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<br />il I I03~ASE OF MOBTGAGE-Corporation w- \j 0 2 () 4 i. Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Walton, Ne, 68461 ttl Ii
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<br />II! INCONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the h:r~~~ :C~~:C~Sth~~~tg.uge iiiiiilec to II f.!
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<br />H ! P
<br />'J FIVE POINTS BANK by Delbert Theasmeyer and Lois Theasmeyer ea4 i!
<br />III in hili! and her own right as spouse of each other and Janet Ross in partnership I i!
<br />I! I 1m thefoUoWing described real estate, to-wit: '. III
<br />
<br />I! Fra~tional Lot Six (6), Block Fifteen (15), Lambert's Addition to the Cityof Grand ! Ii
<br />!.<.::: Islartd, Hall County, Nebraska; and Fractional Lot Seven (7), Except the Wester~y Th:Lttee+ Ii
<br />,; aIld Two Tenths (13.2) Feet Thereof, and all of Fractional Lot Eight (8), BlockEight,(8)1 Ii
<br />il Evans Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska I Ii
<br />H of.Section ~ in Totunship , Range of the 80-003858 P. M., Hall 1 i!
<br />!I County, .,.State of Nebraska which is recorded in:&1m< Doc. II of Real Estate Mertgages, page ,)' I,'!
<br />Ii of the records of said County.,
<br />I! IN1'ESTIMONY WHEREOF. the said FIVE POINTS BANK has caused I ii
<br />ii i these/JT'es~tstobe executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 26th j !i
<br />" I dayof., {i;""~ I ,1983. i II
<br />
<br />
<br />ill~~~{~#_~~mmm}:;'; ~ ,fi~~:=~~:; II' II
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<br />:1 I. :rZ''';::''';';:::':'''::~~:';~__huu'_hm,__.___,u.County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for ,
<br />!. i~dCo~tJl,~~ti~ cameh,_,,_mu_____JQ!Lf.u_Ll1~!:!?u__u__"um<Uum __.u__,m~~~,~,'='!;?:y_~u.y.?:S_e_:; President of the i
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<br />I ~~~~~;;:E:~~~~~~-;:=;:.;;;~~:~::1.~:E:~E:? i
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<br />I deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. ;
<br />i Witness my hand and Notarial Seal aLj:;!,?"<!"l'?J'!!:I_d_,."t;~.u",, "'''''mu' in said County the day and year
<br />
<br />",=,,#~J~~ =::::~res---._~a~_ /~?:!a.:T-S:~h'h~'<"\Z=Uh'" Notary PUblic+.;,._.
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