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<br />83- 002558 <br />To HAVE AND To HOLD the same unto the Mortgagee, as herein provided. Mortgagor represents to, <br />and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to sell and convey saidptemises; <br />that. they are free from encumbrance, except as hereinotherwise recited; that the Mortgagor will warrant <br />and defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. Mortgagor hereby reiinquishes <br />allr'ights of homestead, aU marital rights, eithcrin law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of <br />theMorl~gor in and to the aoove"described premises. <br />PIloVlDlID ALWAYS, and these presents are eJtecuted and delivered upon the fQllowingconditions"to <br />wit: <br /> <br />Mortgagor agrees to pay to the Mortgage<:!, or order, the aforesaid principal sum with interest from date <br />at the rate of eleven and one lis if per centum it. 5~) per annum on the unpaid balance until paid. <br />The said principal and interest shall be payable at the offke of a o~tidU~~c~1nlffis of Lincoln <br />in I.incoln, Nebraska , or at such other place he holder of the note may designate in <br />writing delivered or mailed to the Mortgagor, in monthly installments of T~~'IoMundred Ninety Six and <br />Dollars ($ 396.12). commencing on the first day of July ,1983 ,and continuing on <br />the firstday of each month thereafter until Raid note is fully paid, except that, if not sooner paid" the final <br />payment of principal and interest Rhall be due and payable on the first day of June ,2u13 ; all <br />aceording to the terms of a cHtain promissOl'Y not<l of even daw hN"Cwith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br /> <br />The Mortgagor furth,'r agrf,es: <br />1. He will pay the indf'btednesi!, as hHl'inbeforc provided. Privi/I,ge is reser\'ed to prepay at any <br />time, without premium OJ' fee, the ,'ntirc ind,.bt,'dness "1' any part thereof not less than the amount of one <br />installmt'ut, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less, Prepayment in full shall be credited on <br />the date receiVt'd. Partial prepaymt'nt, other than on an installment due daw, need not be credited until <br />the next following installment due dat.' or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is earlier. <br /> <br />2. Together with. and in addition to, the monthly payment.q of principal and interest payable under <br />the tcnm of the note s<'Cured hereby, Mortgagor will pay to Mortgagee, as trul>We, (under the terms of this <br />trust all hereillafwr stated) on the I1rst day of each month until said note is fully paid: <br />(a) A sum ('quai to the g-round rl'ut3. if 'illY, next due. plus the premiums that will next become due <br />and paY<lble un pnlicies Hf fin' und <,thl,r hazard insurance co,"('ring the mortgaged property, <br />plus taxes and assessments next due on the mortgaged property (all as estimared by the Mort- <br />gagei'. and of whit'h the ]If"rtgagor is notlril'd) 1'.',5 all ,<urns ail','ady Pllid therefor divided by <br />the num!.><,r of mvnths to dapse before On,' month prior to the dare when su(,h ground rents. <br />premilllIh~. t~,ws amI aSSPSSml'nt3 will h,'corn,' <k1inlluent, such sums to be held by Mortgagee <br />in tnlst to PIIY said !{rolll1d n'nts, prellllums. taXi'S ami sjR,<,illlnssessment8, <br />(Ill The aggn'gat" of th., am"tlllts j1ayabl" pursuant to sllbl1aragl'allh (a) and those payable on the <br />note sv(~urt'll hen'h:..., shall 1<<: pail! in a C'ling:h~ p.aynwHt t'::\.ch rnonth, to be applied to the follow.. <br />ing items in the order "t.atNl: <br />0) grfmnd n'nts. taxf'~, d.$.~i':<s-n-h.'nts. \In' and nthPf hazard insu)~auee premiums; <br />{H) i!llt~n:~t 0.11 the nnt~' IWI'f:by; nnd <br />OIl) ~lIlt(H"t izat!on of tilt:. pnH~' uf :-<..aid llute, <br />Any in thl,-:' alHo-unt ()f an..f .:-;uch ~.tggreJ;rate !lloHthly payment shall, unless made good <br />hy the ~h-'ftg.agnl' prior to tilt' dlh~ date of the Hf~xt such J1!lyment. constitute an event of default <br />under this m(,rtgagc. At ,'\lortgag,',,'s "ptio", ~!orlgagol' will pay II "late charge" not exceed- <br />ing fotil' {WI' CPltll1l11 (4 ,; ) or any "1>lall nH'tlt '.\ hen paid mol''' than fifteen (15) days after the <br />due datt~ tht~j'l.'tjf to tOW'.-!' t.h~~ l..<dra i~XP4,;HSt' In\ tJh'('d in handling ddinquent payrnents.. but suc-h <br /><'late eharg,:' shaUn<!t be pa,\.llble out nr the pro"l'l,<l" of any salt' mad" to satisfy the in(k'bted- <br />neSll S<":Ul'!.'<! hen'by, unll'SlI such pn"'{'",l,, an' ,;uilki,'nt to discharge th" entire indebtedness and <br />all proper tosts and (.xp;;nses seen n'd thl'rl'by. <br /> <br />S. If the total of the paymellta made by the Mortgagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preceding shall <br />exceed the amount of pa)'lllenta actually made by the Mortgagee, as trustee. for ground rents, taxes and <br />a.~&lltll or insurance pl'emiuIDB. as the case may be, su('.h exces.q shall he credited by the Mortgagee <br />Oil subsequent payment8 to be made by the Mortgagor for such iwms or, at l'rfortgagee's option. as trustee, <br />shall be refunded to Mortgagor. If, however, sllch monthly payments shall not be sufficient to pay such <br />ltema when the same shall become due and payable. thl'll the Mortgagvr shall pay to the Mortgagee, as <br />trustee. any amount nef..'essary t.o make up the deficiency within thirty (30) days after writum notice from <br />the Xo~ stating the amount of the defICiency. which notice may be given by mail. If at any time <br />the Mortgagor shall tend!!.r to the :Mortgagee. in accnnlance with the pmvisions of the not(~ s<!Cured <br />hjlNby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the 1I10rtgagee, as trustee, shall, <br />in computing the amount of such indebt.edne&;, Cl'l'liit to the account of the Mortgagor any credit balance <br />aecumulated uud", the pro\'ilJions of ta) of paragraph 2 hen-of. If there shall be a default under any <br />of the provisioll.5of this ~e resulting in a public sale of the premises cow:r('<l hereby, or if the <br />.~ acquil'ell the properly otherwiSl! after default. the 1I10rtgag("!, a.s trusk>e, "hall apply, at the <br />ti~ofthe com~etl'l~llt of sucl1.proceedings, or at the tima the prolll'rty is otherwise acquired, the <br />~..thlm rtl1JI&iuing to eredit the Mort.gagor under (a) of paragraph 2 preeeding, liB a aedit 011 the <br />1~~~UllpaW. and the balance to the principal then remaining unpaid vn said 110te, <br /> <br />4. The lien of this illlltrunW'nt shan remain ineull fOTe'l and dfed during ally lK>st(Xll1emel1t or exten' <br />~tm.ldUwtime of jOllytuent of the indewduc"" or an). pari tber<1o( 5f.!CUn'<l herebj', <br /> <br />i.Hewill llily ;1011 ground r,mta, ta.Xl.'$, a.j!.lWllMlellt8, ""tel' raWs, and otha govC'l:llll1ental or nlunid- <br />Jl:llol(l~l~_ <It' irllJM.l$iik'Illl, levied llpll!l 8IIld pmmi_ and that he will pay all tt'Xes ill"i,,,l "ll(ln this <br />~~w;thi<d"l)t ~\!r.,.ltbueQY, tog(,th",r with allY 'Ither hiXI1S or .ll$iWllllments which ma.y' be levicd <br />l,l~~ltW.llfN(lbruka.l\ MQr!.ll;, or thelllglll hold"r "r ..ain prllldpal note, <'1l11CCount of <br />~bl~..~~).lt wh1.;npaynumt rvtllllllllch iWmll hu therd"!",,, !"X'll Inad,'tmdet (II). {If para- <br />(l'aph :i!~~f, a.nd h<l w.lH f.romptly d.,liver Ih,) ,,/fleiaj r,,,,,"ipllI U",."".J"" t" tll" );fnngagl~. In d<1faull <br />tbt'P>l>tthe Ml>l't~ IMy pay th.) :!IIim,). <br />