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<br />,r <br /> <br /> <br />83....o0'2:l) 4 3 <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />TIfTS INDEN'rUltE, ....... thlo~JJ~j:JL__~,,_,__,__ day of _J1~,_ <br />--JjAgREl.k~IlJ).AM-MJ.:,,_..PEN8SCs.J:ll.!SB-AliILAmUME <br /> <br />of .". Ha 11 .. C<>Wlly. Nebnska. os "'OTIlllIior ~". and Home federal,.and loan Association <>f Gtandlsl8D!l;a COIJ1Oi'a!ionc <br />llI'....izod .Ild.xisting under the raws of the United Su"rs of America wnh it. principal <>ffiC' and place of business at Grand Island, N~raska; as <br />~ <br /> <br />WITNESSETH: That sai<l"","_ ~__ for and in considmnion of the 'urn of S EVEN TH()IISANnTWOHIINn~FO' <br /> <br />-~ nolI ARS AND :.8QtlDO...-"-,,=-"-"=,,='=-=-""-=-----....~llapJ~: '7:~,~,80 }. <br /> <br />the r<<-eipt of which is hhcby a-c~. do ____~___~_,__~_ by th~ Pre!lents-mo~t~e an~i~UIlt~-said mO~_~~i~ s~'and amps~' <br />Hal t', "-. <br /> <br />forever, aU the foOowing ~jbed rea.! estalt:, ~ituattd in tlk County of <br />Aitd StiU-eQf Nebruka. Ii>--Vt'lt: <br /> <br />LOT SEVEN (7) IN BLOCK SIXTEEN (16), IN WALLICH'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br /> <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br /> <br />Totloet.h. -..lth..U tre.u~. ~H {"-ondi:lW~, ll_tni~, iiftd ~r~lJmb~ .....ujpm~nt and f:.xh.ID..'~. :ndudm~ "nt't'"n~, I.lwninJ(s, stl)fnl \It,.induws und <br />doors. and window ,~hadN orhhnd#:. u~ oour In i:onntl(;tJon ..ilh:'j;au1 f~NJ~..rty.>tfrer lOt> ~liWlt' tift' n~}w lo('.at~ Oil ~K.i pro(Ho'fty or ht'n~1ll~r <br />p1.c.!d ,he,...", <br /> <br />TO UA VE- ANlJ 'f'(} HOLO THE SAME. to~.oo, yqlh a.H and ...lllguUtl lfw ~,dll'n't:'tll;o>. Iw~i1t~I1Wflb IUlli ap~)Urtt'l\Unt~~ tht>trtwto hf', <br /> <br />ioft&j.ftg, (;c in anywu. .~in<<. Wn-v.N"~ and. ......rfiaut d~ litko t-~) {h~ ~<\mt" 7\lud m(}t~J:tgVt S hio'-.f1!by nwenanl with "nul <br />~ tb.a~ t Iw y- are at tile Udl\..~ry h~U.",}f, I ~ i.av.tul ""l"~! S d th~ t-H"I'm!~ a.h~n,t'! ("on>,{~.)'t>d und di's('nl,w.(f. <br />And~, ,~- ar.e ~ of. ~ And ~iblt1' ~tat.-. of mhe-nt"Mi;" t~n~ifi. f~ lS.nU d~ !.f ail t'ocumhraoct;\s. uud thitl t__ h~jL Wilt <br />~t and detead. t~ tide thereto f~"-"@Cf ~ tfw d.ililH.... MKl dtmulOd:!io uf aU J>>!i 'Ji' 4om&(~ver <br />~"lnED ALWAYS.4ndth.."",~ ..""",,,,.,.j and d.hv..od '" '"",re the pay.",,", of ,..",,,,,,l . SEVEN TItOlJSJ~ND, <br />";;.~H~~g~ NINETY-EIGHT [)QLLARS AND 80/100 -----------1'\.,"''''$ 7,298.80 <br /> <br />I <br />~~ t.bHe(m, ~ -u.h 6"uch ".... and;:-t'~.~ ma)" he dWJ 4ntl jUl}ahif' to) ~llid 1Th:.>ngut{t"t' Ufi(}er tht' :;Ntns and ~.mditJons <br /> <br />~ ~ note ("f t"'!'e.n date ~wu"n.nd !t,t;(.:urlc'ti Fwft'h.L e:l;et.'"U~ b", ~<uJ mnrt~a~fif S tn ~ald moJrt~itt{vtJ. paji.ahif;' as expn:'~M.'<.i <br />i\.84i4 not4:... to ~ u.c-~~ of aU th~ ~lU .nd co-w.httons cont-.wOld tt;~reUl" The Wtlfi!\ of Mid n'oware hereby in(l)l"pOnHt'tJ <br />~ by tbia --., . <br /> <br />It is tIaie AI1WI1W:tI~, of ~be ptit~ htlr<<oo thu tr~ mor~1(e .'!ha1i .tMl -8l."Cure aO,.',- fUlU~ luh'.r~.J:s m.d~ lo s.\lid mort~ugvr " S <br /> <br />h)' Ald~. And an)' .nd all indebtadn~ Ul .ddlltUh to l-M .altTh)\;nt jl{>o:,.,;t> ~ti\t(:-d whidl ~lud rnon.guf{on. or any of, ma.y \iWt,' tu <br />_lei ~, OO-Yf'e....ifl' ",vidtlR~, wh<<bfi by note. ~k BCl'{)uni tiT oth~wt.;'f.~ rhi... thuttglilge 10haU f't'IlUlin in fuU ti:JfCtr and t\ffOCl ht..twl't'n <br />'-bel ~ berew and lheu- hein.. penonal rt!p~taUves. io,"U.I.X.:c~~ ilnd .~.$~I;, unw .all llJnnunts sn-Uf'e(l h~~reund...r, IOdudlnR futun' <br /> are: paid in hill with lnl.e<<tSt. <br /> <br />The ~ ..s.."~. heRby ~ to liatc.l mo...'1..g~ aU re.nt.$ ;lnd Ult.:OlM at'lsing .at any and aU (UlI(>:j from snid pWJit'n,y ;:tnt! <br />heftb) au~ said.. rno~ or its,. lit its o.plW.u, UVO-n dd;tult. to I..'ha.rgr, of property and collect ajJ rents and i.nn.J/T1l:: <br />~ :aDd..~ t.llC! ~ tQ t-ht pa.ymect oi in~l. r,lnncipall. InSU~ pmnUUnl5, UUe~, a5St.<ssm~nt..,.. repairs or impruVf'lTlCllb <br />--"lA~aaid~7 ia~ooadJtjon. or "'oUter thaT_or pIO)''''''''''Il'''''i<JOO 1m- hereio ur in thellOt~h",cl>y' _unxi. Th" <br />.rent ~:lahall.(~ in force- until the- u.npaid ba.1ance of Hid oat*- i.s hilly pu,id. The taking of po~~&'ijVfj ht,'n,-under ~haB ill nn m3nnt'r <br />~tmt or ~ M1d mo~ m the wUection (,f did 5'\UlU\ by fonx:lO$uH! Ot vtWw;$C', <br /> <br />] <br /> <br /> <br />1'De'WUnrofthe~ to MS(ftt.any of-m Tighu Be-1flI1"Aet, at !lAY time ~hall nut br. eoustruoo 8!O: it WiIl:iver ofi1.a right t.o Ol.,..8(~rt. th~.~,tlt #:DY. t\u1.t. aud to insiIt tlpon <br /> and en.fOff.~~ ':Otnct C:Offipi1a.ncti' with all tJ..,M ter:m.b anti prvlfi:->itm~, of ~1'utll1ok a.nd uf iJ!1~ nltm.~agt' <br /> <br />Jf~~r;. S ~<*l,UWtobep-.ld w ~ n~ee-tM~n.ill1: afnUtlnt tilleR hereund~(, and undt't t.lw h!mt.... dnd pnn'lslt:ms <br />Qi 1iCte ~ ~,. i~-futl.U'e ad,,~~ and any ~t.eusi:vn15 ill ~.li15 l~roof in !i(:(,'">t' ~J,lh the term:;, and provi;,>um~ <br /> <br />~''' ~..~.. .Bho.]l <:flO>Ply ..oth 011 the 1>"<'"'''''''' of aaid note ODd. nf this mortgug"., then these _",,1."; ,hall lx, ,,,"I. <br />~CQ.~~fd-fotat...~~ud.sPi~$bail~emit.1od..tQ.tlm po~t.'Ie$sion OIIlH ()f sajd P,.o~)>.lt.lUj may. at jL'i t~ltton, <br />~.... ~of~~_..a ~1l.o':;.t"...._.. ~ -.or "'!to unmedia.teiy duo ",ui p<\y.b",. and .....y hm,<loselru. "'''<"4l''>t'' <br />......1!>tM .~lA ~ .Ra. ficllt. Awra- ..1IiV<>d <br /> <br />~.~... bit ~,\i'pOD. sball el)QrtI to' Uie btt.nefit. t'tI. the h~~ ~'&.et.'\it,(, a.dmuu#lraturs. .suC".('~$Vrtl and ~"'ign~ Itf th-t. <br />~'~horfi(>, <br /> <br />S ha V!t """"',>1,) ..., t~~r h.,.I:;; _ tlw "Fl"",j Y"" n"t ."", " <br /> <br /> <br />PAMELA~~ .;1. . ~[}(ut .. <br /> <br />. Wl1'N1lSS Wll&ltlIDf~~)I' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />J <br /> <br />--.. <br />