<br />
<br />
<br />;~1651a
<br />
<br />83- 002621
<br />Inconsideration of the extension of the time of payment of the original promissory
<br />note hereinafter described, the undersigned, Norman E. Anderson and Sonya M. Andersoq
<br />, hereby covenant and agree to pay to The First National
<br />Rank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, or order, the principal sum of
<br />THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN AND 53/l00--------------($ 35,917.53 ),
<br />together With interest thereon at 13~% per cent per annum from the date hereof,
<br />such sum to be payable on November 21, 1983 Interest shall be payable at maturity
<br />:;j. ,November 21,1983
<br />
<br />Trie'.~riginal principal note in the amount of FORTY THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN &.'j3/lOC
<br />($40,917.53 ) was executed and delivered by the undersigned under the date of
<br />I1ecember 15, 1982 ,to The First National Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island,
<br />Nebraska, and was due and payable on the 13th day of June, 1983 , together
<br />with interest at 14~% per cent per annum and secured by Real Estate Mortgage
<br />to The First National Rank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, recorded as
<br />Document #82-005390 in the Mortgage Records of Hall County, Nebraska
<br />
<br />
<br />The undersigned agrees to pay such extended balance of principal of THIRTY-FIVE THOUSAND'
<br />NINE HUNDRED SEVENTEEN & 53--($35,917.53 ), together with interest thereon at
<br />l3~% per cent per ann~m, such principal and interest to be payable in lawful
<br />money of the United States of America at The First National Bank of Grand Island,
<br />Grand Island, Nebraska.
<br />
<br />All o-f the covenants and agreements in such original note and the Real Estate Mortgage
<br />above-described, other than hereinbefore modified, shall be and remain unchanged and
<br />in full force and effect during such extended period. If default be made in payment
<br />of any principal sum, the entire principal sum with interest thereon, shall become
<br />immediately due and payable at the election of the legal holder thereof.
<br />
<br />In further consideration of such extension of time of payment of such indebtedness,
<br />I hereby ratify and confirm such mortgage recorded as Document #82-005390
<br />in Real Estate Mortgage records of Hall County, Nebraska , as
<br />the first mortgage lien upon the real property described therein, and the whole of
<br />the title thereto as nOw owned by me.
<br />
<br />The undersigned executes this Extension Agreement with reference to and On the faith
<br />and credit of their property, which they now own or have an interest in or hereafter
<br />may acquire; the express intention being to charge and to continue to charge any and
<br />all of such property with the payment of the indebtedness, the payment of which is
<br />herein extended.
<br />
<br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hands this
<br />May, 1983
<br />
<br />23rd
<br />
<br />day of
<br />
<br />"~
<br />-L'7~ .
<br />
<br />[' ~i:~
<br />
<br />Norman
<br />
<br />E. Anderson
<br />
<br />~ /7), 0- }q-~
<br />
<br />Sonya M. Anderson
<br />
<br />)SS.
<br />
<br />On this 23rd day of
<br />inaqqfor ~<i,1l
<br />
<br />
<br />I have hereunto affixed my hand and official seal at
<br />day and year last aboY) ",ritten. "'/ ----.--
<br />
<br />(~~--' (f~'/;;;"~~/ -i~--rL~-~--j
<br />"', / . Notary Public
<br />
<br />1~;"N / ,/ ',' . ,'/ iN r/' /i
<br />RAC()llPERSM(MOY- ;' ~/.t~, ':/~':'~;j'... f./t/<,' V
<br />'/Jh;i:;:h:'> ,:51'/1 .2. '}///,)__~._
<br />,.:,'" Reg. of Deed,
<br />