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<br />--. ... -.-.---------.----.----"---------83......J 62 521-- <br />.now au jIIen lap Q;best. l}tt'tnt., That. W""-. In an odion in /he Di<floit;1 Courl of /he <br />EleV'~~E!:>_.__.__,_.Judit;iaI Dilfloid oflk SI4k of Nelnvulla. ..iJJIin andJor /he Couniy <ifm'm___m._.,.,R!~)J.h_n'___nm__.hn_'." wheN!in <br />Cbnnji~r!.c_a.;I._.F..~<:l_~r:.ll.1.,. S.l3,y!.n..8~_.~ji_h~'?_,..l?'J:!'?15.2.~,!_?!::L.'J.n..LA_,~g:rp.,Qt:?.~.~.Qn.,._.,._...._,_"___h.._...plo.iniiff--. ond <br />~!'hl!J,~L1,_,J~.~t.~I\'.LJ3Mtl&,~LK.__J~gt!l1~T~....ngt..tL..,_.__,_..___ n_'.'_'.__,__.. _ 'h...n" <br />at tIW.c2~!.:!ll.r.Y.h.fJIl5,L.m___u Term. A. D; 19u~U, oj .aid eour/S;Q!P.!\!~J:.:i,!;;<!),m.f.ggg..!ltJ?J~,!'Lg,mLJ,Qi!JLA!?,!3.9.C. <br />did obtain II detmfinding Uuillllen iI ~fronL-9-<gI?lQ...1".J1!"Jme.J:fi,.u-J.<!!:fi,.,.he..t<\1,. <br />..h,!;Ql!!l!l.€f:r:h~iU__..f.g9.!"J:.?I,_.S.g.y.;!l.___?X!g.._L.Q.l!.ll..Ass.Q,ciat.iQJL Ih. .um <br />cf'l'ytenJ;Y..hTI:t;:~1LIhg,~$,S!!gh"J"'_JJJ_l!,1,l.e!;y_hQng .iJJ1.4 At/toO n_C$2J~.fj9J.AZL.. h ... dollar., <br /> <br />and -. oj mil ia:ud ai, .J':,?J;J;Y.J~h.ge_!;\lld_9QllQO.. LiiA 3..90L ,.ndollors. and. wh./"e&, iI um /hen and Ihm <br />JIU'IIIu ordned in 1M roid ""lion /hal in deJanU oj ih. paymeni of Ii", sum so found due by /he sa<<L~",J:".t<;l'hk.,.._Jt.e.J!!!'?E~_n_L <br />h.J,.,,,,i.E_,,,,!(.~,,,:L.mer:l5.L"'.~.,,~., _ n. ../hal ... ,J;.hil..Jefi''')''nf.i!:l,TQ!ll}!sfi_ <br /> <br />Shuiff oj roid County <ifh..,n . <br /> <br />.,.ll,all <br /> <br />. should cauu ~ lands and /t!nemerUs hereinafter de.w:,.i~d to be <br /> <br />atlr;n(iW- G11d .told aceot'ding 10 law to pay the same, and. u.herms. dt'jaullluwing ~n matk! therein. the midn. <br />.Gh."rl"'!:l,.f".,X"Jxhi!nk$, , Sheriff of .oid <<mniy, under ond by cirlur of Ihe _,aid Jeeref! and <br /> <br />/heorrhr oJ"'" 10 him duly direelrd. did on /he,., 20 t t! <br /> <br />at tM'.mtQY~;r;_._19PJ;)y ~(>j tM CounJy Court l{ou.\C m tl~ <br /> <br />doyo!u u ApJ;::i.l...uA. D. 19Jrl. <br /> <br />.uCity 4- ..GLand., <br /> <br />in $Oid County of. - ..Ha.ll.. . hf1fJinq }u&i groen d~ and kgal notice of the lime and pl(}.Cc of said .sale <br />by publiroiioo (Hl('t' in ffl-Ch u"ffk fol' fWtr S'U'i~s,~i:rt' li'N'k.., m Ow _~!.~.~~:J. uI~J.?}.lfi_D.~JJy_~~~_':_~+:.~~?~F1~~,. prinled and in ge~ral <br />cireuiDiiDn in roid County of. .,. Ua.ll,. u .u u ..Ii said perm".. 01 pub& aue/ion <br />.X~:!'CJCll.1..S,,:vi?Rs., and Loan Assoc:i.".l:~on fw-/he 10m of..J.'K~!1.!;y.,uSe\'''nnt\1'Q.\!!?i!!14uThrgJ~u <br />_!I,~c:l'::",,<I. Seventy. Two ($XZ,)}2 ,.Q()) u u u,. .doli",... wbir:b "'" ""-' aftmrord allk ,)",n, nl.!:l.Lu]erm oj lOid <<,url. <br />A, D" 19uh~)' aamimd and <<rnfinmd and L"" ",ilL,..., ., uC.haJ:l,es. L fairJ:umks S!lel. Sheriff, ordered <br />COllunericCll Federal Savings and LOCln Association <br /> <br />/0 _/he",id pmniu. in Jre .impk w /l", .aid.. <br />Jeb3tu ~trtfort, I.P~.uid, <br /> <br />..... ,JI~.l1 <br /> <br />Cb.arl~...E. Fairhanks <br /> <br />. Sheriff of Ill. County oj <br /> <br />._" W' aJON!Mud-. in cQTU-id~NJlwn oj /ht! plYmi:<<s and by nlrlue of lhe jXnJ.V"J'$ tY:-skd in ITU': by law and the <br /> <br />.u.- of .aid oourl. do hereby C..... GNUd and el......" In 1M ...iIL.. C,'!mn~d<,;(tL.F.,u; iJ.Y:lns!? . iln.4.I&an <br /> <br />.A!:lSO;::hi:!,, ~ and =ig.... lhe $O/d.lo wit: <br />L,()~Ien.. (10) ,in Block One (J), iti ~l..,v..,'s nrgAddition <br /> <br />, . J;,(L.tbJ;. Cit)L of G.rao.d.lsland"..J:Lall.. Cmmty, ::lebraska <br /> <br />~ """'Ett"f ATIACl-IW <br />",TA,,-"" <br />\ NEBRASKA ooCUMENTARY <br />... .. . $'f1lMP'TA:X <br /> <br />... . MAY 2 uJ9ftJ <br />$~--5fLd <br /> <br />0;0 "abt llub to .olb tbt &ame <br /> <br />with ihe appurl-r-nuJlal. <br /> <br />unio 1M ..wi, .. . COJlllllericaL.FederaLSa:vinJ;lL.and.. <br />__,,_Loan_~!!EsJ._~l:!.g!:\.....'m... ...._..~and =ig",. and to them and 1Mii' use and belwoJ Joreoer, <br />In ~t.i1llOUP l>>btrrof, 1...... IU .uch Shuif!. I>erounio ,,,I my luuid Ii/;,._.., 1 It!l ., ... day of <br />___m l:\ay, .A.D"19_..~;Jm~~~..n <br /> <br /> <br />Sheriff <if._............ n"' .....County. Nebtwlra. <br /> <br />~OIui~intftt:_<if <br /> <br />R. L.Williallls <br />..-....-.....-."..."'.....-.-..., ..---."-'.-.,- <br /> <br />~-~ <br />STATE Q~.NEBRASKA, <br />~~Ii~ H;'11 <br /> <br />."--~~._-_._._--~~-_.,---.__.- <br />-.".~._-~_.._~.~~_..~- <br /> <br />J~ <br /> <br />On IM._._ ......,lLth .... doy of--.. ..JIIi\Y.. <br /> <br />f9.lU.... ""'''''' mo. /he undet.;,-t___.....Jill4J;eLl~, .w'illiams" . <br />in OlldjOl'#I1,id CC<Iniy'. per~ opp<<sHd /he ..<<L...... <br />-'-'--'-' ___'__"'h..".~ll!'l r 1.~_.~:.....F.!!.:!:!E.@~_._..._____.__._hh_SlwiJJ of ...irJ CounJr. <br />to 111&. 1'<".. ..~... ...bolwn w. be tbe~. . pfnOfl who 'iJIn<d. . 1M. 1.000000i"ll Wil'wu.nt... rrontor, <md <br />be.~ tftt: _Ii> be !Ii. ~ <1d and Ihod. IU ""'^ llw:iJJ.f01' u..,..... and J>~ <br />fwtJAuf/orllt. . .... .. '~/' <br />...... ........... . .... ~.RI1I>andan4~~~<md~Jtf '~" <br />..~.. -~+t:l:L..1.-f___.., ..._._....". <br />.... ,; v <br />