<br />
<br />83~JU280f5
<br />
<br />
<br />This form is used in connec-
<br />tion with mortgages ,insured
<br />under the on.,.. tofour~family
<br />provisions of the National
<br />IWttSiTll(ActL". . ..
<br />
<br />
<br />~THlSMORTGAGI'l.liiIIdellnduecutea{/lis ~4t:h' dayof
<br />'11)33' .!>yllll6l1elwe\!tI Neal. E. snell ana'JariElLE,
<br />oftbAl ($ootlly of Cass . and State of N~braslea';1iltrtY of IhefirStpari;'I1~teflt\i~g~ed
<br />tile Mn~t~ lIlld'SUpetiorM:>rtgage, IrtC.
<br />
<br />,acMpOl'llIWn organitlldande:rislingunder tDe l."'sof. the
<br />pl\1"Iyoftl1e wwnd part, hereinafli:rClllled the Morlgagee.
<br />
<br />WITNESSETH: That the said MOrlgligor, for and inconsideration ofthesumo! THIRJ:!YFOJR~
<br />NINE.,.HlJNOOED FIFlY. AND OO/lOOths .. .'. .----..Oollllrs{$'34';950.00 ),plIllfliydtl:'M6rt-
<br />gagecr. the rcceipl of which is hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Sold and by these presenls does ,Grant. Bar-
<br />. gain. Sell, Cqnvey and Confirm unto th~ Mortgagee, its successors and. _iilllS, forever;, .t!ie'< folloW! . '
<br />roalestale,situatedin,theCountyof Hall
<br />of Nebraska. lowil<
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />lOt 'lhree, (3) , Olateau orleans Sul:x:li vision i
<br />in the City of Grand Island, Hall Cbunty,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />
<br />of IheShlh Principal Meridian. coolainingin all
<br />metllsUt"ey:
<br />
<br />TO HA Vfl AND. TO HOLl> lhe prellJl'<:' above "e""ribet!, with alllhe appurtenances thereunto belonaing allO inclllding
<br />.all !le.atillll. .1I1Ufllbinlland lill/llill& fixtures andequij)mentl\Qw or hereafler ",!ached 10 Of u:;,:d inQlnne<;lioM\'ill1_~lllltale
<br />unto the Mortgagee. :\lld to it;. ~uc~e..ur> arid a>si.t!~, for"er, Tb. Mortgagor repr*l!ls Ill, lUld,co~el\lljlls wi\ll,:IM;M.~
<br />~. thatlhe MIlfIgagor has good right to ,en and CtlO,e!, ,aid premi,es; lQalth<:Y an' .free fro1!l(:o~rl!n<:e,;1!ll9 .\IIaMIt!:
<br />Mortgngol' will warrant.nd defendlhc: same against Ihe lawful claims of all penoll' wbomsoe'er;anl! lit!: s.u4Moumllf.,ilete-
<br />by relinquishes altrigtlt< of homestead, and all manial rill/lts,eimer in law or in equity, and all otber cOlllitlJll;.i1I. in~resls'Qfthe
<br />Mor.(jJagorin andtcHbe abQve-descobeu I'remi""" lhe intention being to convey Ill/relly an absolute tille, in ree simple. includ-
<br />~1II1 rJghls llf hllDleslead. and other nghts and inter.s" '" aforesaid, '
<br />
<br />less than three
<br />
<br />aC,fes according to OoYol1\o
<br />
<br />I'R,OYlPIOD AL WAYS. aOl.! the"" prescnts are .,,<cute" and dcli.vcrcd upon lbe fol!owi!l&c{)lldilillns.lowi!:
<br />
<br />The Mongag()1 a~ees 10 jm} to lheMol!lWlce, or order, Ihepriocipal sum of TH!RIY. FOUR .~ ..NIN&
<br />~ .~. Am>. NO/IOQths-----..,.-.-______-Dollars (S 34,950.00 ).
<br />
<br />wilh 10lereSf fwm date at the rate 01 ~VE .... . per cenlU!!. ( l?.90 %) per annum 00
<br />the uopaidbala. rn;euntil fl!l. id,. The said principal and inlere.".shaU be..Pi\Y'l.ble atth. e olllce ofc;,~~ior ~b""~"<'T"', Inc.
<br />2121 N. \+&bb !loai:l.12oo P.O, BOx 168 Grand ISl.an(l, NE. . ~~. ....,'!-".-,,""'" ..
<br />in . or al such otber place aslbeholder of
<br />lhe note lIl}'Y "esjgQa'" in wrilwg. in monlhly in."'"ments 1>1 'lHREEmmRED FIFTY NINE.AND 50/10~--
<br />---'. .. ",",. ..",,,~~-Dollars 1$ 359.50 I. coJlunencing on the firsl day of
<br />Ju;Ly;" 1983 , and 011 the first day of each month thereafter untillhe principal and in-
<br />tereS! an,f\llly Pl!i4, exc<;pl lha~lh<:, finall"'ymeol of principal and ilJlete>l, if nul soooer pai". shall he due and
<br />flllyabk on the firs'.~"y qf.' 'J~ 201,3', . ; all according to the lerms of. certain promis,
<br />sor,' note of, e'en <i!>le. ~rewith ef',ec\lted by lhe 'a.id Mpr\g;lj;or.
<br />
<br />The Mortgagl'r in order f!lQre fully 10 protecrlhe secu~:ly of Ihis Mortgaj;e. agrees:
<br />
<br />L Tltjlt:h<: will. pay the ilUlebledness. as hereinbelore provided. Privilege!s reserved lopay thedebl in whole. or in. an
<br />llDI'lll.1l1 e~ltQ<>l\Jl"'lmoremOllthlYf)ayrnenls 011 IlleI'rincipaltbat are nexldue I>nlhe note. 01\ tbe firsl day of lUly month
<br />pfi.'r I., ~llIfity< Jit.n'~, lklweYer,. TlWw.rilten.nolice ,>( all intemil>n to exerd", such privilege is given at least thirly (31l1
<br />tllI!'S prk'f,1!i!4!l:~~.Ill'
<br />
<br />
<br />,,~9.W\'" to, 1l><;,!!\o"IWypaYfllenl.s,Q!principa!;u>d. interesl ~>'lIble'.ondef ~be terms.of the
<br />willjlllY wtl><;:MjJ~e, ofl:thellrl\tp,.y of .ea,h 1l10flthlUlljllhe .SlIil!tlOle ,. follYil'\Id,lhe
<br />
<br /><a)
<br />
<br />Al!1ount!Wf~ttQPwVl<le theholdedrtrt<l) "",lib funds tu pay the ncxlmortJlliaelnsurance l'rcm~ulnif Ihlll
<br />tnsuunlO!lt~ tlW.n"le ~rod.lwtcbY' . aiel_reel, or a monthly. cl!arge l iff fmu. tJf Q morlMl'8" iIls<<mn~ pre.
<br />miumJ il:lllW lij'ehi!l~byth... SOtfr<'litry<lf ttoo~ and Utbi>n Oevetopmeilt, as fL>Ilu~'
<br />
<br />(1) If a~~" ~J l(~nr;_ as;. _$~Hd _lH)t~ ,uf {,Vf:~_ <ht.t7: ~ft~}h~s H~_lrcl.l~Ht~nt J~C im~ur{'4 or .an.: reunufc-u under the i~ro"
<br />vl$1lirts ofllll: 'N.Il<)ri;jJlfoollll!,ACI,;Ul ~t sllfl'rei<!1l(m Jlttttmulale In IMhallQ. ,,[ the holde. eme
<br />
<br />S1ATlWf'N~li.J,
<br />~"",..P"'''',1'''3'''__l>o'_.'''il''''''''v;..__ 14uOl'Z14;n,1!9.'l't1
<br />
<br />{1 ~,.~
<br />