<br />r--
<br />
<br />
<br />It Could bethll,ttheloan $llCUredbJ the SeCurity Instrument is $Ubject to alawwl1ichsetsmilxili1urri
<br />!Oa1lC.....~............a1\d... *.08. t....Wis. In. .tel:P.. '. .re. tad. ..'sotba. t.tl1!1.in. tlirestor. Qther... loanch.&rg.es.co. .ll. ..ected.... . . ..or.to...... .I)e.... ".co...llecte.
<br /> ..........,.d.....
<br />m coilnection with th,e loanw6uld exceed permitted lirilit& Uthis is the case,. then:. (A). anYsUch.l!,an'
<br />charge llhanbe redu6edbYthe amOUJJt n~ torooucethe cb8rgeto the r.ernnttedJin1i:t:lU1d'(B)yany
<br />~.. ~readycolleetedfrQnl.. Borrowerwhich~ceeded permitted limits will be refunded to BOrro'ret.
<br />~der may. cboose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the NOf;(l or py .inl.dili1g!l'
<br />directpayti:jent t.Q.Eo!'!9Wer,
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />IfI:.e.riderdeterniines that all Or any panni the sums SE!CUted by thiS Seeuritylli!ltttnnent aresttbj!#'
<br />toa-U!mWliiehhas priority. over this Securi!;J Instnunent, Lender may send. Borrower a.notieeideritifyin~
<br />tfUi.t lien. BOl'tOWer. shallpromPtW.act with regard to that lien asprovidedlnpara'gtaph.oftl1eS~fIY:~
<br />Inst~entor!lhallpl"OmptlYl!8CUlean~ent ina Iorm satisfactory to Lendersv.boI'llinatingthat'1ien
<br />mthis. SeCurity .1ns~nt. . Failure to provide evidence that Lender.h8s first lien shall conatittItea.default..
<br />under the tetl'llllofthisNote.
<br />
<br />
<br />"
<br />\~ If th,ereis atransleroI the Property, subjeet to paragraph 17 of the Security InstrliIUent,Lemler
<br />~. may require (1) an in(7_in the current Note interest rate, or (2) an inereasein (or'removalofl1ihe
<br />'- cyc> limit on the amount of any one interest rate change (if there is a limit), or (3) a change in the Base
<br />-----Index figure, or all of these, as a condition of Lender's waiving the option to accelerate provided in para-
<br />graph 17.
<br />
<br />By signingtbis, Borrower agrees to all of the above.
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<br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, ...........................f.l.?J.L...,.....,............ ' ................... County 88:
<br />
<br />On this p......m.;?Q.th..............m.. dI1y of ...............~.,......u......".... 19.JU.. before me, the undersigned.
<br />a.Notary Public duly COlIlll1i88ioned and qualified for said county. personally came .....................,.................,
<br />
<br />to.a::~~f:.~~:;'\~if~.=~~)".~:::-~;;(~t.~i;;~J:::l~~';~~~Oiiig-1Uitnunent..and
<br />acknowledge(! the execution thereof to be .........~,h~AX..........uu....",......."... voluntary act and deed.
<br />WITNESS my hand and notarislseal at ._"..~~..;J;?1~....Nebraska...............'hmh in said county,
<br />the dI1te aforesaid.
<br />
<br />My Commill!lion expires:
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