<br />r
<br />
<br />
<br />83--002713
<br />
<br />
<br />THlSDEEDOF TRUST is made this. ..'.... . ,27th, .......'.. .day of. '... .~~.. ............
<br />i9s:r." among the Trilstor, . . c-l;I{lt.e.a,q . 9"~~~!\,3. .i?ey~lopme'!t 1 . ~n~ '. '. . a. !,~~.r.8:si;~ .~?r'p()ra~7~~. .
<br />
<br />. . ... ., . . . . . . .. . , .' . ' .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . '. . . , . (herein . "Borrower"), . . . ' . . . ' , . . , .
<br />Jobn,.R;..Bl"cnroel~r .attol'n.e$.at . law; . . . . . . . ' . . . , (herein "Trustee"). and the B~neficiary,
<br />CQlIImer.c~al. Sa.vj.rjge: Company .of. vrancl. :r'?J.!tn.d. . . . . . , . . . . ' .. ,..,..., a eorporation organized and
<br />elCistingunder tbelaws of... . .' . . . . . . . N~.l>.~a"~9-. . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . .. ... whose address is.
<br />2121.N..webb. Rd., .PO.l3Px .9'l1 .. Gra.n.c\ .+<;l+'!l!1!i.,. ./jlj:. 6880.2. . . . (herein "Lender"J.
<br />
<br />BoItROWER, in consideration of the IIIdebtedness herein reCited and the trust herein created, irrevlleablygrants
<br />and cdnveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sale, the following described property located in the County 01
<br />, . . . . . . . . . Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . .. .. State of Nebraska:
<br />
<br />Lots TWo (2J, Three (3) and Four (4), Chateau Orleans Second Subdivision,
<br />
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />
<br />which. has the address oL2720" 272411nd. 2128. W. 5.th .St., .G.r.and. Ii3.l.a.rl<i. .tl~.,. .6,~~()1 .
<br />rStreet! ICIly)
<br />
<br />. . . , . . (herein "Property Address") ;
<br />
<br />(Sial. and lIP Code}
<br />
<br />fOOEll1EIt wilh all tlk' improvements now or hereafter erected on the propel'ly. and all ea,ernent,. nghts.
<br />appurtenances, renlS. fsubj~t however to tbe rights and authorities given herein to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />rents), royalties,miner-,ll, oil and gas rights and profits,water, water rights, and water stock, and aU fixture, now or
<br />h!;rcafter attached to thcpcopcrty, all of which, mcluding replacements and additions thereto, shaU be deemed to be
<br />and remain apart of the properly covered byth;s Deed of Trust; and aU of the foregoing, together with said pruperty
<br />(or \he le"s.'hOldestate iflh;, Deed of Trust is on a . leasehold ) arc herein referred to as the "Property n;
<br />
<br />
<br />ToSECUUto,lellder (a) . the. repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by Borrower's note dated, May. 27,
<br />.t~..... . (llcrein "Notc"),in theprinc;pal sum of. .EigbJ;y. .T.l'\QU;;I?IlP. .1:wQ .1:Il,lMr,e,q XH'~y. !l.nt! '. . ' .
<br />'~ll99~-"""------.(.$8.() ,2~O. (0). . , . . .: DoUars. with interest thereon, providing for !t@!hb: installment
<br />Qf~ipa,l"lld interest, with lhebalance oftbe mdebtedness,. if not sooner paid, due and payable on.
<br />,N9,,~.f" ~5, ' 1!#8;:!,. . , . '. . . . . . . . , . , . . . . .; the payment of aU other sums. with interN thereon. advanced
<br />jl\a<:~,*,:Il~hc,rewjthtoproleclthc sccurityotthlS Deedot Trust; and the performance of the covenants and
<br />~~WQ(;8!>rm~<:~ ilerejrteoJ:jtained; aJ)cjfb) the rcp-dym<;iH of any future advances, with interest thereon. made
<br />I!!tffltrO~r~ytelJ1i~rpwilJllntloAAragrapb. 21 hereof (herein "Future Advances").
<br />
<br />ll!:lt~1'5thllJ~Owl:ri~lawfllJly sci,c<l ofthe.cstate herebY conveyed and has the Tight to grant and
<br />(Q!l1f\1Y ~theJ'1~rty i.s.\IIl~cumbctc". and tbat Borrower will warrant and defend generally the
<br />~J;~ . ..,......,',;I'lY.~~alr~j~sam!~p)"nds,subjcetl{) any declarations. ca.,erncnts or re,tnctton; lisled III ,.
<br />sc~{jf,"'~e~~l~I~;C~lljll:;fj,anytitk illSltl"t!!eC policy insupng Lender'> intere;l '" the Property,
<br />
<br />~A"! 1II.f_11~.I/!&...fll!!&IF1It,Mt; llIIIIelltol IIIUtlllKNI
<br />