TruSI" or 8enehclary may prOt;UfE\ $lJch InSUlance itnd th6 cosl thel8QI shall
<br />'-'* 6d~ to th. toao $ecu~ by tMs Trust Oettd and shall bear In1e"8at at the
<br />g;u.ter 01 IMllnte'"t lat, $Declfied tluueJn or the hlgtlfJ.8t interast rate autr10rlZltd
<br />tI.., the towa of the State 01 N.br.a~.. Truator shall deliver to BenefiCiary 1M OI'igtnal
<br />oollcle.s -01 Ifl'lJla~ and ref\ewals thtu~t or memo copi", of SuCh polldl!t8 and
<br />renewals the,eo!. Failure to fufl\ish msu.ranClt b}' Tlustor, or renewals as requIred
<br />hereundttt sh.aH, &1 the Q.p110l'l 01 Beneficiary, constilute a default. All Urtl:Mlfned
<br />oremlums are httret,ly usigned 10 Ttusl8(l as additional se~lJrity and a sakl and
<br />conveyance Qllhe P10perty bV the Trust" !#lall operate to COnv8'j H) the purchaser
<br />11\& Trvstor's intefll8-t In and to aU poliCI$tl of inSlJfaflCeUpon the Tru$.l ProperlY.
<br />
<br />7 lax.. and ......UIIMnb. frustOf shall pay all taxes and special assessments
<br />leVI(jd Of ~~ed againsl 01 dlW upon Ultl' Ptopeftr before delinquency. and .,..11l
<br />deli...er 1'0 Beneljc~ary- capitt:> of loceipta ShOwing payment of sucr-. laxO$ and
<br />5PeC_ial asse-&smerH:5.. it Bent/ficiary shall $0 (aQuB!!!. Trustm agraes thai there Shall
<br />bE! ddded to each periodiC ~\aymilinl reQ,uit!)d \0 b& mad/:! hlTfsundel an atnol,lnl
<br />estimated by' Tru$.lae IQ b$ llufflClttrl-i to ~nable :llJstOf to pa)'. al :,.,ASI JO days
<br />ooloie O.!u'lQue-rH~:Y. all l;ues, as,.a~5.ment5 Oi other pubuc ctl;Hlies a!.1aJn~H HIe
<br />'fr~St PfGpell't, In@' Nole :l'et;l.ifM 0) :hlS :I(j-st De<lI-d, Of vpon accoul1l oIl!'!.. debt 01
<br />the ilen of lhLS Trust Deed. IQG-einer .....iH'! premIUms IOf 'fl-$uriUI~C Il;lqulroo \0 ~
<br />p'o.fdod under this Tr~$t O&ed and no interlisl ani.!! be- payable to TruslOl in
<br />!(<-sp,"cl thVroof lJoon deman{j by TflJSf~$, f!\IstQr shaH de!iVQt 10 rru$-tee s\lch
<br />ddditlQnai sums of moOti!y as all! ntlCMllhlf~ to majo;e up ant dilllo:;iency in tf>o;
<br />lH'llOUn!S nil'ce_SSoiIry 10 eNatle Tr\lS\e.~ 10 pay any 0; the toregmng Hems
<br />
<br />6. AddtUOnlI L~... TluSIQr stlaH makft ai! payments ollllterl!sl .ano principal and
<br />paymentlJ or any olller Ch,UQflS. fW-3-. and e>:pensas c01\lfi!icled tc b$ caio 10 a.'!)'
<br />ej(f,1iflg Hen hU;';;tY.:i Of pdQr t>elHtflclari4s vndflr Rt>)' f.)1!(H TTtIl~t De:ed, MwtQaQe Of
<br />e>lhtlr S!TCurjty agretlffiftnt. ~fQIl;' It'l~ daltl tt;vy ~r& dalJnQuttr.1 and :0 p~)' af,!)' Olh~F
<br />,"'.!m wflicll jeopata!.t" lhl!t MK:lJtlty g'a."l!ld hereill
<br />
<br />9. PfO~ of a.n.fiel_rY_ s.curlty. $hoyltl TrU$IQ! fail to rnjjk~ (HI:; p;!\yme!1I,
<br />taU ~o do WIt !leI u h\tre,n or!)YiUf0!4, (Jf If My a.cti~ Of 'If{W;fM!/..ll0Q )s c-ommllll-eoo
<br />!f<'hkoh m&iefi.lly aH~I-<:t B&tw.fj;;.i.ry'5 H'Ihlfl\l$t '11 the PrQ-p$fl')'. IflC1ll0i(ll;, tNJ 1'Iot
<br />ii-mlfeo to., ftff1i'f\'ll'r;t dQ~if'l, II\SQIVlIlfOCr. lIIHafi~.fl'll;l"I,-e: Ql p.ttX.-<tedmg~ j(lV-\,)!VH"~ -Ii
<br />t>o.t't1!.-WC'I_;Jt -d~~1. the... -SltM!iciary Q.! tl\.151" bu1. _Hhouf 00lig.aHt'fl 10 00 ~Q.
<br />flOO llflll\o\Jt 1W1K:~ to (lr dQn,an-d upon TrlfsfOl, an1J wi!hOOl! taIOil,:!i'lQ r"uljj!.Q( !l<"~'ffi
<br />''',_ *lfglll~ !';eHi'tJ"~, may make: (U dc. the t":ffi(t, &11~~ rt>iillr ;l~,'t' v-lHchlii{lit
<br />l;Oflt~lI;-t or ;:,,!T>t!tom\s.~ .1'>)- ~rn::~~Ol(lC'e. cj;ar~{! i.,V 'ilm. ~hlt;f\ i,t'\ !H. j,-,dOtf~(lt,;}f
<br />,,"lM~ ap~rll to) IIHlflt! $o1;bj PrOV4lHy: Hl ~1\.n~jSlr;.g ":'I,' !j-l.lf:h !:H1w~r!S r~(/
<br />~>'ll-ti,;\i;J<)' 'L'If Tn.l:1Iih..~ moil)' '^CI.!I i!",b'l'~t ilnd e.-fl/l't'lI,l "'~IliJ~"\?!! "'fl"Ol.!l:lS
<br />f<)r;1udm1,i .;Illiwr~~\~~!~ of ",rmrn"r.~ IM~. '4linl>;h i..\ l/"~,t ;It*~,,l~
<br />tl;~'-~!l9~ ~ ,,*"'~"a') t!HJ/t\ It\..l '! /~-"in! H':lJl' l~li l4 pl~l(,url\'
<br />.r;;'hlfl!.I!-<~ t.ill'''-,", 1\"".1 '-'~~-e a7l} lO;jll"l'''''1t~ 1';~
<br />"',.-..,~.w.'! M jl.,,1('f1
<br />
<br />
<br />