<br />83- OlJ268G
<br />
<br />MOllTGAGE See L 22,838
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. L 24,094
<br />
<br />KNOW ALL MEN BY 1lIESE PRESENTS: That Maurice A. Rutten, a single person,
<br />
<br />Mortgl!gor, whether one or more, in oomideiationofthe sum<>f
<br />Thirteen 1bJusand and. ooLI00-.=::::,:::-~:=--=--=--------------------"----- DOLLARS
<br />1oIi1Cdl<> ~ IIlOtIpgorby 'The Equiblble Building and to.... Association of Grand Island, Nebrasl<a, Mortgagee; upon 130 shares of stock or
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Certificate loin, L 24,094 , do hereby grant, COllyey and mnrtgage untn the said ASSOCIATION the fnDowing
<br />desc:ribc<I real estal<>, situated in Han County, Nebrasl<a:
<br />
<br />IDt Three (3) in Block '!Welve (12) in
<br />
<br />Packer and Barr's Addition to the City
<br />
<br />of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />topther with all rlle tenemenls, hereditaments and aPJlUrte......,.. thereunlo belongtng, including attached l100t co""rings, all window scmms,
<br />window......... blinds, storm windows, a....ings. h...ting. aJ( rondilioning. and plumbing and ....t.t equipment and accesaorios therelo, pwnps, st.......
<br />rcffige.r.atots~ 3Dd otbe-r n.xtUt~ aud equipment AtlWor hereafter attached to Of lded in connection with Slid real estate.
<br />Aod w!we.. the Aid monpgor has ~ and d.... bercby agJ"" that the mort~ shall and will pay all tu.os and ...........tll. kMed or
<br />asoellSOd upon Aid ""'"""'" and upon thU m,,,,l!lIll" and the bond secured lhe..by he.r.... .ft. same shall become delinq.....l; to furnish appnm:d
<br />inswa_ _ the buildings on ..... pnm....,. SItuated in th..um of $ 13,000.00 payable '0 ~ ASSOCIATION and 10 deli""r to ......
<br />ASSOClAnON the policies: fOf Wd inlWan<<: and not 10 c.:ornmit or permil my waste on or about said premises;
<br />In.,... of d<!fauh in the perlOfll,"""" of any of the l.llllS aOO condil...... of Iftis mortgage or the bond _.d her.by, the mortPllCO shall.
<br />00 demand, be .ntitled 10 Immedial" 1"_ of lhe murtll"8ed !)I""""", .ud .he lllUrtl\OlO' hereby assi&us, Iransf.rs and sets n""flO the
<br />IlIOrtgagec all the r...... ,...m... and inconlc to be .u'ti..,j from the mortll"8ed I".m.... during wclr time as the mortp&c indcbtcdneu shall remain
<br />unpIlid; an<! the lt1Ot'lp&Ce sIlaIl """" lhe PO_ 10 appoinl Illy agen' or agents il nlAY dewe 1\)1 lhe purpose of rcpoiring ..id premises and renling
<br />the _ and oollIl.:ting tbe rents. """'<111'" ...d "'''''''''. and il may poy vul "I' said i_ aU expense. of rcpoUing said premilos and ncccswy
<br />commiss.ions and e~ incurred in rcntilll and tlW~ lht UJ,ne and of oollectma (entAls tbctefrom; the balance remainin&, if Iny. to be
<br />awIirtd towvd the disclvuge of said ""..tll'lll" indebted"..., these rrghts of lhe mortgagee may be "....cioed al any time during the .xisl._ of such
<br />def.uk. incspedtft- of any lempotaty WlhWl' of the- ~<
<br />~ ~.ts, nclW1:WI. ~n: upon ibe Cond!twn1 ThaI tf the Wd Motlga&O:f shall t~pa)' JkUd loan on or before the maturity of said shares by
<br />paymenl; p"y lt10nthly 10 said ASSOCIATION of tbe ...m tpOciI1cd in the Bond "",w.d hereby as inler... md principal on said loan. on or before
<br />the Twet.tlr>thday of eacb and CWf)" momb.un.usaid """'.. fully poill; pay aU taxes >lId ....,......,lIllIlcvicd apinst said protndcs and on Ibis Mortp&c
<br />an<! the Bond secwcd the",by. before dclinque,,<y-; fUntM >PPlO..,j il_ana: upon the buildings thereou in the IUlll of S 13 , 000 .00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCli\TIO'..., (Cpay 10 said ASSOCI" 110N _ demand allll10llCY by II pard for such !alles, a.....m.nl. and in.urance with int.rest al
<br />the muimum Iepl..", Illc<con from dal" of pay....ur all.of wkicb Morl_ he.eby "!If"" II> pay; permil no wut. on Slid pre"""",; k..p and comply
<br />Wl...th. ..alllhe ""ccmen. IS and. <00011"'1\$. of lbe Bond fot S 13,000 .001hU day 8...n by tlwl said Mortpgor to. said ASSOCIATION. and <lQropIy
<br />...ith aIllbe requirements of tlwl Constilution and By,Lawa of said ASSOClA TION; .hen I""'" prcacnts shall been.... null and void. othclwiac they
<br />sbaII.cft!;i1n in fu.1l fat... and may be foreclusccl at the option of lhe..... ASSOCIAIION afte. failulC for three montbs 10 make any of ~
<br />pay_Ii 0' be tlm>c months ill ",'cau in making ~ monlhly p"ymenls, or to keep am! tumply with lhe agl"......n.. and condilions uf ~ Bood;
<br />1oiI. Mortp&ot ...- 10 ha.. a r...._ lIpJI<liutcd f...thwilb .in such foreclosure prO<:CC<linp.
<br />If 1\.... is any cbanac in nwncrship nf the real estate lt1Ortp(lldbcrcin, by .... 0' othcrwiac. lhen the cntln: rcmaJning indebtedness hereby
<br />---'.sbaIl. at t~ option of.'The Equitable Buiklin& and Loan Asso<ialion of Grand island. Nebruk.a. become imnoc4ialely due and JIIIYUlc without
<br />f1llrlhc< no\lee, and. ~,0U>0U!l1 rcmalllln& due under ~ bon<I. md any other bon<I for any addit.ional advInccs made thercundcl:, shall, from the
<br />dal,..of.-asc <>f....Qp!iOO. ..... in_at the maximltn\ lqpl taU,and this murtPl" may then be forcdnsed 10 ...Wfy theamouotdue""~
<br />~1ll!.Il anyothcr~ fof~ ~ together wilball ~ paid by said The Equiblble Building and Loan Asso<ialion ofGmtd Island,
<br />~. fw ........ IalIc$and -ts.and abat'Wins CJ<tcnsioo~. with interest lhereon, f,om dare of pay_ul al the muimwn
<br />... rate.
<br />. ^"pro~. in,the 1Ir!a4' "",...old !weby, whiIc Ibis _1M<' rcmaim. in .Ilee. the mott,gagCe may beteafler acInnce additional sums 10 tbc
<br />~pf,.sI!i4ll<lod'llloW Uliigns <)( ~ it> interest. which sums shall be within the _ity of this tllIJrtpge the same as the funds oriptally
<br />.~ ~IiJ, thC,tr.tt.l amount of prlncip01 tlCbt not to ex"""" at any. time the original amount of this 1Il<lrIp&c,
<br />~/l Oiltc4thil23rd_) day (l!;.;",.~y A, D.. 19 83
<br />,..', .~--_._-
<br />. ~:;~\l~
<br />
<br />
<br />$TA-m....{)(<.......,..'~. ,..... ....... ,t""
<br />~.OOtWJ.{
<br />
<br />On lJoi$ 23rd
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />lo\ay
<br />
<br />1983 . beine. me,
<br />
<br />the.~, a Notary .Publil: in and for sai<l County. pcrtOsaIIy camo
<br />
<br />~;t~ "". aut.ten, a smgle person,
<br />
<br />who is
<br />
<br />pIll:>OIlAlIy k.noWJllO
<br />
<br />"lgJl!!~;~~ ~ _ is atfu;cd to the~.. ...."""""t.. morIiI&'J'
<br />~thC!<Ild~~Il'.l>t. .~. ~Wy...and'*'t
<br />~ "" ~.aM ~$cat tbc ~.lfmcoaid.
<br />IiQ' ('\J. 4fl4,
<br />
<br />and
<br />
<br />he
<br />
<br />oc-.JIy
<br />
<br />.~...
<br />
<br />
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<br />