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<br />r- <br /> <br />83;...... 002548 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />n1ilrtgl1~e~;wllomatntarns an office and place of bUsiness at _42.LIili:.a:t~ <br />Hall.('~y,Nebraska, <br /> <br />(hereinafter referred to as <br />street in Orand Island, <br /> <br /> <br />This Illortglige inll:de anderik'red into this 31st dayof__ March <br />19~3, by and between MidCOntinent Enterprises, Inc. <br /> <br />(hereinaftef refeitedlo as mortgagor) andComtrterclalNational Bank and TrusfCon1pany <br /> <br />Wl~ff, that for the consideration hereinafter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />dOes. heteby mortgage,sell. grant. assign. and convey unto the mortgagee. its successors and assigns, all of thelol- <br />lilwlll8describedptopetty situated and being in the CoUnty of Hall <br />Stale of Nebn\lka. <br /> <br />wt Twenty TWo (22), Block Seven (7), Unit One (1) Continental Gardens, <br />an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska <br /> <br />together Wilh all tile lenemellt> and appunenarK'es ther,,1O bel"nging, dU !h~ r~llt'. '''lit"> and pr"rilS theroof, and all <br />_1$. rigllt~. royalti$, mineral. oii and sa. rights and profils. wat~r, water rights. and water slock, and induding <br />all h<lating. plumbing, r"friJ!eralion, lighlinll. ~qllipn",'" and aU fixtur"" of "wry descriPtion belonging to the <br />mortgagor now Of hereafter alla.:hed therelo Of USftI !!l cvnne..;uc>t1 wnh the premist's h"rein described and in addition <br />thereto tile foi!O\.illll descnbe.:ll'fOp"rties Whh;h ;m.' and 'hall be d~""ll1ed to be iixture, and a part of the rcally', and <br />are a portion of tile _'utity f(>r lhe m<4-\>tednes" herem ,tatro. (If none, 'tal<' "none") <br /> <br />Tohav" andlQ hold tile same u1l10 the Morlg;\lI<<. lIS helem prOVIded: <br /> <br />ThemortWOf is Jawfully seiled and jl\"",,>>'ed of and has the right to sell and convey 'aid property; that the <br />same i$ free from all e!ll:umbranc\'S except as hereinabove redlt'\!; and that 1\10ngagOl covenants to warranl and <br />dd'eA<.lthe title aforesaid tllel~O and ever) part therrof agamst rhe <:Ialms of all penollS whomsoever. <br /> <br />TlW;ia\trum'lnt is lJ.iven 10 secure tile payment ()f a promtssory note dated ,._...~:':.~~_l!-LJ:.~,~3__.. ...,...__ <br />in tl'tc primipa.l ~um of S_~...Q!L___..__._,_,~_,_, ,igned by__, , Glenn R. Wilson,,--,;r.r ..____,__,.._..., <br />in .bcltal[.Qf --,--,---,-Mi.lLC9..l1.~~!UMjd.~_I~_... _.'__,._,.,_.__,_,_,__,~" ......____.. <br /> <br />alsQ, 2$~noo~ or notes may from lime to time be modified, renewed or extended in "'Tiling. <br /> <br />In the .evt!littbe tide to SlIid r~ ~ll: is trllll$ferred. or cootracted 10 be transferred, from the undersigned for any <br />~.or by. my melhQd wh!lrsoever. lbe entire principal sum and accrued imeresuhall at once become due and <br />pIil~at lbe. decti<;m of t\1l;hukier hereoL Failure 10 exercise tbis OPtion be<:ause of transfer of lille as above Slated <br />~. Q:IlCl~ ~ JlOtCOfl$titule a "'1liver of the righllO exercise the >ame in the event of any subsequent trail. fer . <br /> <br />l. TllJIHllQr"OfCQvenantsand 83rees u follows: <br /> <br />a...rQ~lYpay lhe illdebl~ness evide!ll:N by said promissory nOleat the time.;; and ill lhe manner <br />l~pt&\'_ <br /> <br />b,Tlit pay al.llal!~. "~lIl<mu,Water tates, and other governmemal or Iflllni'''pal charlles, fine" ," <br />~iom.f""wW\:h.prqvllliollha!; !l4tbe."n madehereinbeJore. and wll!pmmplly deliver the "Hidal !"cccip" <br />lbetmntQ.lbe .~mprI3~, <br /> <br />,"~Tl'>PlIY~lt'>ie~~ .<100. f_~~ may hemeurred in lhe pt91t';<'lion anti mailllcmlll,e of ,!lid propem. <br />~~ber_Vr.lUIY.llIlorli4lY ~PIDyN by tilt; morl~fOl" the coll<<tiorl "~I allY nt.aU of tile indeblednes, <br />~ ~4lf~,. Of fOl:C-ki{iSut~ hy m!1ff,~f;(:'5 ~-aJe.1 t~r: l.,':;MJfl procce,.H'#tg'S" or m ,>>n~'- (l-d~{"l hfJ~Juion m rthJ\'('""~diHg <br />aff<<\i&g .'ai4I"Nrcfl) , <br />