<br />
<br />I
<br />
<br />prlOl' to entry of a judsrnerilerifordng this Mortgage if, (a) Borrower pays Lender all sums which would be then due under
<br />thisM~rtgage. 'he Note 'atfdnotes securing Future Advances. if any. had no acceleration occurred: (b) Borrower cures all
<br />~.ofanyoth"rco~antsoragreemenls of Borrower contained in Ihis Mortgage: (clBorrower pays.all reasonable
<br />~)(pe~i/lCllrre4byLender;neilforcing the covertanls and agreements of Borrower contained. in Ihis Mortgage and in
<br />e1ifurcit)g tenae~s re~edies :as_:pro~'<k'~t:r-in paragr~?n 18 hereof~ inciudi-ng. but not ilmited 10~ reasohabte ifitOHley-1tg ~ees; .and-
<br />lal<;~slteha<:tmn.asL~der may !'eason)tbly require to assure that the lien of this Mortgage, Lender's interest
<br />.'aMBorr~)"ef's QbIlglldon to pay the Sum' secured by this Mortgage shaU continue unimpaired. Upqnsuch
<br />'. c"", byBOrrowei.thill Mortgage and the obligations secured hereby shall remain in full force atfd effectas!f
<br />tmnnad. <x;curte<!.
<br />. Jl~ ApjiOlnt_"tofReceiver; l.en&r In Possession. As additional Security hereunder, Borrower
<br />fthere'lt. of the Property,pmvided that Borrower shalt prior 10 acceleration utfderpatagr~phl8
<br />~.. ....... . .' .' . of the Property. have Ihe ri8hl to collect and retain such rents a, they become due and payable.
<br />upon.llCCeleratkm under paragraph I g hereof or abandonmenl of Ihe Property, Lender. in person. by agent q, by
<br />)udieildIy. ....plli>>"ted """,wer. shall be emitled to enter u1'On. take """session 01 and manage the Property and to collect the
<br />ten~ofttle Properly. including th""'l'a$' due. All rents collected by Lender or the receiver .hall be applied first to payment
<br />oftIlecO&t"ofrnanagement of lhe l'fo!>"rty and <ollC;elion ,,1 rents. including. but not limited '0. receiver', fees. premiums on
<br />~i",?,'IS,IX!l"'"aI\d l'l!lISOItahleattomey', fees. and then to the sums secu",d by this Mortgage. Lender and the 'receiver
<br />WtlJblj:l'ilbleto liCl:<lIlnl. only fOT those renb actually received.
<br />\ 11.. ~ Am_ Upon re'luest of Bor",wer. Lender. al I ender', option prior to release of this Mortgage; may
<br />ti\ak.e~un Advance. to Borrower, Sueh Future Ad.,m,"". Wllh inlercs1 !hereon. shall be secured by this Mortgagewhw
<br />e\iidem:lldby promiuory ootes sloting ,hol said "Oles ,,,e secured hereby. A! "0 lime shall the principal amount of the
<br />indeb~ ><<Urea hy this Mortgage. not !ncluding Slltm advanced in occordance herewith 10 protecl the security. of this
<br />MOl1Jllie. ~~tbe original amounl..., Ih<> N<'tc plu. US$ 13~575~DO.
<br />22. R~. Upon p;;yment of all sums ,"",ured hI' Ih" Morlg"ge. Lender ,hall discharge Ihi. Mortgage without
<br />chatp to Borrower. Bon-ower shall pay all-costs oj rl":t.:ord.i1ho.n. d .;:iny.
<br />
<br />In WITNESS WHUltOl'. Borrower hlL" executed Ihi> Mortgage.
<br />/~\
<br />
<br />U. \~~R,~.~S)~...........,........
<br />
<br />~ R. Gordon -~,
<br />
<br />\. '" ,IJ.. /~.. ...........
<br />
<br />Dian e O. Gordon -8o~'
<br />
<br />STAno/' NUIlAJiM..., ., . . .... }:!I;\I,.l,., CQuntyss:
<br />
<br />On this...... ,2.4J::Q...., ,day oL jV(a,y.., .. 19.6.3.. befure me, the undersigned. a Notary Public
<br />__~.tcommimoo.:d and qualified Itlr said c<>umy. pcr",,,,,,ll) came. ~ I\CK.. fl,.. J,OOOQIll. ANA ,QU\I':IlllE. D,~ , . . . .
<br />l~#,~$l:Ie(l(i.llnA .1llU~". '. ,. , '. . . '. .. to me known to be the
<br />identic.! peno.n(s) w~ I'llUlWU) are subs.:ribe<.i 10 the (OTcgoillg, tnstrum"nl and acknowledged the execution
<br />!~ to be., , t~J.. . . ' voluntarv act and d~ed,
<br />'Witness my band and nutarial_l ~l., . .Grand .r.:'ll.aDd" NehI:a$~a,.. ...' .in said county, the
<br />date af~.
<br />
<br />My COOllllissioo e~Mc:
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