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<br />r <br /> <br />...,.........-.. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />MORTGAGE <br /> <br />83- lJ02523 <br /> <br />THIS INDENTURE. ....... thiL__.._,_.._ 10th <br /> <br />day of ___ Milt <br /> <br />, 19 83 ,by and between <br /> <br />~PJitLJ.lP-1...;-SM11J:LAND.,VlRGIN1AA.c.SMlIH..-HUSBAtill_.ANO__1lif.L___.. <br /> <br />at ltAI.l _ County. Nebt.ash, iU _..s,__~__. and Homt' Federal Savings: and Loan Association of Grand bland. a corporation <br />OtPRized and m:stinl under the law~ of the United States of Amm.:-a with irs. prindpa-l office and place of business at Grand lsland, Nebra.'ika. as <br />~ <br /> <br />WlTNI!.~ETH: Tha.wdtMttll"sor __5____.____. it" and in c<>nsider.,ionoflh<'umof____S I X THQUSAND .-sEVEN HU.MPREIL <br /> <br />~ THI B TY SEV~!LQQ,lLAR~ AN{L41J.LLQP__::-_::.::-_~:_::_:.:::..:~:::-=_:::::.::.:-=-~::::::_._Dona" (L__Q~L31AO______). <br /> <br />tMreceipl of wbicb" l>ff<by aclmowledscd. do ,___" _._._. <br /> <br />_ __. b-y the$e ~nl~ morlgage-.and warrant unto uid fUortgagre.. its successors and asSigns, <br /> <br />(orever. aUth~ fotkootlJ dacri-bed: r-eat eMiIIIe, sitmu~ If! the CoUnty of JiALL_ <br />and State-of ~k:a. f()-w1t; <br /> <br />LOT SIX (6) IN BLOCK TWO (2) IN DALE ROUSH SECOND SUBDIVISION IN SECTION 14, <br /> <br />TOWNSHIP 11 NORTH, RANGE 10 WEST OF THE SIXTH P.M. <br /> <br />'t~twt with aU ~ung. AU cond.ti}t)UUlit. ilghut'oj{. Mnd lwmhuIg ~lUlpm~lt .fmd hXLuM'.'.. m(~!udlfl.,tl; "fn't"'n~. a.....nm~~, 8tonll wmdows and <br />~,and _tnduw a~(Jt blind"", \.l~o.n Df ffi-t'm.i/.1e<:H!Hl g,,-tU,< '<Ilxi prnpt'..rt" V\-lwther tht- SdilWil!'1' nnw k.o!.ttcd un ~uut propt'rty or heY1.1tlft.'.( <br />pl......J,-... <br /> <br />TO HAVE; AND T() HOLD THE SAMt:, f<~hrl.....l:t.h ~i .,kl ~u~ulM ~l'<t- l.-t'Ut>lndlts. h('redtltln"-,nl~ and :af.-'putt+!rmJ\n~ ther~unto lw. <br /> <br />km.&Klg. -().r u'l a.nywi,~ ~~, ~et, l1nd ""_ffAtlt !.b<! I,t~ to tilt'" ~lllO<~ ~itid n1l>f~~fr{{:'f S hen,'hy ~"~venant wuh ....lid <br /> <br />mon;.g~ t~ t~y are at, tfm d,",h",~f') her~)L t~ la..-iui t!Wfl'rtf S ,;1 tht> pr"\"ml~;"" at.l(.ve "'.I.>ilV~!Yt.xt and dl;'S4.'rih~od. <br /> <br />and are,~.qf g good ~ i~'l'I'i.d.b'~ d !fl~fU-4tK~' t~N'i;'L ~!"1:'t> lind dt:>M tif aU ~,,)f_~umbJ'~o{'i:'_~_ th.llL t twy .....ill <br />Wert.l\'i-i)t, 4nd ~ tbt--4tle t~ fCN'\'t'f ag-aillst ttft!- dauI'\" ;!\.~i ilton~ad5 of ./Ill per~"J.fiS ,*h.fUll-'~'Ot'...~t <br /> <br />?Hl}\'~ nt;(~ Ai. W A "3. "oo.l-h~ i:Ni~pi. '-S ,:x~-1i:{.t"d -itt"i1 {~h",-t!'f~ tiJ ~:....A; t-ht' !rity-Hffi-f..l HI th... ",> ,A <br /> <br />S I X THOl!S.A.ND <br /> <br /> <br />5EY.tR H.UND.RErLTHIRTY SEVfJLDOlLARS AND 401100 ---- nun.".$ 6.737.40 I <br />with t~ t.btNQth t~r with such <::hatv~ .r.J. ......V<:tfH'.Mo IU U'hl)' l~ Cw ...t\tI f'rt,yill,k' to sati(l n'k.rtg1\~ uoo~ th... tl.nn~ and ('Ondlthm~ <br /> <br />of t.hl; ~ l"OW ~d -"'t!ofl, ~ lIlnd ~'Ut~ ~u.(JY, i'J,.\K.UUt!t1 hy ,,~! IrWf"4(it~,ors to ~.llold lTl~)I'tgillg~~. pl),)'dbtt' ll-" t''\pH'~S4-tl <br />in sakti,rxu~ &ad fA) MIC:Uft..ttt. pitf~ oJ all t.h~ tennA litlJ n;.nd-"t.k~ ('O.nt4U1tJti ll-,t:tetfi, T~ {,t;uns of t>NluJ fl-HW iut~ hereiJs inOifl--k>rAt.t'fi <br />honm by _ ___, <br /> <br />h 11 t.htt ~ and ~ oJ: l.t. p&rttee ~(. that tt-~ fUo,.lfttt:4gt; SM.t.l ah.o k<;:U<<S any {utUH!' advaru;e$ made tn ni()rtJ.{Ilt(m- ~ <br /> <br />, by' $Aid mQrtP&W! and. *Oy..~.Il ~ I.n addtt\.(jO tv thti: a.n1(~Unt .!.'V\"(- ~'>t..~ 'o1ihk:'t~ ~W 1l\iH"lgagors. Of any of them, may Owe tu <br />.;d ~. ho..vv~ ~'\'~. whet.httr u) ~e, bouk tu.:~uunt. '.'f \lth~""~ Thi.!> rnotti&!it{t: ...hall n':lilti-ill in full fUf\'.t. and ('ffoct IwLwt'tm <br />the J~ ~ and lbelir nwN-.. ~ r~tJiluvt'~. ~U(::('Ii".s-k)fS and a~),;1j(ns.. llnw.i aU iUil1lUt1b :-;ec.:UtOO h\'ireundec mdudillir: futurt-' <br />..we_, "'" paid in n.C "lIb "'_. <br /> <br />'f'bc mort~ ,_S_~ ~b)< 0Alp to ~!d ni(.l-r~ a.ll renl.i- and il'lL'OiTW Mt8ing at any and aU ltllil.1lti front Sllld Jlmpt'rLY <tmi <br />hePtby tW~ Mid mor\~ Qf fLit ~.. at :l.~ l:.p~m, up(m defaule t.o. t$k~ dU&.tI(~ (}f 5-&id p~ty 400 Ct..U~t all r-enl~ and HlCHU:lt' <br />tiwld~ acd ~.)' Uw,. ~ w tlw pe.YlnIi!nt. uf inl..t!rest. t)t'Hli'JpaU. in-:i.unu~ pre-nUUlliS. taxe~, aS~jj.;IjorlWI;Iu;.. ('(<..>(tiT:\- Uf' impHn.-ti'IlH.'t1I..::- <br />~;to......~y IA~~. i'tJ: tQuthftr cha...-~ 0(" -p*-yffitlntS p(I)'l.,'ki~ lor ~U\ ur Ul tbe note- he:r\:'hy SOCUn-i-I. 'rbil'.< <br />t'IHIt ~ dall CllIOtIaUlIf i:P- ,forat-UGUl tile WlpGUd ~ O'f u.Ki [)(~ IS fully poid. Th... t.Jiking of pt,)~kin iwreundff shaH in nu manrl-t.'t <br />........em. Of ~. ~ in Uwc c~ 'Ill s8J.d:lutnS b)' fOt"oci~ute VI ol~l8t'. <br /> <br />The- ttiJure Of the ~ W.asaen _ny of it4 right~ ~ ilt any ti~ :jj:belJ not 00 cootd.r'Ued a wlliv-et' nf its ri-g'ht to a.s~ ihf! <br />~,ll4 -0\0,7.-- tmW, aad to icuWt u.pau ~ I!Afuc~. f!ttu:t 'n:~~t'! w~th .it t~ tt"Utrb and pro"'i...i(~fl$ nJ ~i:d n<;){e And uf th1S rnortgagt', <br /> <br />it uJ;d.,~",S t:baD (~t;Q be pajd to ~ tnortpgult.l-he ~tire aiMUnL dUt!- it hereund~.r. and unJ~ the h'OtIS and pl\)\'i-s-jout:> <br />t4 ~ ~ ~ ~. _Aadmc-futl.u'e dvlil)(:tMi-, !iM .n,. e1~~ Of re-ne"".(tts thl'ttwf in il\"{'{~d!Jn<:J: with lM t.f'.rm~ aoo\'i."f.w,m~ <br /> <br />~~.. if..w.,~ ,_~,S~" dIaU.(UDply with-aU tht> pnJ-liBio:JUI \'tf Mid Il(JU:> and Qf thi.. ~u t~ Pf'~ lfh#lI h~ "'Hid; <br />~tA>~ .iaNlllo<"!l u4~IDI1_ ~ .w.lllio .ntiu..! It> tbe"'........... 01 oll (>f said I"''fl',rty. .od ...ay> .t, it. '1",lUfi. <br />~!li!f~"<<""_u4oll ~...... ~ tbore\>y w... i_....1y d.... ond payahl<>, "..j may r""",u- Ut.. n~"'''llj('' <br />"'........, ..u.,.loc<ll.....,1<> ~ lllo n,hl.. Ap__"~od <br /> <br />~~""be~-tapQGUd.!tballw~.t(j tbEo.bcmeftt,rn the haini. i'-I~lWtS, ftdmi-ni$t-fQtm':\i, ,!i-l.lCt;'{'$-,,~}f"l'; al14 .~*i,g:m t){ tht: <br />~.....~.., <br /> <br />Wlt&llfIQf'. _~.. S _ Iut <br /> <br />_ 7"(::>,,, ..,q'~~- <br />... "~:J:,<l'fj,, <br /> <br />v,e -..,,... t~ir hantS .,. tho d; ar~l /j I"" <br />'j Ff ..', ,J r,'1 c.~/'. <br />i/ -' . ~~:' ~!Itf~.::..j ,<Y: ~/~,fAt:.~ __...., ..j. <br />f."V_fA'A~ISMI fH-"'~".'.".'..'..' .-. <br /> <br />ab-n\'\' <br />