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<br />I <br /> <br />l33-r) (j 2605 <br /> <br />lO.TliattheMo~wm keep the buildings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste, <br />ujlOnsaidh\Dd; I!QI'sllffer the said premises lObe used for any unlaWful purpose . <br />U-~: Tbtt)ftfte.'~p.remise$. or any ~ th$"eoL be condemned under the_J.' ofeminerit domain. or acquire~Joi"a-J?~bJi~ <br />use, tlledalll8ge5 awardeif; the proceeds for the taking of, or the 9"nsideration for such acquisition, lotite exientofllle1un <br />~OI1fttof11ldebtednesupon. thisffiortgage and the note which it is'given to secure remaining unpaid, are hereby assigned by the <br />M(lI' ihe M~,anhhan,bepaid forthwith to said Mortgagee to be applied by the lalteronaccollnlof the next <br />mablririgillstallllle8bof sucltiildebtedn~' <br />12. Tht.MortgllgOr furlber agree.d'llt shouldlhis morf3a&e and the note secured herebynotbe eIigib1ef"r in- <br />SlJnInl:C~rlbe.NationalH(lUSinll^ctw~hin 60 days .. from the date hereof(writtenollic~r <br />oflbe DeplitllMllt of Housing and Urban De~elopment or authorized agent (If the Secretary (If Urban <br />DeVetopmenldtJ~StI\!$equenllothe 60da:.... timefromthedateohhismortgnge;d ... . ... ..~said <br />nclleaild tllismortgagC, being deemed concluSIV~rQOf of .uch ineligibilily); the Mortgagee or hordevofthenote <br />lIIliy ,atitsqpiiOn;declare all sums seC\IJTed hereby immediately due and payable. <br />13', Thatiftbe Mortl!Bgor fails to make any paytfienl$ of mt>ney when the same becom~due, or failstoconformtoand <br />comply with any of the coodiiiOn. or agte"ments contllined in this mortgage; or the note which it secures , thentheentire'princi. <br />palwm andac<:i'1.ledinterest shallatoncc.becpme due.an4 payable. at the eleclion of lheMortgagee;and.lhislllo(lgage:n1l11' <br />tliereupon be foreciooldimmedialely for the whOle of said money, interest,monthly paymenls;costs;groun!l'r~nts;tllX.ennd <br />thecostofexten4ingtbeabstracl ottitle from the I!ate of this loan 10 lbetime of commencing suchforl'ClosDl"esuih-an4.l'rea.. <br />sonableattorney', fee, aU of which shall be incl\lded in tbe decree of ;loreclo.ure; and Ihe contractemhOdiedi"this'm()tl~e <br />andtbtnole$CCUfed hereby. shall in all respecls he llo~erned; conslrued and adjudged by of Nebraska,wheiecthe <br />same is IlllIdc. <br />The covenants berein contained shall binl!. and the henefilSanda<lvantJtllcsshall insure 10, therespecti~e.beirs; e~e!;llto~. <br />admilmtratol$,succenor. and assigns of the parties herelo. Whene~er used, the singular numhersltaltinclude Iheplura/phe. <br />plural the iingulltl', 1l1Klthe use of any {!e1ldershall he applicable to alr genders. <br />TIteforelloingC<)ndilions. all and singular. heing performed according to their naluraland legalimport,this.COll'VeYllltce <br />.hall he void and $lIid p;emises releued 3tlh<! expen.e of Ihe Mortgagnr; otherwise 10 be an4 remainin fullforcean4eft'ect, <br /> <br /> <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF. lhe Mortgagorl') ha \Ie here\lnto .el <br />abo~e written, <br /> <br />their <br /> <br />hand(s} the day and year lirst <br /> <br />In presence of: <br /> <br />..":;:>,,.>:--,:,,;,,1,,< ;::>::? Z- <br />~ -( /4 ~... t> ,---/l1" e . <br />/ . Neal E. Sne <br /> <br />. .I. ..,,;: Ii .',<: <br />lC2;.t '(5; "', Y,,'~e ~. <br />;..'" CU1t:\,;. r... Sf <br /> <br />{SEALI <br />(SEAL) <br />(SEAL) <br />(SEALI <br />(SEAL I <br /> <br />GPO UhU8 <br /> <br />Sf A TE OF N EIUtASKA, (,,, <br />COUNTY OF Douglas ~ <br /> <br />On Ihls 24th <13)' "f <br />a notary publ.ic <br /> <br />May <br /> <br />. ,~f) 19 83, bef.:.r" me. <br />m and for ""id ("unlY, per><mally came <br /> <br />~ E. Snell and Janet E. Snell, husband and wife <br />10 be IIle idcnlil:al penon S whose nam<s are <br />&Ui1l& mstramenl as MOflp&ot, anp they have <br />e~Ulion tbere<>f It, be the:i.r <br /> <br />, perronally to me Iwlwn <br />affixed 10 the abo~e and f(lre- <br />ackoowled&ed the said instrament and the <br />voluntary act and de.xl, (<If Ihe purposeslherein expressed. <br /> <br /> <br />,eal at Ottaha, Nebraska <br /> <br />M'i CXHClSSlCE EXPI1lI1S: <br /> <br />h J: C:~~r c G;ICl~h) 1) <br />U Notary Public <br /> <br />STATE OF NEBRASIl.A <br /> <br />~$ <br /> <br />Filed t~ f""'Ort.! litis <br />at . . . "'"Incl.,, <br />~.;)rtlodUt.~ ..4" <br />!>ate . of ;j(~~ <br />'C..\' <br /> <br />day of <br /> <br />A.D. 19 <br />M.. and entered in Numencallndes. and <br />of MOftlllllles, on <br /> <br /> <br />Register of Deed~ <br /> <br /> <br />HtitH);Z'''~ t!j,}91 <br />Q r-~ '.{h1(1. <br />