<br />
<br />83-+J02603
<br />
<br />
<br />Thls1l'.e~gagemadeamtenti'ied intoihi, ~ 25~"__~ day of May
<br />19>'fl3.byaoobetWl:eli Ted G,. Van icuidbe:t<jen and Hauiet R. van Zandbergen, nusband
<br />aad wif~i,
<br />(herl!inafttt'refertedto a$ morfgagor)andCommerdal National Bankalld Trust Comjlany
<br />
<br />mo~~ wllollilUntainsaliofflcellndplace of business at
<br />HidlCotn'lty,Nebtask'a,
<br />
<br />424West3rd
<br />
<br />(hereinaiter refen:edtoas
<br />street in Gtalld Island,
<br />
<br />WrrN1!SSIrru.tltat for the consideration hereinafter stated, reCeipt of which is hereby acimowledged, the mo(tgltllor
<br />dOe$herebylllO(tl!llge, sell, grant. assign, and conyey unto the mortgagee, itssucce5Sors and assigns, aU of thefol-
<br />IOwlngdcsctlbedproperty sltttatedand being in the County of Hall
<br />Stllteof Nebraska.
<br />
<br />EilstTbree (3.0) Feet of Lot Seventeen (17), and all of LOt Eighteen USy,
<br />Block TWo (2), COntinental Gardens, City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br />Nebraska.
<br />
<br />tOfl~her with all the tenemenls and apput1('nance5 thereto beloniing. aU the rents. issues and profits thereof. and all
<br />_ts. riatm. royalties, mitlfl"a1. oil and gas rights and profits. water. wlIter rights. and water stock. and including
<br />all heatinl!. plumbing, n:fri@eralion. lighting. equipnwlII and all fixtures of every description belonging to the
<br />mQrtpgornow or he1eal<ter allached thereto or lr>w in connection with !he prcmises herein de;;cribed and in addition
<br />th~o tire following described praperties wnkh are and ,hall be deemed tV be fixlures and a part of the really, and
<br />are a IlOfliQtl of the SC\:urity for t1~ intlebt~ness herein ,(aled, (If none, state "none")
<br />
<br />1'0 MY;: and to hold (he same unto the M(}'flilll8ee, 3.. herein provided:
<br />
<br />The _'Waf is lawfully seized and ~ af and has the righl to sell and canvey said propeny; that the
<br />Sll~ is free from all em.'llmbram:es ex..~ as hereinaoove recitcU; and that MortpgOf covenants to warrant and
<br />dcfClld the title aforesaid thert:to and ever)' pattlhen:of againstlhe claims of all persons whQrnsoev'er <
<br />
<br />Tlll$. in:wu_is givlliltO ~'ll.Ce the ~yment of a promimlry note dat~-d __~5, 1983 ___._____"_,_,__
<br />in the! I1I'lndpalSllrtlofS;!O,OO!l.ol"\ ' __.________, signed Oy Ted G~.!L~andbe~~~j_!!~~i_et
<br />inbchalf of ~elV$S .____~_....____._. _____.--.-!'.:-..'{a~ ZandbergeD _.__,__._._...__'.
<br />
<br />al\lQ.lll svc;b..llOtl; Of .n<<!;i.tJl!!)' from time tl) lime be modified, renewed or extended in writing.
<br />
<br />
<br />ItJ~~ lite' tllJt to ~rcalestllte is transferred. orcQtltracted to be transferred.. from the undersigned for any
<br />~~",h~~. thelliltire pdm;jpalsum anda<:rnled interesuhall at once become due and
<br />~. oCthe bolder herCQi. Failwe 10 exercisc:tllis option b!xa1W: of transfer of litle as above Slated
<br />MnQt;.~titute a waiVeroflhc right to IlMfc* the same in tbe event of an}< subsequent transfer.
<br />
<br />f!lV1.bfJ~e"idl:~ by...saklprom.uwr)' !\OU at the limes ;md in lhe lIIamrer
<br />
<br />lJ.t;4"'~'~.~t,.wakrrl\\e>. .ilnd. othctiQ'iCtl\PlCntal or municipal charg<'$. fin<:s. llf
<br />w~ie~.Jll}!~j)tlIl4.!l(ltbllen .~. hereinbefore. and. wHl promptly delh'er llle ,'ffidal I<\;eipb
<br />~mt:lf~.
<br />
<br />,,;T\'J~ '~.~lioI)s U~J~Il<!Ilarn.: 111t,'w~N'!l tire prot;x:tinn <lnd mamtffi,u'<;e of'lli,j l'm!'et(}.
<br />l~f.~~lIuUl'~ ~l}l~}'m!b>' t'lwmtlr'(p~f()r l~ ';ullt<..'1ioo of all" m. aU .,r !he inuebll'dlll'S'
<br />~___d_:. .'__ ,':_f~f,_ClJ~~~~:uie h1. ftM.,,'!t;a~'{ ~k'1o _or -('QUft PIOC<<dH1~~. -:(ft' in oJ:-uy (H';~f h_,iit~Hh~f! tH' PH~'~Ydm_~
<br />..n~~~IlI'''~tr .
<br />