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<br />III (
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<br />1 11 ~ 1 ~ ~
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<br />"~~_IJO'~62~' "'I
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<br />
<br />THIS INDENTURE. alllde this __,___ ,__.,.2fi__.______ day 01 ___ _~,_____
<br />Jk!.r4et:LlJ~~.nd'_.8e1;ty"..J..--Rte~~lius_baruLamLjftfEL___.~____ ._
<br />
<br />, 19 _111,. by and between
<br />
<br />Qf- tja -11_ County_. Nebraska. as mortgagor -S-_. and Home Federai_Savings and Loan Associa.tion of Grand bland. a corporatios;l
<br />0TpJIi.ted ai\d-eUstift3 under tM laws of the United Slates of America with its principal office and place of business-at- Grand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />~
<br />
<br />WITNeSSETH: That said mortgagor _~__. lor and in consideration of Ibesum of ---IlJRI'F THOl15AND TEN. DOLLARS
<br />AND NO/lOO ---------------------------------------------- 3,010.00
<br />__ ..______._.___..,__.___,_Dollars(S ).
<br />
<br />(~ receipt of-which is hercl1y acknowtedged. do _."~_<____.. ,. by thne presents mortlJaf!:e and warrant. unto said mort~-. its. successors and 8ssigns~
<br />
<br />rorever, aU the foUowing dncribed reaJ mate, situafed in the eN,"tv of
<br />and State of ~brma. to.wit:
<br />
<br />Hall
<br />
<br />
<br />Tugethtw wtth i.tll hNtins. fm wOOllklnillg, htthtinit. and tdumhmg ~'4.I\ltprnt"t)t ltnd fix.tut~s. including !o('rettOs. awtunji{s. storm windows and
<br />dooriJ, lln4;i win40w ~had_ Of b-hncU, uMd on Of tn t'Onn<<tlou wIth l'i-tud pro~ny. wh~lhtr thf' l'am~ art- nuw Jo(cattXi on stlio pru-pt!tt-y Of he~fler
<br />pla<ed tc...-..oo.
<br />
<br />
<br />1'() HAVE AND TO HOLO THE SAME. tOg\1tbm- with ull .lSnd ."ungular l}W ten~menlS. httn.tditamti'nts and ftppurhlnaO(~ thereunto ht-',
<br />
<br />i~, Qr in ~\\'~~ a~ruUnU1&. fu.rt.ver. and \Io-.GlT6.nt the Ut~ t.o th..., MIlit:'_ Swd ffiOfKaHor S ht"r~by n.lvt'nlu\l w'llh slii<.J
<br />MOl't8&g6ti t.het t he- _ Y are at the tJ~h\-'t.ry h@-tl'lOf. tht> l.a\lo'[ul nwut!t S of tht! 1)r~miS6~ aho\'t~ conveyt:!d and dt'SlTibed,
<br />5nd . Me ~ (~ .. ~ and j~(eMilil6! etlUU,' ul nlhefit41l~ lhe1't!lO. (ree And dt-^&t of nU l~(){'umbritn{'t,!s. und that t. ht>Y_ _, will
<br />warnwt_ and d~ the t.ltI~ Uwt$W fOJ"fl<\'er agam!lt tht: d..l:Um8 6nu dem.and:! of AU ptlt'SOtlS whom.soe'-'t!f
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS. and this inol.ru""'nt " ...""u,<!<l"o<l <h>hverooLO _ure the payment nl the sum 01 THREEIHQUSAND_,
<br />TEtLOOI.;1.ARS .AtffLNOt LQO-,~." -~- "--,, - - --.- - ,,- -,,- -~,,- -_,,,-___ DOUArs I. J. OlO~OO-- L
<br />WIth; l~t thKaon. ~he-l" ""ith $uch i.;~ and UdYanL~ Db may t)(~ -du~ and pay.bJe t-o lS~ud murtj(a~ und~'r thtl wnuli Dud ('oodilioos
<br />oftbe~ no-l.e-of.....e.nda-.wbeNwith,-ilW ~'ut'~ fK'l~by. t"x.xuwd by .~alli mnrtj(ugm$. to sald mortg~~. payable <I!'t {'xpret,St:!tl
<br />in se,id-nvte..... UlMt'Ule the perfotllWllCe of all the WTUlll ttnd. l'oodnJons ('ontaintd Llwrotll. TN> wrU)...\i of ~id now l"lru hereby u'\(~orporatOO
<br />henIiIl. by this ~.
<br />
<br />It ia r.he ~.a. -.l ~t Qf the patt.Itt8 he.ret.o that lhUi mortguse snall also aec\1fe llny iUI,.UffJ ad.....nc\\s made to sajd mortKagor~_..
<br />
<br />by-.$Ilid ~~ -.nd uy and alll~ in adchuon l,(l tht! .tunounl .~"'E st-.l..4x1 whid, !'l8.id murtgagors. or tUl), of l.i~m. tUllY O\\'t~ t(l
<br />tlf;jd ~, bowev..- evid.Ml'led. wbether by ~, hook ilC(.t,tunt or oth~i.st!" Th.i$ mortgage shall remain in full fMet' and effOCl hrtween
<br />the pa.rtiu ~ and ,theil_ htirs. penonal repn;sentativet\., liUCCtfflSQ-t;S and a~bign!j. until aU Ilmu.unts secured. htt~unuet, induding futun'
<br />aOvtlttClEl&. .... peid in hill wlib In-w.rest.
<br />
<br />Tho ~ __ 5...- benWy assign ,.._ _ tJJ said mott.pg\'lle all rent$. and UlCome .uUomg at uny and aU times fwm .:llud pro~rty anil
<br />hereby authoriae $~ud ~ or its --cent, U its opuon. upon ooJ'alJlt. tQ uikt:' chars\; of tRUd pruptll't). and collect aU nmts and ino)ow
<br />~ and apply the ~ to the poy:m:tmt -of lnte1'Ul. princ-ipaJ. tnsuran<:e ptemullns, tut$-. a~ssme-nt..'i. re-pairs m impfovem(,lll~
<br />-.yw.......aaid ~In~t.oble.,.",.jjuon. "" u.<>I!w e~ U< !'fly......'" providll\l (oe herein or m tbe note ber<by _ured. Th..
<br />f'QQt ....pment shall cont.i.nue in ~ uaw the unpaid. balaAO! of said ~ is fully paid. The winK or po5St\8.!:i1on berttundt>r shaH in no rna.nn..'r
<br />prev_ or ret.ard Rid ~ in the collection, of u:sd s,,",ma hy for-eclQtoiUfe \)t olherw l$('
<br />
<br />"'r:!ae-~ of tbt.t ~ to ....n- .ny of its rights huwn4er at' any time s-halI not be cOnstrued 88 D w&ivEf of ita- fight itl 85.':-ert, tht>
<br />fttUIM!t; at &nY, ... time,. an4- to iMiit upon and enforce ~tricb ~omPllanc.-~ with aU the It:'n:ns and pwv\siOl.'ls I)f s-aid note and of lhi.'j rnortgag\!
<br />
<br />U~~ _ S '-1MLU_C8U8eWbe-pejd t()~ ~ee Uw entire 4UJIDUnl due it hereunder. and UnUt'f t.M terms and 1>ro\li.."j~OM
<br />ot_ ~ ~ ~~ ~ fuu.u--e ad'v1iDCtt5. aod any e~tena!{)nt:i or 1ei1ewaJs ttw~f in 41.'Cotdllnn' "Nth ttw terms !Inti pruvi-slOllS
<br />
<br />~i. ""'!it..w~__~_.wCOftlllly...ithaU l!wp"",..",ns"f..J<! note and 01 tb.. mortgag.. toon t""" """ient> ,"'-II h. ,oid.
<br />~.w~ ..(",!r~"""~.ap:l",,id ~.haU""<>ntitlod ill I.oo~""'",n 01.11 ul ""'" prOjlt\f1.)'. am! ....y. at Its Ofl'ion_
<br />... ~~;<ii'8!d~"ucI.n ~ ~ t.hereby to ""immtldiawIy due and poYAhl". A",.I ""'y f"red,,,,,, this 1OO"<l"l!e
<br />...~.~~loj!4~t(<~~.ri&h1.. A~..."",<!<l.
<br />
<br />~,~ ~ be, ~ -~,1I9d ~1-~ to f.Nt ~ of the h<<itM, t?xocutQn. adruinlSlrl1hJN. :succ.;~a-!~oJ"~ nod ",';i~ of the
<br />."~,,,.U~,.~. ~.
<br />
<br />I,N WI~WI'lliJlEOI'. ~,M'l!tPl!O' S., . I.. ve I....,,,.,,, .... , tl1eir_ h.nd $. II", d.y .nd y....-. fb, ahow
<br />
<br />
<br />. ki{44&
<br />_tl,L~~,~<~~. ~""r_~~~_. ~"-
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<br />BtJl.t.1!~S;' ~~
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