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<br />83-002647 <br /> <br />,.. <br />I <br /> <br />UN[PORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender <;,ovenunl and agree as follows: <br />1. Payment of Prlndpal and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on the <br />indebtedness evidenced by the Note. prepayment and late charges as provided in the NOle. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future .Advance!!. secured by this: Mortgage. <br />2. FuluIs for Taxes and Jll5lIran<:e. Subject to applicable law or !O a written waiver by Lender, Borrower shall pay <br />to Lender on tbe day monthly installments of principal and interest ore payahle under the Note, until the Note is paid in full, <br />a sum (herein ~~Funds") equal to one-twelfth of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortgage; and ground rents on the Property, if any. plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for hazard insnrance, <br />plus one-twelfth of yearly premium installments for mortgage insurance. if any. all as reasonably estimated initially and from' <br />time't6 tUne by Lender on the basis of assess.ment.s and bills and rea~onable estimates thereof. <br />The Funds shan he held in an institution the depoSits or accounts of which are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency finduding Lender if Lender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />insurance premiums and ground rents. Lender rnay not charge for so and applying the Funds. said account <br />or verifying. and compiling said assessments and biJls, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law <br />permits Lender to make such a charge B~)rrower and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />Mortgage that interest on the Funds ~hall be paid to Borrower. and unless such agreement is made or applicable law <br />requires such interest to be paid, Lender s,haU not be required to pay Bnrrower any interest or earningson the Funds. Lender <br />shaH give .to Borrower.. without charge, an ac_cotlntlOg (if the Funds ~hOWjllg credits and debits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for which each debit 10 the Funds was rnade< fhe f'unds arc pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by this Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together i.\ ith Ihe future monthly installments of Funds payable prior to <br />the due date.'i: of taxes, a~~menlS, insurance premmms .and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes. <br />assessments, msurance premiums dnd ground rents as they t:.ll dut:, ~uch C\l.;l.....S shall be. .It Borrower's option. .either <br />prompdy to Borrower or crc(hted to Borrower 00 monthly 1l1stallment5 ()f Fund~. If the amount of the Funds <br />held by Lender shaU not be sufficient to pay taxes.. ~ls."'essments, in~llr~mcc premiums ~md ground rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shaU pay 10 Lender jny amount necessary !fJ make up !hl,.~ detkicncy withm 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender [0 Borrower reques1ing payment thereot <br />Upon payment in full of aU sums. sC~llrcd b~' th1S Mongage. l.endcr shaH promptly refund to Borrower any Funds <br />held by L<::nder. If under paragraph 18 hereof !he ProPCrt}, i'. ~\lld (H' the Property is otherwise acquired by Lender, Lender <br />mall apply, no later than i1nmediatcl~ pnor w !.he \;ak {)f the Property fir i:s ar.:qulsition by Lender. any Funds. held by <br />Lender at the time ot application a~ .t credit agamst [he sum.. ,~(:ured h:-" thIs Mungage. <br />3. Apptkation of PaYJIleGls. Unk~ ,-::tppil\;abk l(l\\ rro'cldc~ (ltherwise. :ill payments received by l.ender under the <br />Note and paragraphs I and .2 herecr ~haU be ~lpph\.'d hy I t'uuer tlr'i-t 111 pt.l)Tnent {II amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under paragraph 2 hereof. them to ll1fcrcst payable on the ~Olc. !hen tp the principal of (he Note., and then to interest and <br />prinCIpal 011 any Future Advances, <br />4. Charges; IJeos.. Borro\\-tr "hilil pay ;~B U\~". >1~"t.''i'''ll1cnh and othl'r charg!'s. fines ami lmposjtions attributable to <br />the Property which may aHam a pnority over tn.... ~lortg:a,ge. _HId ica':'>t'h~)ld paymenb or ground rents. jf an)'. in the manner <br />provided under paragraph 2 hereof or. If nol paid In 'Sul':h manncr. f;'f Ht)rrowcr makmg payment. when due. directly to the <br />payee the reo!. Borrower ~haH prompliy !UfOl'ih hl Lender all {WW:C:-s llf amounts OUI: under this paragraph. and ill the event <br />Borrower '\haU maxe payment dlftx.tiy, Born,'y,.cr ,hHIl pr\.)mprJ)" j urHl\h ft) LCflocr receipts evidc.ncing slIch payments. <br />Borrower shaH promptly tli5.:hMgc itn)' lien \I, hith has pnl)f1ty pva thi_, ~1()rtK3g~; pr-ov1i.Jed. that Borrower shaH not be <br /> to ulscbarge an)' -su(:h lien sO' kmg itS H"1rmwcr \hotH .:Ign:c in \\ f1i1ng t(l the payment of the obligation secured by <br />:o.uch hen in a mannef dc\;tpta.bk h) Lt.:nder. Of '1h,jllm ~\~~d t.:Ulh ~.nll't'~l Slh.:h hen by, or defend enforcement of sm..:h lien in, <br />legal pr'-~e-edmg.s which operiH<! h) pl'eycnl 1/1\: t;'nil)l~emt.'nt (\f tht' li~H I..![ tOrfClttlfC of the Prop.:rty or allY part thereof. <br />S. H*""' lD$Uf'fUic~. BOfh,,,.cr j"ccp the illl}lfl.J'>CIHt:lIb 111.'\\ ~~\I~llng or h~Icahef cl\.'clcd on the ProperlY insured <br />aga.i!lSl iOS5 hy fire. htll.t'ird~ i.nduded \\ Ithill the it.'fI)} \:'h:nJeJ ,-,.I,.CI"4gC , anJ s-lIi..:h other h;Jzards a" Lender may require <br />and m :i.ut:"h ;lfi}t)unh and hJf ~u\,:h Ix;rioo"!- ;b 1.end.:!' m<<}- rC'1U1ft:: pr~)\cI.dcd" tha.t Ll.:nJcf ,hall not require that the amount \.)f <br />'iuch coverage C'.\~('cd thaI am~)UI\t \}f .:...:.n>.::ragt' r~'i\lHcd In pa:" lht: ;,llllh :-'~,:Ilr..~d hy lhls Mortgage. <br />The insural}\;e' carrier providing the ms-ut.Hh.-c :.hall be "h(lwn by 'mbjccl to approval by Lender; provided, <br />that su.:.::h. approval s.hall not be ul1rt::d.-\-t..mahjy \Odthhcld. :\11 pn.,'HlHJnh f'O insllr~H":c polki~s shaH be paid in the manner <br />provu;1ed under paragraph 2 hereof L'L Ii ml{ });{id III ~u....h rn.aIlHCf. b} Borruwer making payment, when due. thrct.:tly to the <br />in&u~--e catner~ <br />AU insuran~c JX>Jjt.:l\.,."'S and l'eIh.~'.\, ;.ds. lh~f"(.'I)1 .,.hail ~ HI t,..rm .i~\..(:pI.1hh.~ t\~ LenJ':-f ,uHi ..hall IIlchH..k a !It;.H\dard mongage <br />dause m favor of and in hum .!,:,;~cpl;!hlc h} I.cndlr. I.cnJ{.'f ~l\.jil h,ne the Il~ht 10 hold the policies ~lIld renewals thereof. <br />and 8Qr.rower ~hall prompdy furmsh in Lender .all f\.'ttc\\.Jl !l,)t1..'C'i. iiOJ all r(,l:~ipH; ()f r~lld rremium~. In the c\cnt of loss. <br />Borrowc:r shall 81\:C noli();~ 1\.1 tht' m:)ul,;Hh.~ l.:;Jnl..:~ ,tnJ LCliJe-L LcnJ~1 lll~Y mal..c pn)(\t l\t loss it rh)t tmuJc promptly <br />l>y Burrower. <br />Unlwss Lender .;mu 8orr~,h,"er other", ,<;c agfc~ III wfltwg, 1I1'~Ul an...:c pr\.l~ct:\'h shall bt: applied to res.toration or repair of <br />the. Propcrt) JanUlgcd. proviueJ sUl,;h f.\:..,h)ratl\.){'J. Of n:p,iH 1\ C-..:\1Jl\)mh::all} fcasthlc and Ih~ st:'curilj' of this :Mortgagc i~ <br />not thcrebj' .impaired. Ii SUI.'h rc~toralh)n or ICpoSH IS. (HIt 1.';;'>\1J1tHnh.:~ill) !cdsihlc or If the St".(;Uflty of this Mortgage would <br />be lmpa.Jred. the insurance ph),;ecd~ s'ludf be i,l.pplu.~d to the sum.s :''''J..'ur('.J by thl:', Mortgage, with thl" excess, if any, paid <br />to Borrower, It the Propt:H} 15 ~haHJI.,)l1CJ h~ B\Jfh\\\.CI. lit ;I Horr~h""'t:r tdil:. h' ICllponJ 10 lender wJthin 30 day~ from the <br />date notice is nuujeJ b)t' Lender t.o Burrower thut the: lt1sun1n":~ ..:arricr oH'Ch 10 ':'>cUJe ,I dairn (or IU!lurancc benetits, Lenuer <br />Is. aut.bor1.zcd to coHet;t .and apply tbe tns,uranc.; pruc.eed~ ,it L~nJer\ J.,)ptwn ~jthcr to restoration or repair of the Property <br />or t_o the Sunb ~ecured b~.. thu~ ~lorlgage. <br />tJnle$s Lender and otlu::rwis.c tlgrc.~ ;n \ldltmg, ~tn} "\.,.dl ap.pJic~llil,.m ~~f rr;J~ecds to prlfll,,:lpal ...!laB nut e:\tend <br />or p'-~ne the due date of the monthl) ins.taUm.cnb. rd('rred I,' in p;l,ragr.1ph\ ! and 2 hereof l)r l.:hangc the anl\.1Unt of <br />s.ucl1instaUmeuts. If under- paragraph i 8 hercof the Pt';.)peny is 4,.;:quircJ. b~. Lend(:L all right, tilk and inkrcst ()1" Borrower <br />in and to .all) in5u:an\'~e policies and in and ID the pnx"ccJ..s. thcrcuf n:,).ulting twm damage- to the Propen) prtl...1r to tht:' ~alc <br />or acquiSition rabali pa>> to Lendet to the c.Xlent pi the ..urn::. ..,,::-.:urcJ by !hi) .\tl.lrt;;i\gC unmcdiatcly prior h~ ::;uch ;:,.tle ()l' <br />~uisilion. <br />~ Pnft.,,,.UoQ. and J\laintclUtu('e of Propcrt,); L.t"a,')~hoid't; Condomillhuu:,; PJallJlcd Unit Den"lupJueftfS. BOffO\-' t.:1 <br />$.bait keep t.h~ PrOperlY in BlX'd n.:p,illf ?nd shaH ntH l..'iJmmit" ur permit imp..tirmcnt or JClcrioralloll of the Pr.opcrt) <br />:and .$hall c\Jmpl)' \i<.ith the pfO\if:m..'lfll ui any jc.ase if rhh .\hHlgag~ t:o. un a k~lschojd, II thh ~IOl'Ig~lg\.' b \Hl .\ unit in ;:1 <br />COOi.I~inlurn ur a planned unit dcveh)pmt,;rlt. J10fnmcr ;.-h"'lU p('rf,)rm ,ill ut BurnJ\\crs obltgat!(lo:" unJer the d~\:LJ.nHII)1l <br /><.\f cove.) crcabn. Or g..JVunrn.s, fhi;: n~I1QOmmlUm l'f phtnn('d unit devduprncllt, the by.lav.i:':l .~nd rcglllalil-H1'\ ~)f th~ <br />toodon1hihim QCp1.a.noed. unit development ~uHl ;';,)11Mltul..?!H tkXlUlH..'iH'I. 1f.1. ":l1ndominiwH or plarmcd uoit dl'H.^!l'pmcrH <br />rklcr. is c:'Xccuteij by and f'C.(ordr:d IOiltlhcr vdth thn; M.,.l/ll'agc, tht; i.:p.Cl1<.ints .ind ag.reclHt:'Hh i)f "lli..:h rider <br />tW k iac()(pqrttted jnto lirnJ sbail amend .m~f ~upplcmclH the ;:;;1,)\-l~lhH'l!\ .3f!d i.\gn:cmcnb "-'( th,~ M\.1ngagc ~l' d [hl: lidc!" <br />"'m "lIi'1"t lIetrlOt <br />7.:. -~ of fA:n4e:r'~ ~nri&y. fi Borr.ower f.lIt~ to perform [he (.I)Vt;n,wh ,lnd ~1.1{!~em'.~nb ~'l~nl~lJncij in rhr~ <br />)4O(.'(Qa.... Of. .if iUi)' .:ll:d.ii:ln Of pt-QCctdiug it\- \:,JmJtl';Jh;(~d WhH.:h m;.lh,'riuily <ltft'd\ LCfl~h.:r\ inlert:'\t in fhi.' PrUr\~rly. <br />~'J~~ :bu~ t(,~, \~.m:Hit:Qt d.(tf:Q..atfl-. iil.~,oh"('.fti::Y< (od(" l:oh1tCcrnt'HL .)f it! f,tHgCf\1t:nh or prnn~t.~\.iings. lll".,iIVJljg " <br />.~tupt or~~t lhe-.n l~~--ct at Lender\ fJf'ti..:~n. upon notice f(. lk~.rro'*t':r, m~~y m::\!<:c Hh:h_ ~ppl';)tan(:c~. ~fl\hul:'l~~ 'i.Udl <br />~' ~. ~ ~h. al,'.t.wn, d~ t~ n.('~t;."1.i,tf}' tti Jlt\,'h;U LctH.ler':f :rHtn:-\t. !lY;:!!hhnK hlH il~i! IlHlHcd hi, .Jj,>hllr';i-..:m~m ,,1 <br />t~ At~)f".$.. fw.\. &t~ elUf} u.P':~n d~(, tJ.ropcny h..' fnilke IC.'p"Or\ If I.cndt'~! IC\llJB1Jd nh'fj~~agt' m",u~r'lnd~ .iI', ,i <br />>;,~dioo ~}f .~i_ilJ- the. t(.t~cn n~..u~t'~f . h)" Hh~ ~h~r~S;'lt.e" n{;fT,,'.~\:r ~h.iI; pa) .th~ prtmHlIn.., n.'y~tln;tl IP fnaml.u!1 ..u, h <br />tMW'trn:e m f.~~ UP.~j~ .%'Ud~ time j};i. *~ req!}hcmem fOf ~u~.h tl1",:mitnce lJ;'frtUn:Hc<o ..Ci"",tdan,.:c vdth fkHj\''iA~~r\ ;HliJ <br />