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<br />I <br /> <br />83~~002690 <br /> <br /> <br />and, wlthou,l ~~trla~~ Q;;.~j~medlateIX_due and payable by T~$tor'al\~ shall 16. Dutl.. .00 Obllglltlons of l'rutt... lal Thl) duties and obligations 0;TrU51ee <br />bear Interest at the maximum allowable legafratlJ; provided, howevor. thai at the shall be determined solely by the express provisions of the Trust Deed and Trustee <br />opt/on of Beneficiary or Trustee such sums may be added to the principal balance shall not be liable except for the performa/'lce of such duties and obligations as are <br />of any Indebtedness secured hereby and shall bear the same Interest as .such specifically set forth Mfaln, and no implied covenants or obligations lIhall be <br />Indebtedness and shall be payable ratably over tho remaining lerm thereof impolled upon Trusle6; (h) No provision of thle Trust Deed shall reQuire Trustee to <br />expend or risk his own funds, or otherwise Incur any Unanclal obligation In the <br />performance of any of its dutles hereunder, or In the exercise of any of its right or <br />powers, if It sholl have grounds for believing Ihat the repayment of such funds or <br />sd3qutt:e !!;demn!!y aga!ns1 sue!'! <[sit: or !lab!!!!)' I!! !lot reeet'!lebly !l89U'~ to It; (C) <br />Truslee may consult wltli counsel at his own choosing and Ihe advice of such <br />counsel shall be full and complete authorization and protection In the respect of <br />any act/on taken or suffered by it hereunder In good faith and r&llance thereon; Cd) <br />Trustee shall ~Ol be Hable for any action taken by hlm In g'ood faIth and <br />believed by hIm to ba authorized or within the discretion or rights of powers <br />conferred upon It by this Trust Deed. <br /> <br />10. Assignment 01 Rents. Beneficiary shall have the right, power and authority <br />during the cOntinuance Jof this Trust Deed to collect the rants. Issues and profits of <br />the Property and of any personai propeny ioeated Ihereon with or withoui taking <br />possession of the property affected hereby, and Trustor hemby absolutely and <br />unCOndftlonaUy assigns all such rents, Issues and profits 10 Beneficiary, <br />Benaflclary, however, hereby consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of <br />such rents,. Issues and profits as' they accrue and become payable so long 85 <br />Trustor is not, at such Urnes, In default with respect to payment of any <br />Ind~fednes!l secured hereby or In the performance of any agreement hereunder. <br />Upon any such default, Beneficiary may at any time, either In person, by agent, or by <br />a receiver to be _appOinted by a court, without notice and wllhout regard to the <br />adequacy of any securlly for Ihe Indebtedness hereby secured. (a) enter upon and <br />take possession of the Property or any part thereof, and In its own name sue for or <br />otherwise collect such rents, issues and profits, Including lhose past due and <br />unpaid, and apply the same, less costs and expenses of operaUon and collection, <br />Including reasonable attorney fees, upon any Indebtedness secured hereby, and in <br />such order as Beneficiary may determine: {bJ perform such acts 01 repair or <br />prolectlon as may be necessary or proper to conserve the value 01 the Property; Ie} <br />lease the same or any part thereof for such rental, term, and upon such conclltions <br />as Its ludgemenf may dictate Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in <br />writing, any appUcation of rents. issues or profits 10 any Indebtedness- secured <br />hereby shall nof extend or postpone the due elate of the Installment payments as <br />provided 1ft said promissory note or change Ihe amount of such installments. The <br />entering upon and taking possession of the Property. the collectfon of such rents, <br />Issues and proflls. and Ihe application thereof as sforesald, shall not waive or cure <br />any default or nolice of default hareunder. or invalidate anjl act done pursuant to <br />such notice. Trustor also assigns 10 Beneficie-ry, as furt~r security lor the <br />performance of the obllgalions secured hereby. al/ prepaid rents and all monies <br />which may have been or may hereafter be deposHed with -SaId Trufilor by any lessee <br />of the Property, 10 secure the payment ot any rent. and upon detaull In th<l <br />performance 01 any of the provisions hereof, Trustor agrees to deliver such fElnlS <br />and deposits to the Beneficiary. Delivery of written notice of the Beneficlary.s <br />exercise 01 the rights granted hefeln. 10 any tenant occupying said oremlses shall <br />be sufficient to reQuire said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiary unlil further <br />notice. <br /> <br />11. LMucI PNmI.... Within 10 days alter demand, Truslor shall furnIsh to Trustee <br />a schedule certified 10 be true, seUlng forth all lesses of space in !he Trust <br />Property then In effect, Including, in each cue, the name of tha tenants and <br />occupants, a description of the space occOpied by such tenant and occupant, Ihe <br />rent.1 payable for such space and such other InformatiOn and documents wilh <br />respect to such leases aod tenancies as the Trustee may requast <br /> <br />Without the prior written consent of Trustea. Trustor shalf not. directly or <br />Indirectly, wllh reSpecl to any lease ot space in the descrtb&d premIses, whether <br />auch lease Is now or hereafter In existence: (e) accept or permit any prepayment. <br />discount or advance rent payable Ihsreunaer: (bJ cancel or termJnate the same. or <br />accept any 08OO811.lIon, termlnaUon or surrender thereof, or perml! any evel1t 10 <br />occur which wouldentltle the leasee thereunder 10 terminate or cancel the same: (e) <br />atfMlnd or modify the same so as to rttduce the term thereot, the rent.1 payable <br />lherwunder. or to change .ny renewal provislon$ therein contained; (d} waive any <br />default thereunder or breach thereof; leI give any consent, walYt'lt Qr approval <br />1hclleun<Mr or t,ke any other .ctfen in connection therewith, or with Ii lessee <br />thereunder, ..hlch would have the effoot of lmpalrlng Ine value of lessor's Inlerest <br />thereunder, on the Property subject thereto, or of impairing the pOSItion or Inlerest <br />of tile Trustee or Beneficiary; or (f) seU, aaalgn, pledge, mortgage or otherwise <br />dispose of, or encumber , Its Inlerest In any such !811Y or any renti!!, Issues or profits <br />lsaulng or arising thereundel. <br /> <br />12. CondemnaQon..lf tltle to any 01 the Propeny shall be taken in cOllOomn/,lHon <br />prQCeMiJngs. by right of eminent dOmain or similar action, 6r shall be sold under <br />tmeet of condemnation. all awards, damages and prOCgeda are hereby asslgMd <br />and shall be paid to Benellclary w-ho i!!n.1I apply such awardl. damages and <br />proceeds to theaum$ secured by the True! Deeo, with the ell:cess, If any, paid 10 the <br />Trustor. Trus.tor will promptly, and with due diligence, repalf, alter and restort! the <br />/lImalnlng part of the Trust Property 10 Ita lorme! condiUon substantially 10 the <br />extent thai the SAme m.y be feasible a.nd so lIS to conslllute a compl&t~ a.nd usable <br />unit. <br /> <br />13. Fu.... AdhnoM. Upon f9Queat of TrU$tor. Beneficiary, al B8f'lef!ci.ry.1I option, <br />prior to raoon'ieyance of toe Propetlj110 the Trustor, may make !utuu; adv&nc&$ 10 <br />the T~tOf, SuQh future tu:iYan<;ee, will' intrmll$1 therOO1\, $t'l"'U be secured by this. <br />Tru.t DMd when evidenced by promissory notes stalll'lg that said note-& ate <br />seowed n.reby; provided that at no lime shaH the secured prinCipal, lutur\! <br />advances, not Including sums adllancBd to prolec1 the .aecurlty, ell,c96d ooe <br />hundred per~nt (100%) of th-e orlglnat principal amoullla S'$CureQ hElfeby <br /> <br />14.......... Cvmul8t1M.AlI remedlea provlded In It'lis Trv$t Deed are distinct and <br />eumulatlvtl 10 any other right Of r~y urn1&f this Trust Deed or afforded by law or <br />equity, and: mt.y be exercised concurrently, lodepeodently or successi....'y <br /> <br />15. AooeIenttono ~_ Sale. Upon d$fautt b)' Trustor in the paymenl of any <br />1ncMbt~1lMI MCUl~ hereby or In the pertOl'mance of atiy agte6menl hereunder, <br />hnetlolary may dtQl~li(e all sum. ncurlld heteby Imft}(Kjlately due and payable by <br />dtlivery to Truatee of wrltten dec:lara,tlon of d.faun, Thtl Trustee shall ha\le I!WI <br />power of ...Ie 0' the Property and If Beneficiary desires the Property to be $Old, II <br />tha1l with Truat-ee tntl: Ttust o..d and all promiSSOry not" and documents <br />evkSenc1Ing expettdltur.. aecurad hereby, and .nalt deliver 10 Trustee, a written <br />notlee of c:Mtault and .tecUon to caUte the Property to be SOld, and the Trustee In <br />turn Mall prepare. .Imllar Notice In the fOfl'/'l required by law, which shalt be duly <br />f1*2 for r6COfd by Trust... <br /> <br />(a) After the lapse of lli<;h time as may be reqwred by law loIlowmg the record. <br />aUon of uid notice of default, anct nollce of default and notice of sale having <br />been given as teQubed by law, Trust.., withOut demand on Tru:ttor, il-Ilall sail <br />the> Pro$)ert)' 011 the-da1e and at the time and place deslgnated In saId notlce-of <br />..... at public allctlon to the highest bidder, the P01QhU9 pdce paJ'sble in <br />t..fl,lt money of the United St.tes at the tlmil of $811$. The person conductlng <br />tht...le may, tOf' any c.uu he deems expedient. po.,tpone ltle sale !rom time <br />to time ",nUl It sban be completed and, In every such cue, noUce of postpone- <br />ment~l be gw.n by publlo decta,atlon thetlOt by lIue" person at lhe time <br />and pM!>> 1M! ~po1nted for the sale; ptO'ilded, If tt)e sale Is POStponed for <br />ionger than (1.) cMY be~ond the day deSignated In lhe notice of sal.8, ootlce <br />UwP1t<.rl ~U_ be given In 10e $affie manne-r 8$ the original notlc& ot "Je, <br /> <br />TrustM shall ~6I:lut. and deUver to the purcha:t., hla Oeed corw.ylng the <br />Proptity 80)0:, bul wlthOul -an)' covenant or warranty, ell~es-s, or Implied. The <br />~I. In the Deed oj any matt." -or f-act.- shall be concJu8lv. proof of the <br />tntthfi, t~eot Any persOn, Including 8eM1ICl4f)', t'I'lf;)' pVlcha:!'e at lhe <br />..Ie. <br /> <br />~ ~h$n Trull_.ill- pttf'lUtnt to tM PGw-or4 her,,!n, U\4P rru.t~ shall apply the: <br />~ Of in. ~nt _of U\f GOthi _a~d. 8Xp$fIse4 of e);ercjll~ 11'1& <br /> <br />=~~~:~~~~~~_':~:::~':rl~~=':~:::~ <br /> <br />tn. ~ II'! flI~f.or.ptI (c}JrJ the CIi1W fnort!i $tatfd, <br /> <br />tcJ AIW{PilYtNl-1nt tttifnl, _J*,l1!kH:i in tuQp&fagrllPO Ib) d th._"l(t Is by Tru-01M. or <br />tht-ptOptf Qourt.trld atMf ~u 0-' fQr.....ute azKI salt !1 th& saklll p'iJrwant <br />to~ ~~, tM pl'0"'.Arlllda of ....~!fb$.P~tie>d In ltw Qf'~' stated <br />,.""-'''', <br /> <br /><<t OotH~f ~ ~rtOt Of utte- pf-t<-Ufttd- ~-tl c01lnIWfjOi1--.!I!Ur. $-U!'I-/'! U1le a<'ld of <br />_~.t~; <br /> <br />~ AMttUn\~."'-PiId~f; <br /> <br />~ l'ht~~,fta1\)',1r:>h~~,~!jY~I,t.1th4tf"'~o <br /> <br />17. Addftlon.t &.curtty'Um~t., Trustor, at Its expense, will execute and deliver <br />10 the Trustee, promptly upon demand, such seciJrlty Instruments as- may be <br />requlrad by TrtlstslJ, In form and substance satisfactory to Trustee, covering any of <br />the Property conveyed by this Trvst Deed, which security Instruments shell be <br />addltlona! security for Trustor's faithful parformanc&ot all of the terms, covenants <br />and condItions of this Trust Deed, the promissory notes $&Cured hereby, and any <br />other securIty Instruments executed In connectton with this tranS8ctJon. Such <br />Instruments shall be recorded or filed, and ra.-recorded and reflled. at Trustor', <br />expense. <br /> <br />18. MI.cellaMoua. <br /> <br />la} In tlie event anyone or more of the provisions contained In thl" Trust Deed or <br />tl'\e promissory note or any oth$( security Instrument given In connection with <br />this transactIon shall for any reason be held to be Invalid, megal_ or <br />;.Inenforceab!e In any respect, SUCh Invalidity, illegality, or unenforceeblllty <br />shall, at the option of Beneficiary, not affect any other provision of this Trust <br />Deed, but this Trust Deed shall be conatrued as If such Invalid, Illegal, '{lr <br />unenforceable provision had been contained heretn or tharel". <br /> <br />(b) This Trust De-ed shall be- construed according to the laW8 of the Slate of <br />Nebraska. <br /> <br />(cJ This Trust Deed shall Inure to and bind the heirs, leg.teea, devisees, <br />admlnlstretors, eXElcutors, successont and assigns of the parties herato, <br /> <br />Id) Trustor sMII pay all laxes lellled upon this Trust Deed or the deb' secured <br />hereby. together wHh any olher taxes or aaaessments which may be levied <br />against the Trustee or Beneficiary or Ihe legal hOlder of said promissory note <br />on account oflha Indebtedness evidenced thereby. <br /> <br />(eJ Whenever used herttln, the singular number shall Include the plural, the <br />singular. l/'le use of any gender shall be Ilppt/cable to all oeodete, and the term <br />"B8neflclary" shatllnclude any payee of the indebtedness hereby secured or <br />any trans fe' tnentol, woetfler by operatfon of law or otherwise. <br /> <br />19. SUccG..or TN.t.., Bonellclsry may Irom tlmelo Um. substitute a auccessor or <br />succasso~ to any Truslee named herein or acting hereunder to axecute this Trult <br />OeM!. Upon such appointment ana without cGnveyance to the succeaaor Truatee, <br />the lstter !lhall btl ...~aled wllh all tille, powers. and duties <;onf.rred upon any <br />Trustee herl!ln named or Oletlng hereundar. Each such appointment and <br />substitution shall be made by written Instrument by Ben.flclary. containing <br />rtjtarenc:e 10 Ihls Trullt Deed and Its place of rocord, whIch when recorded In the <br />office of the Aegl81ar of Deeds of the county or counties In which said property Is <br />situated shall be conclu,i-ffl proof of proper appointment of the succenor TrUll... <br />The toregolng power of substitution and Ihe proceclure therefore shaU not be <br />1')xc!ulllve oltr,e power and proceduUt plO'Ilded for by law for the substitution of . <br />Trust" or rru,tH& 111 the place of t/'le Trtlsletl. <br /> <br />20. FCHbe.,.~ by 8.,..nol.,.,- Of TRIa'" Nol . Waller. Any torebMr.nce by <br />Benellcla/Y nr Trustee in 81lerclslng flny rlghl Of remedy hereunder. or otherwiM <br />afforded by applicable law, ,hail not be a waiyer of or preclude the 8Xet'clse of any <br />rIght or remedy hereunder, likewise, the waiver by Beneficiary or Truetee of any <br />defauli of Tru~1l0f undtH thl~ Tru!l.t DfleQ shal! not be deemed to be a wal\ler of any <br />olhel or ~imllar defaulls subaequenlly occurring. <br /> <br />21 TN.lor- No' R....... Extension 01 the lime lor payment or modUlCaUon or <br />amortization of the sums s&cwed by Ihl5 Trust Deed granted by Beneficiary fo any <br />successor In iO!8f6Si of TrustOf shall not operate to release-, In any matlnef, 1he <br />Ilablllty Of Ihe original Truslor Of TfU!ltor's lIuceeuor In Interet!, Ben.flcltly thall <br />not be required 10 commeoc@ proceedings against lSuctl auccee.aor O!' refuse to <br />(Ill tend time for pa)'ment or othefWise modify amortization of lhe sums secured by <br />ttlle Trust O$ed lly rftliSOn of any demand made by the original Trustor and Trustor'. <br />succelJ$Q(s In Int6foG&1. <br /> <br />22. o.t.ulllf Ihere s/'la!l bl't a default under thl$ DeeO of Trust or under any prior <br />mortgilge, the B$flellchl(y mliy ~'ura ,such default, lind Ihe amounts advanced by, <br />and othet costs .I'd 6lilplllnsas at the In curing auth defaull, with <br />Inlere.t al the defavlI ,ale contalnttQ In 1h~ Note aecured hereby flom the lima QI <br />fhe tldv.ncea or payf'Mnts shan be added 10 the Indebtedness secured by this Trult <br />Deed and may be COUe\:lod htueund6f at any time alter the- time 01 such advance. <br />Of pay'1lflt1t6 and shaH be deemed to be secured hereby. <br /> <br />23. Option to FOfK.IOM. Upon the oocurance of any default hereunder, Beneficiary <br />shall havelhe opllol"l to foreclose thl.$. Trust Deed In the manner provided by law tor <br />the foreclosure of mortgages on rea. proporty. <br /> <br />24. Trwlor'. AIOtrt.. Abtul o.taull Unfll any default In the payment 01 <br />Indebtedness hereby secured Of iJntlllhe breach of any COVEmant herein contained, <br />the Trustor, Its SUCCi)$60re and 4$stgns, shall po~"as and enjoy Ihe property,.OO <br />recell/a tile rents and proUls therefrom, Upon payment of all suma secure4 by this <br />Trust Deed, SeneJlcllry 5h811 request Trustee to reconvey the property and :th.1I <br />surrender thle Trust Deea and aU notes evidencing Indebtedness llI&Cuntd by thl& <br />Trust ~ to TruSl~. T'ust8~ shall reconvey the proptirty withoUt warranty and <br />without charge 10 !tr-e- p6l:sons la-gaily en!itled thereto. The Grantee In any <br />reconVio\yanca !ftil;Y 00 ;JescliblOd a~ "lhe person or perSOns 6n-lilled therelo:' and <br />the reciial$ lht'irein of any 'lHl.I\ara or lacts snail he concluSive proof 01 ttw <br />trl.ltl'llulnll5i;l Ihll)'fli'Cl. Such pfllr~ol'l O! pilr~O-tlS ~tlD.H pal)' all coslS of rGCOrdlno, If aM. <br /> <br />,25, A~.ralfon In u... -Ev~t of T,.na:f.r.ln the eveotlhe llUe 10 said reat e~tlltels <br />transferred, or conlracled 10 be transterr\td, from ttl~ undetsiQned for a.ny reason or <br />by ~!1y rneth()lj "hafaoev(tr, the 61'11111- prIncipal !lum and accrued tnter&&t aft.1I at <br />once ~corn~ due ilnd po;)'iJ,ble-.:it the election of t~ BenefiCiary. Failure to exerCise <br />tnis Ot>t!on oocau~il 01 lIantl!tH of till'" .HI .1txlVe ,taled In one matance shall not <br />comultute a waIve' of tl1t1 right to e....61cls6 the .58111e in the event of any subsequent <br />tra~siGr. <br /> <br />.. lhi. d1Md of !rllM!!i Jl,in1ur 10 Ol~ d.t~ ___n _ N/...A~ <br /> <br />.ecute(1 by fr\lol0; tQ __.___ Tm.tee, <br /> <br />MCui'lng II prltlC-lpal flot." !or <br /> <br /> <br />{)01l.1l1. &rnj m~ 1ili f\tCma ...m~ thli Rbgjst~ of o..dll aoo id.f1titj~...>w~~ <br />