<br />I
<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec~
<br />tion withmortgagesdnsured
<br />under the one- to four~family
<br />pro,yisions of the National
<br />,HQUiliilgf1,~t;' .'
<br />
<br />
<br />r
<br />
<br />"8"'. ". l.'lnoC!. .'0'"'1
<br />.;)-'J U "'" u,u.
<br />
<br />'!'HIS MORTOAQE,mllde'itnd exeeutedtliif 24i:;h'dayol . 'r-mv... .,.. ."
<br />19' 83 lJyandllerweenNea1: E. sneu and Janet E. S1iell.; nusband andw;L'fe'
<br />
<br />of>lheCQI\IlWOf cass
<br />~Mortjll_,'and ~or !ot:Jttga<Je, Inc;
<br />
<br />. and Siateof Nebraslrn, party nfthelii;'tkart;hel"~iiiiif~~t~!~d
<br />
<br />a..:otporalion OI"!Iailizedllnd'ed<tingunder Ihe la",sof' the state of' Nebraslfu
<br />pllfty'Ol'lhe'seOOlld part.h"remaftelcall"d Ih" Mort/lSgee,
<br />
<br />WITNf3SSETH:Tl1at the said MortgagOr. for and in considerntion of thesumnr . nITrmt :FOOR~~'.t~:
<br />~ ~ANDrollOOths"---'-_.. Dollars($34550.00'. ):Paid.byt~'MQn"
<br />ll8li"6tTlll~receijif or >>'hiehlS hereby acknowledged. has Granled and Sold and by lhese pr<:~~ts does qfllnt,
<br />gain, sell. Con"'"yand ("Mllrm unl&:t.il" Mortgagee, il< successors anlt assigns, forever,' tl!C fOlf~~
<br />reatcstlllo'."sitOlne<l in IlieCuunlYof . , .
<br />of Nebradla; 1(> Wile
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />lot Four (4), Olateau Orleans Subdivision,
<br />in.tb! City of Grand Island, HallO:lunty,
<br />~.
<br />
<br />"f Ihe Sixth Principal Meridian. ,,'ntaininl,l in all
<br />mettt survey:
<br />
<br />less than three
<br />
<br />acres llC(;ording !p, GOYern-
<br />
<br />TO HA Vii AND TO HOLD lhe pren""" aoov.: descnhed. with :tlllhe appurteoaoceslooreunlo belonginlland including
<br />all hellling,pJumblDKand ligllling!ixlure, llnd <\lui"m.,.ol now or hef.alter alla<;bed 10 or llSed in connection with SIlidreal estate
<br />unto Ihe M<>rlgllgee, and to its ,u"e""r. and '''MIIIl'. f,lrever. The MOfl!:/ll!Ofrepn,sentslo. andcuyenanls witb,the.Mortga-
<br />gee. tlmt the Mortgagor ha' good right hI ,.11 :.nd ,vn',,\, ",id premi;",; 11m! they are free frol!!el\Cwnbra!l<;<:; ~ r.lmtlh<l'
<br />Motlg8gor willwarrant :md detend lh. 'all1e againsl the lawful claIms "f all persons whomsoever; and the said MQ(lglIjlllbere-
<br />byreliaquishes all rights"f hnmeslead.;md:lll mania! rights. either in law (lr in equily, and all other contingentinlerest. l.lf the
<br />Moclllll&Qr in,and 10 the abo.)'.e~rihed promi",., the RIlenti"n being to convey hereby an absolute tille, in fee simple, includ-
<br />'Il&.lll! rishls urhumeste"d,.)OO lither nllhl. and mlere'" a, a1mesa'"
<br />
<br />PROVil)ED ALW ,U'S,"'" 1111\"" ple"'Hls ale "'e,,,leu and delivere" upon the fullowing cundioons,to wit:
<br />
<br />The Mortgagor agree. to pay I" Ihe Morrllagee, vr "lder. the "nn,ipal sum of 'IliIR'lY FOqR. TUOUSlIND FIVJ;:.
<br />mmtlEP FIrr'f AND OO/lOOths- Dollars(S 34.S50.00 ),
<br />
<br />L
<br />
<br />wilh intere,1 fmlD dale at rhe 'ale oJ: TWELVE . . . peleelllum ( 12. O? %) per anllllm on
<br />t~'f'it.~It~idi2tro~.6~~''1WefftMilflbf.R~ ~ office of Supenor M:>rtgage, me.
<br />
<br />in , or at such othell1ll\co;",~ th.l;.holder of
<br />lhe ONe may deliillOOte in wriliJl&. in moothly illSlallmem, <>1 'lHREE HtlNDRED FIFI'i' FIVE J\NO 39/1.00tns-.....--
<br />Ollllars ($ 355. 39 ). commendng on the first day of
<br />July . !9.83.a1\d on the tirst da, of each month Iherealter untillhe principal and in-
<br />lerest are fully Pald" e~cept. tbl\t. IhJ<lil1ll1 paymenl ,,[ Pflll<.1pal and inleresl, if not sooner paid. ,hall he due and
<br />payahle on the first day 01 .. J~. :lOD . ; all .ccordillll to the lerms of a cerlain prumis.
<br />sory !lOle of even dltle.her~with ~Xecutedby the ,aid MOllgilgllL
<br />
<br />The Mott~"r in t~rdtr m()~5 fully to p~ott:(;! the ;..ecuflty uf thts Mort~g_c. .lgre,c~;
<br />
<br />L ThlU he wllt.pay Ilk: indebtedne>s, a, h...einhefvre pr,wided, Privilege is reserved In pay llie debt in whol". or in an
<br />anrO\lll1 eql!lllluoflc.Or, more, moothly payments '-mille principal that ,lfe next due on Ihe note, on tl!C first uay of any month
<br />prior fQ mawnty.: Previ~~ hmr{:l'\'~r," 1'bm-,\'\'rjnen lKl\ke of un intention to excfci~~. ~U\:h pri".ik:ge i~ given ~l least thirty (0)
<br />days prJ..'r l!Ji'~<lililYl/lelll,.,
<br />
<br />2, Thill., t~llr<1 *llP. aAA in.04Id~ip!,w, the. mllnl hi, pllymenlsQ{ jlfln;;..pal and. lntere.tpayab!eunder .hq lerms of the
<br />/Wte ""urc~r~ej:>y~ lhe/;{Qrlj(l\.jlllrwi1fpaY, t<ithc.Mor~lI"e. on the lirS! ;lay. "f .each I1MllhyntiJ Ih<l.'llillooteis lully paid. the
<br />lo.lfu\O~s~~{ .. ...,... .
<br />
<br />(.) Am''''l1!ll\lf&j$1 f9.I",y.id~ Ihe fwliktr hffe"f wi,lh fund> ll> Pl!)' tht n<xl mOr/l!lll!e iIlMlfW1CC j"Onllunr if Hill>
<br />tnMJl.mwM amtlhll OOIiO'Iel,'il,<'1il'lmby arc)m!ued, Of" monthly clJllr~(;1l Ih;u of t1 mo,/SIII" imurrtltc<, pre'
<br />mtum} il~at.~I<fby r!lti !led~!ilty oOIQij"Jt\ll and U.han tler.e1t1>1l"'fil, 3' follow,;
<br />
<br />rH H _ ili-td _~(~h'H~\~ ~'i ~_~~, ~'_V~_t .,\j~ _~ Ven d~k amI ~h:~ ~n_~i.n.Hnt'nt :,ue rntfiH}.";j ~J' .aH~ i1..!HliUtcd UfHj~( th\! pfO~
<br />",-,,flbe N.Jlli<'m:a1 !kolitit>glk!. an ,.moonl' .Il(f,cknt W;t<'cultlulale III HI. hand. 'Jf liw bylder ,~!e
<br />
<br />'101>""'.. n"'..?I.:il.......'''''_". _~",il",wI." """""'1"" ltT"T~~~~'9~~:~Ili"M
<br />