<br />
<br />
<br />r--
<br />
<br />
<br />1~UIlVIVOIl8HIP WARRANTY OIEED (Revi..d 1941)
<br />
<br />The Htdfatan Oener.d Supply llome, Lincoln. N.eb:r.
<br />
<br />
<br />JoAnn K. Oseka and Haymond A. Oseka,
<br />as spouse of the other
<br />
<br />
<br />in ("A>:uBideratiun of Thtrty-e.i.g:b.t thousand a-nd
<br />
<br />O(j i(::11~1,j:,s
<br />
<br />($;8 ,0eo.00)
<br />
<br />r~l'Ivt'dtiiun grllnt.ees, dot'll gUilt, l:iargllin, scll oonvey and c<mfirm uuto ~::el1y ,J. Nossman and
<br />
<br />Bretlda. G .,- }'&OBsman t dus-band and \tfj. fe-
<br />
<br />it!< j",ntc tenanh with rigbt "t sunj"yr;;hip, and not M t..nimts in eQIDmon. the following described real propeJ-tyin
<br />Hall CountYf ,NebrEi.slt-a Lot :6, 'Block 13,
<br />
<br />College j'i,ddi -cion t,(t.:,:iestlaW1'l ~ Cl ty of' Gr~\nd Island;,
<br />
<br />Hall County ~ ~Iebraska..
<br />
<br />8IA101EN! ATTACHED
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />MAY 2 0 1983
<br />
<br />t ~8y--i=J
<br />
<br />Ttt have l!I..nd t-\'> hold thf' ~i.ho-\'r de,!;:l"rtht'"d pfl~mis{'~ tO~N_her "\v-ith aU t-eut'-me-uu, hereditaments a.nd appur~
<br />tNuul~e-fj th~l"t"to Df!.h:u1$t:ing unto the ~l'1"'arrt~~ aJl(~ tQ tl"wir as...~jgns. 0r tt} the heirs and assigns of th~ survivor -of
<br />t.twm t'nnve-r.
<br />Aud gr.f\nt-ot d{H!~ hf-~h>' C{)V~~Uanl \VIth lbi'~ j.frallt,'..~S ;lHd with th(~lr n,\o!..~ifll1S and with the ht'"irs aud assigns
<br />of {lit." tiurV'fVo'r t~f ~hi'}m 1.blit g'r-a.U!.(tf" vi LiiWfulis 1'-~h{'d -q,( SllHf I-lr~ml*-"S c thllt the',)' ~u'e fr~t'- from eu('umbrance,
<br />
<br />l:;XCfrT; t ea:cem~nt:.:' -:LG\1 :;....f:::~~; tr.i ~; t,j
<br />
<br />:'Pt.,'.!";:
<br />
<br />that ~r'aH-t.or hi1l!!i. gnu>!.! rqdH, .1,nd ~it\,:,t'HJ iH_niwrit,y to- ,>'(Hl'd"}' {hi" ~'(HHt.: llud 1nftt ~r./\ut:or wtlrraHL~ aud win defend;
<br />the tttle- t-~) s4itl p-n-tlUl}-t'!,l'\; a~ftin..."t. l.h.~' lawful dHinl~ of aU pt',f'~nrL" Wn0J'11l\tW\'t\'r.
<br />h t$- tb~ inh~n~i9H t~f aH p-at'lh~'~ h~r-ptH thff.-l In tfH' f~'f'l:"nt of th~ ,ltlath ui" t>Jther of the ~rant~es. the t~Iltire
<br />f-e'i~ ~i-mpit: ti-tlf!- to- Uw n-'ft,J "'.stJltt- ",haU ~~~!!i~ l;h thf' .liUl"VIVttl!l ~r-itnt~,
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<br />ll~t",l
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<br />~TJ3.J
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<br />19
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<br />f '{tt /)1 . /!J
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<br />STATE 01", il..:.lm~qK<~
<br />
<br />. t 'ount)' ~)f, ~'l~.:\~ ,1..
<br />
<br />l$tJQt"e mt"'~ 11 bQ-ta.f)~ pnbhe. 'lWlhfi~"!d ft}f said (~ount.y, pen.<maUy (~.alUt"" IJ OAnn K. Cseka and
<br />Raymond A. Osaka. each in her and his own right and as spouse of the
<br />other
<br />
<br />
<br />to ~ tli h<!~" ld~ntiell{. penwn !,. per...",. w"o sigll.d the foregoiug i""trIlID"nt Ilnd ""know ledged the
<br />"1<~llii"nth~tUtbe hla, hl!'l" (\I' t1!....iJ: 1<oluntiU')' at( alld deed,
<br />
<br />, . /?,~]#y 2c:.' LP'3
<br />w:~ lDJ' bllBd ud oo\Uw ""al on. ...",' ~. /. ..:, ,I~.. .
<br />~ ;d a ..,
<br />Q/..~..lU' ~~~ ..Notary Publie
<br />
<br />Mno!>,misaiuu el~pirllS. . -1:-:i!:~-::.;$" l~~.
<br />
<br />to.r record III
<br />
<br />c, At.,.,..,
<br />
<br />the liegu,tl\t of Illledll Office of said
<br />." 'el4llk ud..., ,minul.<lII
<br />,.atpage.. .
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<br />Cuunty the
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<br />&..11'. of r~lI
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