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<br />"YISIND!ll~R!ll'madethis,.:".2.4 th_~..____~. day oL._._I1itl' . . ....., 19Q;L., by and between
<br />CHARlES E.OXNJR /lliQ CAT.HY.<L.c OXNER->-HUSBAlliLAND WIFL~-c__~__---cc'
<br />
<br />
<br />of Ha 11 C<nm!y, Nebraska, as mort_or ~__, and H~ Fed<ral Savings and Loan ^,,<ocialion of Grand Island, a corpOration
<br />ol'aa;uted-and,wsting under tM lav.'s of the United States of America wilh its principal OffICe arid place of busineSs at-Grand Island.- Ntbraska::, as
<br />~
<br />WITNliSSE'tH: Thlltsaidmortpgor S , for and in consideration of the sum of THRFF THOf!SANnTEN
<br />DOLLARS AND NO/l~~ _____~__==-==..::.::.===__-h---- .Dotlary:~, 3.~10.00
<br />
<br />),
<br />
<br />the-ooipr o( which -i~'hereb~ ac;blOwledged~:do __ __~___ by these presenlS mortgage and warrartt:tlnt:tHaW m~, it~f$~cces~rs -and assigns.
<br />
<br />forever. aU the foUowingdesalbed real estate; situatt'd in the County of "~_,~_.ti~.L__ ;k _.t,. ,;f,,-.;,
<br />and State of~brask8. to-.wit:
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />T~ with aU heaL.ing~- air cunditioning, lighting. and plumbing t'-qulpm"\-tlt and t'ixture-s, mdudmg ~l~fflens. awnings. !:>lorn\ windows and
<br />doors. and windQw -shades or ,blinds. wted on or in connt<llon with !Htitl prupeny. wh(!'th~r the ~IUn€ SI'e now loc~t.tXl on said property or her~ft,er
<br />pla.:ed,hereon,
<br />
<br />
<br />TO HA VE AND TO HOLD THE-SAM!-:, lop-tOOr ,,"'ith aU and singular the teMfn.enls. ht"r~htament...'!l and appurtt'llUtncc,s thereunto be,
<br />
<br />longing. or in anywise- 8PP"f1.4lining, ~e....8t. and wanunt the title to the -SUlHt'_. Said mOfKagorS ht!:rt.>by l;ownanl with ~aid
<br />~ that t he_.l~ are, at tht1 ueh\'tlIT}' hl:lf\iOf, the ll,iwful nwn~r S. of the prem~ above conveyed and descrih~d,
<br />
<br />~~___AC.e..,__ ~ of. good ADd indefea.silile e$ate of Inhtmlan~'\:' therem. free and clf,ll:U of all encumbranc\!'s. and that ~_th(!_:y _, will
<br />warrant aQd-<k.(~ the tiUe-_thereto fQrtlver llgalMt thedaim~ and dtln'll'lUds of aU paSOlUi wh()ffl~vet.
<br />P\WVlDED ALWAYS. and 'm. ins""""",t, i. """u!.ed and d.liv.rod to .""u", ,h. paym.ot of 'he 'Urn of THREE...Tl4OUSANO-.
<br />c"...lEtt.OOllAR~.ANlL N.O/lOO" ".-- --,,-- - - -" -- - -- - -"-,, - - --',-,,, Doll.rs 1$ 3 .O~Q~OO. I.
<br />,-- wi~ i.ntbrat- ~ ~ with such ~ and lld"o.n~ a.,. may be due and paya.bltl to said m(lrtga~et! under the l~rms and \-.'onoiti(lfls
<br />Of t.,P~ not.e of tNen daiM herewith and -SelCufl~l ~y, executed by s-lt.!d mort.Kag().f _ ,$-, l() !laid l1lortgug~. payahlt! as ~xprt'-sSl.>d
<br />Ul,Aaid-mte.. and to MCurtl tb. perfotm&l.lCe of.u the wrnul. and conditions contamoo thtiooin. Too terms of said nol~ are hereby incorporawd
<br />honIin by this ref.-:e.
<br />
<br />It ia the tn~ion and ~_t of the part_ bwew that thUs UlortgB.gtl shall a100 5i.o(unl. an)' future advallt.:oo made W 8wd mortgafCor -$--
<br />
<br />h:y M.id~. lU1d any, and .u iDdeb~ in additkm to l~ amount above- _stated whid. said mort.gagor~, or ~ny or them, may Qw_e to
<br />u.id tllC)rt.&....~ .ho~\'e-r evidenced. wtu:ther by notJi;, book account or otherwise. Thl$ mo~uge shall remain in fun force and effect be~w~~'n
<br />~,_~ _~ and their ~. peniOna.l representative~. SUCC6$SOfS and aSSJgn$. until 811 amounts socun!'d, hereunder, including tutUrl'
<br />adv_. are paid inluU with in_,
<br />
<br />T~ ~ _L~ bere4)' ..sign ~~_~< to saw mQ~t;e all renUi and i.ncome arising at any and aU times from ~ajd propcrt.\' and
<br />benfbY .u~, _~ ~ or its -agent, at its option. upon _ default. to take_ charg6- of said property and collect all ren~ and int.-omt;
<br />~~,~ ~_ tbe.,SAIQ-Q to the-_payment of int-erest. princJpal. insurance premiu.m.s. taXes, l1$e$SIDcnts. repairs or tmprovE.'flwnlt'.
<br />~ tQ ~jlaid ~1ia~tebleC<>,ll(\i_, ""0 other cha.li"" or paymonu. provided fwhoreln '" inthcno.. h...l>y _un'li. Tbi.
<br />~ ~t 8ball-e~UnU$, ~ lom:_ until the unpaJd balance of ~aid note is fully paid. The taking of ~ession hereunder shall HJ n(1 manOI)f
<br />wJ~ ot'~ Hkl_Q)OI'tgqee in the _roUectiml of said $UID5 by foreclosure or otherwise..
<br />
<br />''\'!Ie l.u~i>fthc ~ toumt aJ\Y 0.1 i18right. """""'''''' at any t,im" shall not ha eon.'rued a. . . waiver of its right to n"""11: 'he
<br />~_-a,t Af,lY- ~ ,timts~ .nd. to, ins~ upon and -e~Q-l(.:e stnct c'om.plia.nct' with all the lerm-s and provisions of ::Iuld note and of thlS .mortg3gt?
<br />
<br />If..i~t~~ :_,_ .~ -ca~:tobe paid to hid in~~eld.he entin: aIDQunt. due H. ooreunder. and under Uw teml~ nod provi:iions
<br />~,~.~~-~., ~;fVt.ure adva~. and any ex.t.t;\Wiiu-ns ur .rol,\6Wals theroof in act-Urd~UK(! with tht: terms and pf"Ovision~
<br />
<br />'ifith Ii_U,tbe 'p_"tvibi,qns oi said note And of this mortgage. then l..he-...e pre~(1n~ shuH be void;
<br />ll!I4~~..1ullJ ha,entitlod14 .tha p<lllsession of all of said p.o,......y, and may, .t iu>.oplwn.
<br />. rept08l!~ thereby l4 bOimroodiau.ly due .nd ,",yable, 8.nd may fo"""I",,..Woltl(>rtg"ll"
<br />...... ... ....... App,..;;..,....l!t"lil~, .
<br />
<br />~~~iIIr~_:,~:l~~,~,U~ ~.:~__Fure tt> ~- be~~ of dw_ M~, t-.l_OC1Jtoffl, &umj~i$tr~tor~, 8!,K~}r!i and 'u..~, nf ttw
<br />
<br />ha. V!'l.- .........u. "'" t.l1e.ir. hood S, .1,., day ooJ }'~ Ii'" 01>0".
<br />('\ (\ I'
<br />:\-.".5)~,-.~..!.). ~~.. /-w~ _,f;
<br />CATHY J. OXNEk
<br />