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<br /> <br />r <br /> <br />83-002619 <br /> <br />Ii1AArlsi~e'j:'atiof1 of the extension of the. time of payment of the original promiSSOI"y note <br />nereirraHer des.cdbed~the undersigned, _.Qoflal~_~-'-.- ~e}felq~.AjJf!9.1e Person <br />........... . .......,. ......... .... .... . .. ,IWI't'hy covr:n;1nl and ;"Vee 10 pay to The First <br />BankofC;y,mdlsland, Grand i.siand~Nebraska, 01' onlel', thepdncipalsUmof <br />~nd NO/100-..~-::---,. -- --,. ------ --,. -- -~ - - - -- - - - --,.- -- - -_ ~ _~ __,. _:. ____~ __ _ u <br />:...,,10gel iet'" w ithi'iterc<;t Ihel,i~i)'n-i~_J.fz~ ___ _~per ceilt per <br /><ftlf10Illi . ...... ... .:. . dateheroof, . such sum to be piJyable on, Qs:to~Ll~, 1983 . Interest <br />$t-\aH be.'payableat- maturity on Qctober26, .198L___~____._ <br /> <br />TI\e>orlijJhalprlncipalnote in the amount of . Eight Thousand . and~o/l OO-----~-:-~--,.---_~ <br />-;::"-'--------..-,.-------- 1$.8,000.00 .. .. ...) was executed and delivered by <br />the!lnderslgneduntler the date of . April 29, _ 1982,"-- ____,,_' to The First National <br />B<ln~of (;rand Island, Grand Island,.. Nebraska, and was rlue and payable on the 29 <br />day of Apr'tl,1983 . ...... _, together with inten,st at_~~"e.f!~~~j17.00)_~~r <br />cent per annum and secured byR!A!^\;'~t'1.~(' ,\1ort~FltJe to The Hrst National Bank of Gr.and- <br />ISfand"Grandtsland, Nebraska, ~as Document #82-001700 <br />in the MbrtgageRecords of .... Ha.!..L=:,~:.".<::'<;ll,)ty,-::=J~~J:~ska <br /> <br />EXTENSION AGRn,,\ILNT <br /> <br />Theuf\dersigned agrees to pay such ex tended Ix"anc!' of pr"in<:ipal of Eight Thousand <br />and N01IOO"~~~ --- _____h__ -:-:- - ::.:::::::~:_::::_::::::-- -- . ($ ~~QQ.0_:9~- . -- -=:J',l0gether .. <br />with interel1ttheroof\ at .14.75 ..... pel' CPDt per illlllUflI, such principal and <br />.nterest to be payable inlawfulmoney,)1-ihe-'United St"lp~_ of Amedca at The Fj,'stNatc- <br />ional Bank of Grand lslatld, Grand Island, Nebl..lskti. <br /> <br />Al.lolthe covenants and agTet".ments in slIch oriqinal note and the Feul Estate 1\lortgage a- <br />~'described, other than hereinbelore m~Hljfjt'cJ, ,ILJlI iJt~ and I'emain unchanged and in <br />full force and effect duringSllch extended p..~rif)d _ If ;ldault he made in payment of any_.., <br />principal sum, the enlil'e prindpai sum with inte'0s1 th",'eon . shall hecome immediatel:!: ..~ :~, <br />due ant:! payable at the election of the l<'(pl hold"r t;'(-I "" f , ':::" <br /> <br />In further consideration of s\JchextensiO!1 of tIll'" oJ [MYI""nt of such indebtedness,~el"e... <br />by ratify and confirm such mortgage l"eu,rdt~d .1'5. ,.pocument#82-00l700 <br />in Real Esta!€' .',tort'la,;;' r....'~o.:-;:ls of - Hall <br />c()'u-f\ty,~!aska~__._,=__.________.,,_ _ ' ,"5 the tirst mortgage lien upon <br />t!H! reul property described thel'ein, and til" wh"l,' ,,{ tln< lill.. the,.!'lo as now owned by me. <br /> <br />The underl>igned executes this Extension r\ql"lWlHent "ltb n:1 t:tenet" to and on the faith and <br />credit of their property, which they nQW 0"';1\ ()t" hav" ..n inten:st in or here()ftllr mayac- <br />q'Jire;the express intention being to cha!'g(~ and to continue to chartje any and illl of such <br />property with \',e payment of the indebtedness, the p..ymt'l\\ of whien is herein extended. <br /> <br />INWITNESS. Wli~HEOf~ the undc.'siqned have he..",,,,,o ',i,t this hands this__,__~~___ <br />day of Apri . 198 . "---- <br />_~~'____--"_'_"_'_____,",,"'_~__.~__O'__ <br /> <br />tf$~.,~, <br />...... ,. . 'OonaJ~ Leild <br /> <br />'. ,__. <~7 <br />l -/ j'1.f _ _ ..L-<,,/0>7 j"".... _ )y <br />--/.t/~f!M"'2..z~E.:J--,~~~---'__~ <br />~'. . Not'ilry Pub c <br /> <br />th~Hn,5' of Lot Fifteen (15). in Block Nine (9), <br />ABA4cfition to the City of Grand Island, HaJl <br />